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Everything posted by sdgukhsdgl

  1. SEC has FOUR teams in the top 10 of the rankings, pac-10 has one
  2. Cal? see UT game Oregon? Still have not proved anything, win over weak OU team with refs help is not impressive ASU just got destroyed by Cal, see above
  3. lost at home to UF by 1 point on a 4th quarter comeback RAPED Cal at home, what was it 35-0 going into the 4th??
  4. those numbers are great, but outside of USC, name one good team in the Pac 10? I'll be here waiting to laugh at whatever team you come up with
  5. Is there a rule that prevents 3 teams from the same conference from going to BCS games? If not, I would not be surprised to see the SEC get 3 teams between Auburn, UF, LSU, UGA, and UT. If it comes down to an SEC team vs. a BE team for an at large BCS birth, the SEC will get it 9.5/10 times due simply to the draw of the SEC 10 slots 6 for champs (Auburn, USC, OSU, VT, Texas, WVU) Non-Bcs (TCU) Potential at-Large teams more attractive than a BE team (ND, Michigan, Oregon, Oklahoma, UF, LSU, UT, FSU, UGA, Iowa, Clemson) Still say no chance that both UL and WVU make it
  6. What's the date of it? I'm there if humanly possible .......... Really late, between the normal BCS games and the championship game if i remember correctly, so like 1/5 maybe ... which really sucks for students because school is generally starting back up not too long after that
  7. Ah, the wonder of an invention called Google: http://www.masn.tv/ MASN is available to all cable carriers and currently on: DirecTV (Channel 626) [among other local cable outlets] TV Schedule only goes through 10/2... ah, being smart and having other people do the leg work for you...
  8. May as well write Navy in for the Car Care bowl, they have Duke, EMU, Temple, and Army left of on the schedule and only need 3 wins. Hope all 12 fans that go to Toronto for our bowl game enjoy the weather Both UL and WVU will not make BCS games, they play too late in the season to recover from a loss unless the game is 8OT and someone wins by 1. The loss will knock them several spots down the rankings and neither will have the time to jump back up in the rankings.
  9. is MASN a channel that could be picked up on satellite?
  10. Ben looked pretty lost in pass coverage, maybe he should get swapped out for 3rd & long plays. Surely there is a LB/CB/S that can play better pass coverage than that
  11. Sounds like he will be done for most of the season, if he comes back at all. As if the O was not bad enough, now they get a rookie QB! Get Jeff George on the phone :
  12. can't you challenge spots in college? the 3rd down run was clearly a first down
  13. did they blitz at all or did they just drop into a soft zone every time on 3rd down it was pathetic to watch how many times they caught passes across the middle for 10-15 yards
  14. http://www.dps.unc.edu/dps/specialevents/athletics/football.htm how do you tailgate without an open flame and alcohol?? that sounds miserable
  15. not too bad, look like they are around the 20-30 yardline nm, I can't read apparently. Corner of the endzone, looks about where I end up at all the UT games and I like the view.
  16. if not, you and I both are going to be pissed... but, i believe it should be on according ot that schedule
  17. it is being shown nationwide on FSN, ALMOST ALL FSN providers are showing USF Kansas according to the FSN website... scroll down to 7pm http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/schedule
  18. if Grothe runs as much as he does now against Auburn, he will not return in one piece
  19. didnt this kid get a scholarship to kick too? for a scholarship kicker, he should be able to do better than under 35 yards per kick
  20. we are dead last in net punting in the NCAA, that has to change NOW the D can only hold a team so much
  21. If any former QB should be moved to RB it should be Denson
  22. I know what you mean. I tailgated with a friend from UCF. The group I was with was nice, but I was nervous about the other UCF people around. The worst event was when a UCF fan dressed in a kiddie knight outfit came up to me, stuck the sword in my face and screamed "F*** the Bulls, F*** YOU, GO UCF." I was actually scared for that brief moment and then it just bothered me. I was cussed at multiple times, including the ole one finger salute. I'll say again, MOST UCF FANS WEREN'T BAD, but some were just @$$-holes. it's amazing some of the stories I am hearing from USF fans that attended the game about how bad the UCF fans were to them. I had about 10 people in town from UF for the UT game last night and took them all around and were never treated bad at all. Yeah, there was some friendly ribbing going on, but everyone was hanging out and buying each other drinks, nobody really threatening each other or just blatantly screaming expletives. And that was at a REAL rivalry game...
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