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Rabbi Bull

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Everything posted by Rabbi Bull

  1. we have always been a second half team, not too worried right now
  2. the floor is the same one as last year, except its alittle wider to add more spring to it, and the addition of the Big East logo instead of CUSA
  3. 1) Florida State 2) North Carolina and Duke 3) Blackwell or Hall 4) Marlyn, Reggie, or T. Leather (sorry but his facial expressions killed me every game, the man was goofy and could play)
  4. think back to last season when we played Pitt early in the day not sure if it was a 11 or 12 tip off, but i do remember sitting in the student section surrounded by Pitt fans, and barely any students in the section, i'd say fudge the t.v. and play at night, they barely wanted to cover our games during the year, why should we go out of our way to accomodate them?
  5. the lead at halftime was 8 points. the final score was 94-62. its going to be fun to watch Mattis and Solomon out on the court. both guys go all out on the court and don't like to give up any rebounds. They even fought over some. Holmes was good shooting wise, had some good open threes he put down. Also had a good sense of where he was on the court. Melvyn and Buckley both played great, before Melvyn fouled out he played hard and had some good shots. Buckley put up some threes and finished the game with about 14 points. He played good overall, and am looking forward to seeing more of him. Collin needs to be more aggressive and so does Capko, both need to take better control over the team. Collin had some good shots and good passes and had some nice plays on defense. Capko played good defense, if he learned to shoot more and worked on his shot and became comfortable with it, he could be really good, i think he only had 2 points all game from foul shots and missed his only shot. Frane is a big boy, not much i can say that was good about him. he reminded me alittle like Konimba, was very lost at times, but played hard a few times and took it to the hoop a few times. Zaronn looked like he lost alot of weight, looked to be slim and should be back on the court soon, is practice with the team now, can't wait to see what he can do. The refs, SUCKED in the second half, we had guys being pushed down to the court and elbowed and nothing called, but when we do something little and petty we get called for it. Buck got away with one foul when in the beginning of the game he slapped one of the St. Leo guys in the face, wasn't called, but was pretty funny. By far the worst officiating i've seen in along time. Overall we played well together, free throws greatly improved and if we can get a good point guard to step up we will be fine. the team played hard today, they wanted to shut St. Leo up and they did. Great effort by the players and coaches, keep the good work up.
  6. or what happens at pitt and penn state where we start denson over pat and go down early due to turnovers, and when we put in denson again during pitt he throws for an interception when we are down by 3 or 4 points, i say just play with Pat unless hes playing like crap, hes the best qb right now out there, let him play
  7. it was very touching listening to the players and coaches talk about B-Mo, this was my first time ever listening to a chaplain or a pastor, and liked the pastor alot more than the chaplain, the chaplain sounded like one of those guys you see on t.v. who try and get people to convert, otherwise beautifully done, and thanks to the athletic department for putting this together
  8. hopefully we will be fine with collin and capko, they gotta step it up, get better soon Chris
  9. the last part of the article gave me chills for some reason
  10. right was figuring black shirt, black pants and white tie, no jacket too hott outside for it
  11. whats dress for the memorial? guessin nice shirt and a tie?
  12. and wheres the Meineke Car Care Bowl played?
  13. Bullumni if you read the article, it clearly states in it that Connecticut will host the final two rounds of the tournament up at Storrs, and Smazza it says in the article we play Providence whom we haven't played yet
  14. haha, classic names couldn't think of better ones myself
  15. when they pointed towards the #12 sticker they mentioned something to the tune of see you at the crossroads n****
  16. at least they acknowledged B-Mo, gotta give them credit for that. and love the fact that they are wearing a 12 on their helmets in honor of him, didn't realize it was there till they pointed it out, and if they wanna celebrate, let them celebrate they deserved it, with the way they played today
  17. i've had mine since 2001, g-d it feels great to be a student still ;D
  18. not going to disagree that this is a building block year, but from what i saw last night at the scrimmage, howard was a better player than dennis, yes dennis might have experience in the program, but playing wise howard beats him out, and i think he will grasp the program quickly and already has, and will be an clutch player for us
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