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Everything posted by CycleBull

  1. It all makes sense now. We have all the top conferences right where we want them. The lagoon is a must build attraction for away team fans. USF probably did a National study to figure out what was needed for a best in class college stadium. Help us Lagoon. You’re our only hope!
  2. I don’t want them to build a lagoon. I hate the idea of them in Florida. Maybe that’s where this idea is coming from? Just thinking outside the box to try to understand.
  3. Aren’t they building another lagoon community in the Tampa area? The people like water. Like I said before, not sure this is the right move. But it’s clearly about capturing people.
  4. Lol. I’m definitely not saying it’s a waste. I’m just thinking about the reason behind this idea. If a stadium was enough to attract fans they wouldn’t be thinking of these interesting add ons.
  5. I hear and understand what you are saying. I’m guessing the drive isn’t the only/main reason young people at USF aren’t interested. Whatever those reasons may be, USF has to look at other ways to capture the hearts and future wallets of students. Not saying this is the correct way to do so.
  6. Sounds like they are trying to attract the generation who isn’t as engaged with college football. Someway they have to attract new fans who will hopefully become long term fans and supporters.
  7. Think about the consumer and not yourself. People are not watching sports the same way. Why build a stadium that doesn’t align with shifts what’s happening. I posted a link to a podcast that discussed that shift. Bigger is not always better!
  8. Greed? Sounds like you think he was meant to stay at this level or coaching? He left for a better opportunity and then his dream job. Not all people want to be complacent!
  9. Did they serve beer on campus when you were there?
  10. With as many transfers we’ve had (some good and bad), you would think that they would have been able to drive productive change. Why have they not been successful here? It’s a process of elimination and analysis. Fans tend to stick to the same points not opening their eyes to the actual problems. Until I see major changes at the offensive line I will not be able to talk crap about these QBs. I hope GB can run his ass off.
  11. Look at that offensive line. Man he had time to throw the ball. Did y’all see the separation the wide receivers had? Amazing what a team can do for their quarterback. Amazing what plays can do for a quarterback. Wow. Go Bulls!
  12. Based on what I’ve read and thinking about why they would do this, pretty sure it’s because of the impact Covid had on the 2020 season. They aren’t giving two additional years, it’s only one.
  13. You’ve been here way longer than I have. So no reason for me to take this any further as that reply told me enough. It’s time for this team (men, women, young men, coaches, players, analysts, and etc…) to step up. I was not okay with how Charlie handled his football teams and that man produced more than what we’ve seen. Let’s get players like Weaver the ball and figure out cohesive strategies (sometimes changing/learning/evolving) get us there.
  14. Maybe I’ve never watched football in my lifetime. But in a team sport like football (maybe not at USF because the qb should do everything), the o line should provide some sort of protection while the qb is looking down field to execute play calls. Time and timing are crucial. Do you understand the simplicity of where I’m going? Then if you look at the time our qbs (not just Timmy) had while scrambling and trying to execute, you may get and understanding for what I witnessed. But a USF qb should be able to run unlimited efforts to find that opportunity (sarcasm). Let me know if that makes sense. All in all, we have new leadership. I am open for the plays and opportunities to create space and completions this year. Go Bulls!
  15. Let me know when you get tired of the ole qb runs the entire team bs. Obviously taken to an extreme, but that’s all people moan and groan about. It’s a joke.
  16. To you it may be that, to me it is not. People on this board demanding excellence from a sole player to propel the team is bs. Go back and watch last season and show me how much time the qb had and how much separation our receivers had. I don’t demand excellence, I want to see improvement. Which at times I saw.
  17. Need a o line and better coaching calls to step up.
  18. Check out the Cover 3 podcast titled “Is College Football on the cusp of pay-for-play…”. Interesting perspective they have on what will most likely occur.
  19. Last years UCF game was my first game since being a season ticket holder in 2019. 2019’s crap season, Covid, pregnancy kept us away. We enjoyed every second of being at that game. We will go to some games and may be season ticket holders again.
  20. Totally understand regarding loyalty and small allotments. Don’t really care about the mention. Just offer it to the loyal fans and let it be. That said, maybe only loyal fans would care about tickets being sold at this time. Probably thinking and caring too much as a non season ticket holder.
  21. Yeah, that’s pretty cool. Doesn’t make me want become a season ticket holder again. Such a nice perk when we need to build our fan base back up.
  22. I was watching the Ole Miss spring game and the announcers discussed the Ole Miss strategy for the portal. They only wanted players who were wanted by their previous school.
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