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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. I have lived in both cities and have to admit I like Tampa better as well. San Antonio was a nice change up and the neighborhoods with all large rolling hills was pretty cool. The river walk comparison, SA wins hands down, they have a dome (they can’t play at Tampa Stadium because it is outside?), an NBA stadium and is centrally located. I could give a flip either way, only way I tune in is if the women make the final four which is unlikely.
  2. Actually not a bad place to have it, San Antonio has tons of hotels, The Riverwalk, Alamodome, amusement parks and great weather that time of year. However an intellectual dullard like yourself has probably never been outside of Pasco County.
  3. Great info but some of this makes no sense, anyone that scores 400-499 is moron and no way they would let them into an Academy, they would be destined for failure. 400 is the score if you just sign your name, not sure if you meant a combined of 800-1000 which is still low but makes sense for some of the FB players. I would think a US Senator would have to nominate multiple kids if not each class in theory would only be 100 cadets. Either way congrats to you dad, and thank your son for his service.
  4. ET please phone home, we are worried about you. It appears you went off and got a life and left the rest of us behind.
  5. Being a Bears fan as a kid I knew about Gayle Sayers. NEB used to fly, I ran some track and his times were insane. An older sister got a full ride track scholly offer from KU and would have been up there at the same time. Who knows me and NEB could have been bro in-laws, but highly unlikely she was way out of his league
  6. Yes you need a nomination from a member of the US Congress and the admissions is very challenging. We are preeminent but that is absolutely ridiculous. I know most schools have a lower standards for athletics and an even lower one for BB and FB but this is a 9 year commitment and they don’t have a history of enrolling slugs. One of my sisters works at the USAFA, I will hit her up on some intel.
  7. I had a sister, brother in-law and a niece all graduate from a service academy, USAF. They do relax a tad for Athletics for acceptance but not that much. The classes only have 1500-1800 cadets and they don’t waste those slots on knuckleheads. I call bs on this prep school crap.
  8. Yep, us in a nutshell, we are passionate and not always rationale pretty much like every other die hard fan. Nice take NEB
  9. I am trying to put the first year behind us and was as critical as anyone. I will wait to see what he does this year and decide if we got a diamond in the rough or the corn in our ****. I am optimistic only because I am every year, I don’t like to rely on facts in my hopes and dreams.
  10. Nope, I called the Jim and we decided to have a few morning beers and head over to the arena for the game, hope I didn’t inconvenience you guys. We both have some pull in this town and decided to move the game.
  11. I agree the academic improvement has been steady and I am happy for the University. I graduated many years ago and am much more interested in their sports and any academic victories don’t give me the same rush, to each their own.
  12. Great so we are pretty much irrelevant in both. If you guys really believe we have an academic reputation than you are kidding yourself in an attempt to make yourself feel better about our crappy sports programs. I feel we are currently much better than c in academics but few people outside the I4 corridor know this.
  13. Sorry to hear that Jonesy, hope you get something soon. If our football team was the deciding factor than most of us would be working at McDonald’s.
  14. Everybody loved LRS including me but I remember hearing that he was not committed to putting in the time necessary, he was more of a figurehead. Some of it I am sure had to do with his medical issues.
  15. That is a load of BS, I will let you in on a secret, the climate has always changed and always will. Our efforts to change this are futile and wasteful and a ploy to redistribute income and secure power, nothing more and nothing less.
  16. Robots taking humans jobs, nope not interested
  17. I will take that, however Athletics is so much more important to me. Having some scientists waste state and federal grants on researching climate change or the mating habits of turtles doesn’t do it for me.
  18. That makes sense, Academics has created quite the buzz.
  19. That seems like a kinda odd thing to say on a Athletics message board. I have never heard any of you talk about the various research projects, don’t think any of you are enjoying the revenues and most people have no idea what a preeminent status is. I am with El Toro, winning some championships and success on the field is much more important and would be so much more enjoyable.
  20. Correction, you won’t see any headlines for on-field success.
  21. Hold on to that bro, call msnbc about your struggles as a white middle aged teacher in Fl, don’t be sad if you get no traction,
  22. TrueJ, however I am glad I did not, an idiot needs a platform for the trials and tribulations of raising two 1/2 Hispanic boys in Hillsborough county, Fl in 2021,almost like being black in Montgomery,Al in the 50’s.
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