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Corey lea

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Everything posted by Corey lea

  1. Twenty percent of our 2 deep will be transfers from other schools. So were they QUITTERS because they were seeking a better opportunity for themselves? The reason why the came here was the opportunity to play and win a championship or be seen to get to the next level. The school and alumni have not invested the resources to be elite. So the current staff is having to take players that were passed over at storied or more established brands to win a championship. To your point, until this program separates itself from the conference brethren, then know that everyone is not going to workout and need the best fit for themselves. In his parting tweet he thanked the staff and fans for the support. He did not say I didn't want to play for a school that has never won a championship or can't put 20k people in a leased pro stadium. You don't have to like his decision just respect it.
  2. Show some class. You are way too good of a poster to act like a child. Just wondering if you did the same when K and O left or where you secretly glad they decided to leave? This kid did not do anything to bring negative attention to this program, so at least be respectful. I highly doubt Notre Dame, UNC, OSU, VT, Michigan, ASU, UF etc. were all saying the same when we accepted their transfers. Also quit acting like it's such an honor to play any college sport. Schools make millions off the backs of these kids. He might end up at the next level someday, you really never know. Look at Dillon...signed as an undrafted free agent after going to Oregon.
  3. Well he brought coaches from Texas here because Texas paid the tab. At first they would not give him money to go get a good OC so he had to bring Watson with him. That failed in the B12. Then he brought Hibert with him because again, Texas paid most of his salary. Gilbert was also picked by the donors at Texas. So back to Battle, yes I'm defending him because USF is not a superior academic school and he did graduate with a 3.2 GPA. I do know Strong would not let him participate in spring ball if the fall grades were bad. Yeah Strong is way too loyal to some coaches and some players. However, to his credit, he shipped the bums out.
  4. I think CCS has done an exceptional job using the portal to address immediate needs. I'm hoping 2 or 3 more will show up in the summer or fall that are immediately eligible. My concerns after last year were backers and secondary. We had 2 serviceable dbs returning. Getting Burnett and Studstill was a coup. It will allow Hampton and Lapointe to develop without as much pressure. Davis will be serviceable and if Sails is eligible...lookout! Adding Macon to play the middle was huge! Greer and Browles can develop and has added size. Might be surprised as a true freshman..The staff seems to be high on Mims ...and he played decent in the Spring game. If we can get off the field on 3rd down I have great confidence in the offense this year. I would like to get another rb for insurance and at least 1 ol.
  5. Your argument didn't support your conclusion. Any event, I hope he stays and wish him well if he leaves.
  6. Your facts and logic is not very well taken. 1. Charlie got rid of the pot smokers and questionable character kids in Texas and here. It's well documented. 2. Did he not have to have a certain Sat/Act score that would reflect a national average of readiness? Unless I'm mistaken, USF is not and upper echelon academic institution. Also, if he would have been put on probation after the first semester, Charlie would not have let him participate in spring ball. THAT'S A FACT!!! Again ita cowardess to even remotely imply that his grades are the reason if you knew anything about CCS and the academic program he runs. If you were talking about bad play on the field for a reason..then I could understand, but there is no evidence of that either. Was pretty good in the spring game and undoubtedly better than Bk and Co talent wise.
  7. I highly doubt a kid with 3.2 in HS would fail out of USF. https://recruitgeorgia.com/players/octavious-battle-qbcarver-atl/
  8. Name one CCS recruit in the 3 schools that has flunked out of school? You can say anything about reasons, but I doubt that's the reason. I didn't say everyone said it was his grades, but a few alluded to that. It might be ulterior motives for saying that, but don't start there without making some people think what the motive really is.
  9. Well that shows your football acumen. I basically saying that we better get ahead and make them play catch up and eventually they would have to throw it if it becomes a shoot out. So stay out of the ring until you are ready. So many thin skinned folks around here. Yes it's cowardess to immediately suggest his grades might not be up to par. I bet you cannot name more than one CCS recruit at any of the 3 schools that he was the head coach that failed out.
  10. Charlie is horrible with QB's. In fact, he cannot differentiate between good ones and average ones. He had Bridgewater at Louisville and no competition. The three years at Texas was a cluster. He plays favorites a lot and it's easy to get in his dog house. I don't know if you guys noticed last year, but some players were not the best players at the position and it cost big time when you don't have a deep roster. I saw it at Louisville and Texas. I was hoping he would learn, but it seems that he hasn't. I saw an interview with KB and he only talked about BB and JM. Battle actually looked better than both. I doubt he was afraid of JM or any incoming recruit. If he leaves, I wish him nothing, but the best. I was hoping he would be the guy to lead us into Austin in 2020. He will have some takers after the spring game tape. Shame on you cowardly fans that always bring up grades when someone might transfer. USF is not Vanderbilt academically and the grades have to be decent to transfer.
  11. The game will be decided by the opening coin toss. If we win the toss, take the ball, score and make them play from behind all game. Then you will make them throw the ball, which will increase our chances. The additions of Macon, Burnett and Studstill will give us a much better chance against the run. Our DE's should be solid with plenty of size. This D will be night and day different from last year, for the good.
  12. The thread says "WILL land" did not say landed!!!! Read the content of the thread...seems Kelly agrees with me.
  13. Hate Strong all you want!!! Complain all you want!!! Let him get some talent in this program. He made the necessary changes on staff and roster. Probably not done yet. Funny how he is taking a program with limited resources and getting 5 and 4 stars to transfer here. AFTER the success of this season, then we can get at least 4 stars coming out of HS. I'm not surprised he got rid of so many players over the winter. There was only s few players here when he arrived and some bad hires. He realized that he needed immediate impact transfers and he picked up virtually a new secondary and added to a few young backers. Anyways you don't have to reply...just that simple. You are probably more worried about uniform colors and what songs the band is playing at halftime.
  14. Yeah your mindset is as archaic as your handle name. Loser mentality breeds losers...and low attendance and no conference championships. Not a compliment btw.
  15. If you know anything about Strong's tenure at Louisville you could quickly point out multiple 4 stars and a 5 star before they went to the AAC. The debbie downers on this board matches the attendance. However, for those who believe in building a championship program take a look at this https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2361383-charlie-strong-continues-to-prove-he-can-develop-nfl-talent.amp.html
  16. Strong will land 2 or 3 four star recruits in this year's cycle and 3 or 4 thereafter.
  17. If I'm Strong ...I might just stay put. The school needs to get serious about funding this program.
  18. Good observations. I think in this system both could be as prolific when you add up all factors such as talent around ad balance of scheme.
  19. If Bell puts up video game numbers like he did at Valdosta a few things could happen. 1. Strong gets a better job and he hoes with him. 2. Strong leaves and Bell becomes HC. 3. A p5 comes in and offers him bug money to run the offense. 4. A school comes in and pays him to be a HC.
  20. I respectfully disagree. At one time Q was a redshirt. Was not always a magician.
  21. How do you compare Battle and McCloud in comparison to Flowers in the first year? Arm Strength? Mobility? Ability to extend plays? At this stage I think all three possess different measurables and immeasurable. If KB stays the newbies will have more weapons and a more dynamic offense l.
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