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Everything posted by M50_BULL

  1. Yes. ESPN did an example of what the bracket would have looked like if it was this year. Don't have a screenshot but Liberty was in as the 12 spot.
  2. Agreed. Sucks for the conference as a whole. Thinking about it in a selfish way I would like to have other stable and successful teams in the conference to set up a strong conference championship game. Conference getting more and more watered down as the door keeps revolving.
  3. I guess I'll just utilize my unalienable right and get a Life...
  4. I knew liberty was in after Tulane lost. But **** if it still doesn't bother me with their weak ass schedule.
  5. Bingo. It's like they said let's not rock the boat anymore on undefeated teams. Also sets a very bad precedent for G5 teams. Why in the **** should anyone schedule tough P5 games. Pointless if you can have a **** 133rd ranked schedule win out and get rewarded.
  6. LMAO liberty is going to get wrecked by Oregon!! Thanks for nothing SMU
  7. Absolutely but how many times have they said it's hard to imagine the playoff without an SEC team in the last 5 minutes alone. And also yap about the SOS. Part of me feels that's partially a cop out excuse. I think they should be in bummer.
  8. Yep. They just made it clear that the ACC is viewed as the weakest of the almighty p conferences. Ehhh I still want in lol Could you imagine of this is the last straw which pushes FSU to bolt from the conference!
  9. Pretty sad. Just to think a couple seasons ago this would be a lateral move.
  10. Enough talk about those bama fsu scrubs. When do we find out about the Bulls Bowl game?
  11. Yes we are, but we need the conference we are currently in to be the best of the rest and rep NY6. So that is highly unlikely now. We owe SMU nothing and they are foes. But I do respect your opinion, the positive vibes, along with your sportsmanship. Also agree that it would be nice to play them in the ACC. Go Bulls!
  12. Lol yeah really pulling for Tulane here just for conference recognition in the NY6. It hurts SMU that Tulane isn't ranked much higher than liberty for this potential win to project them high enough. Either way I agree to heck with SMU as they are leaving the conference. Good riddance!
  13. Holy ****. I thought it was bad but didn't know actual stats. What a dumb move. That makes NO SENSE. Like at all! Gotta play hot hands or even lukewarm hands in our case lol geeze.
  14. As much as I agree. It's what's going to happen if Tulane loses. They are undefeated and ranking wise no other G5 will eclipse them. SMU will not jump them in rankings.
  15. We need more Hines. Coaching is a big problem. Never thought I'd say that as typically in basketball it's not as apparent compared to football. But letting guys just chuck up 3s the entire game when not going in is just dumb. Need to urge penetration getting to the basket and score 2pt shots with and one opportunities.
  16. Wow that's it? Are you sure you aren't missing a digit?
  17. Great point. Hard to explain but I actually feel like emotionally bad when he misses or comes up short bc you can see that he's giving it 110%. He's trying but skills need tuning.
  18. Yeah Youngblood looked like a star that first game and expected more as well. He truly looked like the face of the team, however now he appears to be a supporting member of the cast. At first l liked how many ballers we appeared to have but what we really need is for someone to take the bull by the horns. Ok a bit of a pun intended. This team lacks an identity and someone with that leadership factor who can put the team on their back.
  19. LMAO WOW! Pryor chucking up that last three just made my wife go nuclear out of nowhere. She just yelled at the top of her lungs why in the world is he shooting that. So proud...
  20. GG so far. I'm on the EDGE of my seat. Edging pretty good right now. Is this how it works? We should also consider changing our gritty not pretty motto to something else that rhymes with gritty perhaps something that starts S... Watching till the end.
  21. How far on to the court are the refs gonna let the hofstra HC walk. Geeze there have been some plays where he might as well be playing lol
  22. Whaaaaaaaaa????? You guys are awesome
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