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Everything posted by RaisingFenix

  1. ND puts one more across in the 7th. 2-0 ND heading to the 8th. Need some offense badly.
  2. Bulls load the bases with 2 outs, no dice. Heading to the bottom of the 6th.
  3. Side note: can someone explain to me the strategy behind a lead-off bunt?
  4. Yeah, there's that. Here's hoping Herget settles down.
  5. Bulls get out of the 3rd without any more damage. 1-0 ND going to the 4th
  6. And ND goes up 1-0 on a sac fly, 2 outs, 2 on.
  7. Bottom of the 3rd, in some trouble. ND has the bases loaded with 1 out.
  8. 1 week truce I've been thinking the same thing. I live in Orlando and work with a lot of UCF people, but it will be a collective celebration if this happens.
  9. I say let Floyd work on the snaps, let him start against McNeese, and if he's still dropping snaps, go to Eveld. Matt needs some solid playing time to gain some confidence, so let him try his hand in the opener and see what he does with it. I'm aware that that is not a response to the question in the poll, but I think if Matt gains confidence, he'll be our guy when the conference schedule comes around.
  10. How does this affect our potential RPI? Worth it to stay fresh for conference games to try to lock in that 1 seed?
  11. If nothing else, it adds another game to the schedule. 12-1 looks a lot better than 11-1 when they're choosing the Final Four, right?
  12. If the CCG is going to be that important in the new format, I'd have to guess the Big 12 would want to make a decision one way or the other before the 2013 season begins, since the precedent has been set for teams to play one lame duck season then get out (at least in the BE)
  13. I was checking on my phone, so maybe I was looking at a shorthand version of it. Carry on.
  14. That's what I thought, just seemed strange the way it's worded on bigeast.org, and I had a vague memory during the tourney last year of a higher seed playing as away.
  15. I'm hoping someone here can confirm this for me. I'm looking at the tourney schedule, and it looks like the games in Rounds 2 and 3 aren't based on "highest remaining seed" but just on the winners of specified games the previous day. Is this correct? If so, the 3 seed is actually a really good place to be, as based on the format shown it is the only seed to keep home field advantage as long as they win. We already have literal home field, with the crowd likely to be mostly in Green, but practical home field in softball is a huge advantage as well.
  16. this says he is in Brimingham He says he's in the Tampa area for recruiting currently
  17. With CT's help? Here's hoping they get the chance to get to know each other very well over the next two years.
  18. I would love to hear news on this today. Not sure whether or not that's likely to happen, but I have a good feeling.
  19. May have heard this wrong, but I think the announcers just said SJU's pitcher threw 40 in the first
  20. Bulls load the bases with 1 out, leave everyone on. 0-0 heading to the second
  21. According to the USF Baseball twitter, they are having technical problems with the live stats. Ah, well I guess that's understandable. Thanks for the info!
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