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Posts posted by BulledOver

  1. JG is possibly in taking a hiatus from the bs in his world. Imagine he enjoys most sports. Better to be out and about holding your head up than hiding out in seclusion. He may just be waiting on his potential big payday. The money folks are the ones who can tell cancel culture to screw off. Hope he does just fine. Possibly he will take pity on USF and provide a boost $$ towards a stadium. 

  2. 5 hours ago, CycleBull said:

    I’ve said it once and I will say it again. This board loves to focuses on the quarterback a little too much. Expectations for some on this  board are for the USF quarterback to to be a mix of Tom Brady, Lamar Jackson, and Byron Leftwich. Our quarterback isn’t the play caller. Our quarterback is the offensive line. Our quarterback isn’t the **** receivers or running backs. Stats don’t mean a ******* thing if we don’t have success in other positions. Stats don’t mean **** when play calls don’t create open space for passing. These young men at USF will make mistakes. These young men will hopefully learn. But if you keep focusing on one sole individual as the problem, your impaired as a naked mole rat. Get off you **** feelings and shut the **** up.

    Ha! Glad to see this was "edited" otherwise it probably had a massive amount of asterisks in it. Just funnin' you. You make a good point albeit a touch over the top on the attack side but, You are correct. If all the components don't operate properly it has the old domino effect. I'm one that thinks a QB should be way above the rest for talent/execution. We have enjoyed past QB's that were very talented and at times had to carry the team with that play making ability which in turn, gave us some success. Early in our season we will know if McC has improved along with the rest of the cast if not?? Gonna be a long season

  3. 1 hour ago, Triple B said:

    I regret giving you the Skyline hookup now ....

    Wow! praise/accolades so fragile and so easily lost. You gotta admit that the SR50 worked into the way you portrayed your spouse. And, I tossed in the mermaid thing and you know-those mermaids ain't no slouches. I'm just trying to toughen you up for what comes after me.  😉

  4. 14 hours ago, Triple B said:

    Whats weird is that, although younger than me, my wife is north of 50 and she hasn't got **** from AARP ...... and I'm the one who gets the mail.

    So, your living in Temple Terrace and your wife lives north of SR50? Where around Weekie Wachee? She one of the mermaids? Cool. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Skingraft said:

    Good lord, can I get the annotated version?

    No but, I will include some pictures if it helps? We are a texting/abbreviated society, some printed bulk is good for you especially if it drones on and on and on.......and on                                                 and on

    and on

  6. In an effort to kinda stay in the off topic almost theme..Interesting tidbit on Instagram yesterday. Football did their signing announcement/video for DE Michael Williams. I posted a welcome type thing. As I looked through the comments there were several from a guy and several from a--obviously, Angry Woman. Both were bashing CJS(saying he sucks) on this kids welcome site-his first college moment. (it did piss me off-thght it out of line on the signing page) " I added that not all of us feel that way at USF, CJS was the here and now and that it was time for him to produce a winning team." One thing I didnt expect, was one of our current 2022 signees to add his "Like" to my comment. Point is these kids read what is being said in the online sites/forums. Made me wonder how many of them peruse TBP?? <I think it's probably good for a player or a coach to see how fan's/alum feel about them/observe them and their play-good or bad. Never know it might provide them with some insight/thoughts.> Bashing? Personal attacks? Really dont think it has any place on here or any USF related places. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Dave_Glaser said:

    He looks like a dude!

    I believe he is unless....she identifies as Micheal the football player........Jeezzzz

    1 hour ago, Gatorbull325 said:

    And I think he is almost a 4 star. (.8891) Had an injury that scared of Mich and mich st. We might have lucked out with this kid. I also love that he is coming in at 220. Not starting at 200 like the last few recruits.

    Yes to that

  8. 14 minutes ago, BullyPulpit said:

    I think Marsh is still "in the mix" or the coaching staff wouldn't have let him back after he entered the portal. With that being said, he is going to have to show A LOT more in order to see the field again. 47% completion percentage, 4.5 YPA, and 1 TD vs. 6 INTs is quite a hole to crawl out from. 

    Yep, the key words being " A LOT". He made no progress from year 1 to year 2 not sure if year 3 will be his Big year. He doesn't come across in actions or observations as a Hungry QB. Some guys are happy/ content to be a back-up. The freshman that signed may knock him out of the running period. As alwasy it is: we shall see??

  9. 17 minutes ago, Gatorbull325 said:

    There are 2 players name Michael and Mickel Williams. The first is a 4 star LB and the 2nd is a non-rated DE from Punta Gorda. If we get both, I'll be happy with the team we got and ready to go.

    Just saw on Instagram that Williams says he is headed to FL. Good old Michigan guy. Big dude

  10. Hard to say how many scholarships we have left to give? Thought we lost a few slots due to the CS ncaa violations? Wondering if CTrickett ( I'll label him CT soon-hope his middle name isnt robert--) has his eye on anyone he could lure in away from WV? Would like to see a QB transfer who has some D-1 starter time come in to pump up competition for McC so he isn't just going against freshman. Doubt Marsh is in the mix, I would be surprised. Those are my morning-Wonderings.  "I do love the smell of napalm in the morning"

    • Upvote 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    Check your closest Publix to see if they carry .....

    https://www.publix.com/search?searchTerm=Skyline Chili&srt=products


    I'll take a look on both sides of the bay/state line see if they have some-been a long while since the real stuff. Thx                             Now, I did date a girl from Finley Ohio at one time if you can find her??? 🙄 Oh, never mind shoe would be too old now

  12. 22 minutes ago, Triple B said:

    I knew you had to have at least one redeeming quality and there it is ...

    Ha! I try to do my own fraudulent version of the chili, but I mask it in spaghetti. 


    22 minutes ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    I stopped reading when you said you liked skyline spaghetti…I mean chili. 🤮

    You need to wander out of little old NH and broaden your horizons. Be brave, try new things. 

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