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Everything posted by Dogma

  1. UCF is 4-45 vs AQ BCS teams 0 of them vs teams with a winning record They better watch out... FIU is only 3 wins behind them
  2. You need to go to that thread where I asked you what UCF's biggest win in football history was. I honestly didn't expect that. :ROFLMAO :ROFLMAO
  3. Dont forget about the back entrance. All majorly landscaped now as well. They moved the sidewalks in to allow this... one of which forms a small steel bridge with "USF" cut into each side support (which is painted USF gold.) There are also a row of green and gold flags which follows the road to the marshal center. I was going to take pics today.. but cant find my memory card
  4. I know they believe that they are an SEC team stuck in CUSA ..But this isn't the way to prove it. :lol
  5. ...You're a little late for the party. But feel free to stay and have some fun
  6. Its the same fellow. It's just typical NCAA taking their time. The news a few months ago was just that the NCAA got wind of it and stating they will look into it Now they are actually sending UCF an official notice. Means they must have found something... and its definitely not good since they are still under probation
  7. http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/6870978/university-central-florida-likely-get-ncaa-inquiry-letter Keeps getting better and better.
  8. I love how UCF'ers love to bring up our last years average, and (surprisingly :) fail to bring up the 3 years before that. They are like the jealous little kid on the block, jumping up and down pointing fingers at something that they themselves don't even know what they are talking about.
  9. UCFChad... I have one serious question. No BS... and I hope you can respond honestly What would you consider UCF's signature win. All-time and/or last year. I actually want to know
  10. Found negligent... YES... Which is why they have to pay $10 million plus court cost Found gross negligent... NO... Which is why they don't have to pay $100 million plus court costs However, if they fire O'Liar now.. they look like they admit their guilt while they are going through the appeals process, which wouldn't be good. + O'Liar's buyout is way more than they can afford
  11. Your last pics reminds me... They are (finally) completely remodeling the main Engineering building - ENB. The first floor is completely gutted and tarped off. Everything has been ripped out: restrooms, classrooms, even ceilings and floors. Looks like they are doing something similar to how they are remodeling the interior of Cooper Hall. They had a rendering of it, but i failed to take a pic of it. But it looks like a big upgrade.
  12. Asking for the sake of learning.. Since i don't know all the technicalities about this rule: If a player has a transfer restrictions like this preventing that player from joining with another team... Is that restriction for the scholarship only? Can the player choose to walk on and play without any scholarship and paying his way himself?
  13. Since they can't claim a series win over USF in a long while that's the best they can do. UCF... Perfecting moral victories since 1963
  14. To support the cause for USF: Kristen DeLuca: Dennii: Megan:
  15. Yup.. They are actually proud of their erector-set stadium! Anyone I've talked that has watched a game there has told me how bad it was. No not scary/intimidating/ or any other spin UCF'ers try to portray. But just how bad it is... like a high school stadium They TRY to pay it off by their whole zombie-nation thing. That's what happens when you try to build it on the cheap. And you know ****-STRAIGHT that if we had built that monstrosity, UCF'ers would be all over us (thank God we had more sense than that.)
  16. if USF was in the same situation would you feel the same way? LOI have to mean something, the kid is primadona No we would not. USF would not have signed him in the first place. Proof? Brion Carnes. Offer withdrawn when he started playing similar games.
  17. Would be a major coup for FIU I've stated it before... I can see that program going BIG TIME.
  18. What is UCF's all time record against Big East schools? Just curious. 0 - 14
  19. +1 -- They look horrible with the white helmets. I see lots of empty seats too. How is that possible? I hear UCF gets 60K for their home games. : PATHETIC In case for those who don't know: They gave out free tickets to ALL STUDENTS.. not just UCF students They gave out free tickets today for ANY student from ANY school. Grade school, community colleges, local colleges (like Rollins.) Also... All alumni, faculty and staff also got free tickets They were attempting to break a student record tonight Can't edit my post.. They weren't just giving them away today. They've been giving them away for a week now And they still couldn't fill it up.
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