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Everything posted by NewEnglandBull

  1. If he fails I just don’t see how this program recovers…at least not to the level that many on this board want or expect.
  2. So out of conference is still being worked on?
  3. Sure that works when it’s 25k. But no so much when it’s under 20k.
  4. Totally disagree, I want info not fluff. But I respect your position.
  5. It’s sounds to me that this a handful of players (and they only discuss one). I think there will always be a few who are disgruntled but I would also say there are two sides to this story. Regardless, I still think the top P5 (or is it P3) will have have the booster $ to make a difference.
  6. Those universities with boosters with deep pockets will always find a way. For many of the G5 programs they are better off not promising much.
  7. To be fair I don’t read any local papers up here as well. It’s too local for me. However, I do subscribe to two national papers and get my news in that way. I completely stay away from the tv media as there is little in the way of investigative research. Death always solves the problem in all walks of life
  8. Pretty sure he was not journalist. That was talk radio which is a whole different discussion altogether.
  9. And most journalists in America would have done the same. I am not saying that it is right, I’m just saying that is the way it is. Again, my point has been more tied to today’s program. You want positive media? Then win some games.
  10. Well to be honest, I think any program in America can go back through its history and feel they have been mistreated by the media. This whole topic started based on aspects being reported in the here and now. My only point is that the media, based on recency, will come after USF football as long as the product on the field is terrible.
  11. And I think this whole discussion and outrage at the media in general is predicated on what happened to Jim Leavitt. Many on this board have not gotten over it and are making others in the media pay for it. Thus, I appreciate that you have moved on.
  12. Well that is indeed fair, and I agree in part. It was, from the legal statement, the fruit from the poisonous tree.
  13. I guess my point is the media is a reflection of where the program is. Would I like more positive press? For sure, but that means the football team needs to do more on the field. Joey was the biggest cheerleader for Q when he was here and the team won games. Now, Joey talk about attendance at the same time? Yes, but that was because it was relevant to our support in the community and consequently a change in Conference. He did take a big dig at the attendance on Q’s senior night…which was more than warranted.
  14. I disagree I still remember the column by McMurphy after we beat Pitt and Auburn. Just a point of note, I have not a big fan of McMurphy at all he’s not the one who is on Twitter today. He does have an edge for sure.
  15. Jim was guilty he got what he deserved. Sad but true. If you want to blame someone blame Jim. If you want to blame someone other than Jim then blame Judy. But to think that that Jim Leavitt story was never going to get out because a journalist was not going to write about it is just plan naïve.
  16. Jesus you guys piss and whine about the media. The majority of USF football teams have had little to write about in a positive manner. As for recently, it’s even worse. The team can’t win, it’s lost out in conference realignment…again, it’s AD has made some questionable decisions,etc. You want a cheerleader? That’s not news. It’s commentary which has little value other than to make you feel good. Some of you must want confirmation of a make believe world as opposed to what is reality. Many of the articles in the other sports (especially softball and women’s soccer) are positive. Why is that? Because they friggin win. Put on your big boy paints and stop crying while this train wreck is not getting positive press.
  17. What about fans on the hot seat? Many are ready to leave. Don’t **** it up Jeffrey.
  18. I agree with this. However, why do people insist that just because USF is located in Tampa that it is a recruiting advantage? The reality is many students who live in the area want to leave to get a different experience. I would also add that we do not have a monopoly on quality facilities (when we complete them). Indeed, we are just catching up to many schools.
  19. Or someone needs to see an eye doctor right away. He better not blow it this year.
  20. I going to rush the field in Philly and see if those Philly cops can catch me before they turn me into a bloody pulp.
  21. Maybe…but I am not so sure. Our on field product was dismal. ucf had a ******** stadium but still went because of success.
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