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Everything posted by GaUSFBull

  1. If you have link(s) to said UCF fans complaining about this kind of thing, please post, I'd love to read them for entertainment. This kid is well-built, good size, hopefully he'll meet George O'Liar and seal the deal with USF afterward.
  2. Just noticed that Parkviews website said Shank was USF's OC. Lol. Oops.
  3. Dozer, you oughta take a beer drinking trip up to Asheville, NC - lots of great microbreweries there, and stop here in Atlanta, they have a restaurant/bar here called Taco Mac, they have over 300 + beers available like Brad was talking about with Hubbs Pub. The beer flows like wine up here. If you ever stop by, let me know and I'll buy you a round.
  4. Speaking of, I have to post this - 25 of the ugliest NBA players in history slideshow. Forget BR; DR, you have to see this and the comments. A tad mean, but funny. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/596423-sam-cassell-and-the-25-ugliest-players-in-nba-history
  5. LMAO - Ludacris was right. Crazy shaped head, but a helluva basketball player.
  6. Anyone ever tried Old Stock Ale? Let it sit for about a year in your fridge, after a couple of months or so, it increases 1% of ABV every month. Buddy of mine popped one open for us to try a while ago - wow.
  7. No freakin' way UNC would hire a coach that is currently 1-4 in the worst BCS conference.
  8. Who cares about UCF? What did they say about USF? I would have liked to have seen that discussion.
  9. Great, highlight videos. He hit ONE receiver in stride last night. One. I dont want to have to You Tube a collection of his all time greatest plays, half of which are against little sisters of the poor. I WANT TO WATCH A USF QB WHO CAN HIT RECEIVERS IN STRIDE CONSISTENTLY. Congrats for at least coming to the realization that at least part of your rants were irrational.
  10. Hey while you're at the whole prediction thing, can you look into your crystal ball and let me know what age I'll be able to retire? Would be really nice to know exactly how much I should be socking away for that date, instead of trying to guess for the next 30 years. If you can do that, I'd be grateful. Thanks in advance.
  11. If you want to see BJ where he has hit receivers in stride, do a simple Youtube search. That is all.
  12. Also, on that note, they put so many guys in the box because they knew they'd have no trouble getting past our O-line, which they didn't. They were in the backfield almost the whole 2nd half.
  13. We moved the ball well in the first half and when we had to become one dimensional our OL couldn't stop any blitz. Can hardly blame Daniels for having to run for his life. youre missing his point. he is running for his life becaue they can put so many guys in the box because we have no downfield pass threat. I dont blame it all on BJ but like i said earlier id much rather have a gunslinger than BJ. Not only are we not missing his point, you didn't even get the point right. His point was not about the lack of a downfield pass threat, but that BJ isn't a good enough QB to throw downfield and that BJ's arm is not strong enough to throw over 15+ yards. He's wrong on both counts, in my opinion. Again, I chalk it up to an emotional response from a disappointed fan and the fact that BJ is an easy target for criticism based on past performance. The former is fair, the latter isn't.
  14. He can throw as far as any QB. With the amount of pressure he was under tonight, did you expect him to be dropping 50+ yard bombs to Sterling Griffin all night? Not even Percy Harvin could have gotten that far in that little time. This is a ridiculous comment. How do you know they didn't respect his arm? How do you know they didn't stack the box, not only to stop Scott and Murray, who were gouging them, but also to force BJ to make quick decisions? They knew they were pwning our O-line all night long and that's why they stacked the box, because they knew they could get by them and get to BJ. You are making stuff up now. How do you explain the long pass to Griffin, thrown across his body, at least 20 yards in the air before the half that got us into FG range? BJ's numbers aren't that bad considering he had so little time to throw most of the night. And they were giving him a lot of the underneath stuff, so why should he force a long pass that probably wasn't there because they were playing back? I know it's a painful loss, and I'm stunned at how fast everything went to hell, but you were either watching a different game or not paying attention. Pitt's D was in the backfield before BJ could even finish his dropback. Hopefully this post is a product of anger at the lack of preparation and maybe not wanting to believe our coaching staff is capable of failing to prepare our team for this game adequately, because a lot of what you wrote makes no sense whatsoever.
  15. We will be able to run the ball over them if they do what you suggested above. Heck, I think we run the ball over them almost no matter what they throw at us, short of 8 guys in the box. Game Set Match. Can we get a QB and not an athlete at some point? Are you kidding me???? Tell the Oline to grow some balls and block. This one is not on B.J, this one is on the coaching staff all day. When a team puts more men in the box then we have blockers they will win that battle. The reason Pitt can do that is becuase THEY DO NOT RESPECT bj daniels ARM. They are STACKING up on the line just as I predicted. So back to your original point ... How is this B.j.'s fault??
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