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Everything posted by BullDoug

  1. Not monumental...?!  How about cataclyzmic of armagedon proportions?!  Probably not that either.  All's it really is is an inconvenience but it IS the 3rd time in less than a yr.  Is Tampa's TV market that important?  USF will be known as that university that plays on all the holidays.  BTW I like the idea of playing on T'giving in RJS at 12pm with an open week the Sat. before.  Ya know this post is almost to dramatic to post  . While I am not happy about the move it really doesn't affect if I go or not.
  2. BHB I think it will be the opposite. Folks will go out of town or to the beach for the weekend. Drive home early Monday and be tired. Instead of considering walking up & buying a ticket & sitting in the 4 pm heat, they'll just stay home in the A/C, save the money and watch the games on ESPN. I know at my age, by the end of any 3 day weekend I need to chill out and recover for work on Monday or Tuesday. I believe I have presidence here too. It's happened in the past. The rule of thumb is if you can watch the Bulls on the tube, why spend the money. You must consider most posting here are die-hards. Getting that extra 5K in attendance comes from the curious, casual fan. Heck, there may have been holiday weekend issues on Saturday nite. Just look at the Green n Gold game over the Easter weekend.
  3. Sigh...attendance will drop 8-10K to 30K instead of a potential 38.5-40K. BTW there is no reason this game couldn't be televised Sat. nite. The Pitt@USF is a top 5 game maybe top 3 for the labor day w'end. IMO the only positive of playing Monday nite is cash. USF should be getting $350K plus to move this game.
  4. Not a lot of BE teams on that list except UL & UCONN.
  5. Star QBs make close to $70K/season. Most starters make $40K/season which is not to bad for a BA or BS degreed college student right out of school.
  6. The USM loss was the hardest for me to digest.
  7. I'm for a 1n1 vs FSU, GA, GaTech, USC, Clemson, NC, NCState, Wake Forest or Duke.  I would prefer for our Bulls to stay on this side of the Missisippi River and south of the Mason Dixon line. BTW, I'd luv to see GaSouthern on the Bull schedule in RJS. Revengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. Well Lord I want my Bulls to lighten you load. ;D
  8. Makes sense. New BE game and then a a new ACC game. However Pitt@USF would definitely be the first game so we're talking a 3:30 kickoff. That could be good for USF. You know the whole Florida heat thing and all.
  9. I to was worried about the O but I did pick up a positive thought reading the posts here. I believe its safe to say the Bulls are deepest at LB & DL. OL starters probaby have two levels of talent after 6 maybe 7 meaning the over all quality of OL play is definitely below par. It would of been nice to watch 1s on 1s at sometime Sat. but I"m not the HC. I think the Bull D will not lose anything. I'm definitely concerned with the WRs hands. I think Kraky could be a solid No. 2 and will really push PJ hard next yr. Sorry I missed the BBC t'gate. I brought my Dad and he wanted to eat "inside" instead of eating picnic food.
  10. Thanks ET. I am an amatuer at best. I am open to any thing that would make the site more useful to the Bull Nation. I'd like any suggestions for improvem't except killing it. I will try and use my digicam for pics in the fall to post game & USC road trip pics. Also plan on adding conference foe sites for the links page. What would improve the site? Anyone?
  11. Hmmmm, why is my right hand moving my computer mouse in a soft, circle motion? BTW its not "butter". Its "butt-ta" ;D.
  12. About the SEC vs B10, ya hit the nail on the head. Big time consideration needs to be made. Yes, ABC puts up most of the $ for the BCS.
  13. Whose the guy in the middle? It don't look like LRS. An BB assistant?
  14. K_L...I think its obvious that Coach Leavit has taken a page from the success of Coach Bill Snyder K-State and from the wisdom which your own FB HC O'Leary wants to practice.  One tuff game and the rest 2-3 OOCGs being "lightweights" @home.  That's how K-State rose from the ashes of nothing besides chasing JCs. If the UCF's AD wooda recognized & practiced this wisdom early, the Knights would of never of let USF blow by them for a BCS conference.
  15. Read my initial post?  Move to Mad Cow if it deems fit but I put it here so more would see.
  16. My point exactly.  If you haven't seen FMB ya just got to get a hold of a DVD. FMB matches the best of anything SNL (sooo many classics), Friday's (showing my age-The first emergence of Sienfelds Kozmo Krammer), or MAD TV (luv the UBS guy).
  17. I'm posting this here b/c the show was absolutely hilarious and it was a big hit while I was a USF student.  Its a must see for you younger Bulls.
  18. How can he be a clone? The Bull ego maniac (all HC's must be to a pt.) expertise comes from the opposite side of the ball. Not even close. Leavitt is a much more player friendly coach than SS ever dreamed possible.
  19. PJ can do anything that Fisher could do. Fisher should stick to 3rd down RB and WR.
  20. Neither did Leavitt that I noticed. S&R asked him about dividing up the teams and that's all he mentioned QB wise. CJL did say he does not remember as much arguing over a spring game's squad selection before between his assistances.
  21. White:  Banks & Kraky Green:  PJ & Servino per CJL on 1010am CJL also mentioned LBs are looking good.  6 of 'em to be exact.  All benching close to 400 lbs. Also said Kraky had a heckuva spring so far.
  22. FICTIONAL DIALOGUE DATE: Sept. 4, 2004 PLACE: RJS LRS Jr: MattieG...Do u smell that? Matt Groelinger: Yeah man Junior! LRS Jr: What is it? MG: Come on man, uz a 6th yr senior. You know! LRS Jr.: Yea I know! Just makin' sure you do. MG: Lets go get sum. LRS Jr.: When?! MG: After the ball is snapped! Hutt Hutt...Snap MG & LRS Jr: Arrrrrrrgghhhhhh! CRUNCH! CRACK! SNAP! PITT QB: UGGG! UFFFFF! OOHHH CRAP! LRS Jr.: Get some?! MG: Yea Man! LRS Jr.: Taste good?! MG: Freshman QB meat always taste good. Gonna get me some more. LRS Jr.: ME TOO BABEE! ALL NITE LONG!
  23. FWIW  Miami vs FSU is Monday Sept 6.  I definitely prefer Sat nite primetime on ESPN or even TBS.
  24. Linebacker U SOUTH  ;D 2005 LB U & LB U So. will tee off.  Undoubtedly the Nittany Lions will be trampled by the Bulls.
  25. BTW, if the fee does not include a ticket, your talking $480 (2x$25+2x$215) plus food for a couple.  Not sure its economical.  $150 gas & $200 room is $350 at worse plus food with a vechile to drive while in Columbia, SC or the option for a Charleston, SC, Savannah, GA, Augusta, GA or St. Augustine side trip which the Mrs. is hinting about.
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