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Cow Pie

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Posts posted by Cow Pie



    I'm not sure about the financing for something of this magnitude, but using simple amortization, financing $150 million, for 30 years, at 4% interest would require $8.6 million a year in debt payments.


    We wouldn't need to finance anything... last season USF brought in $600 million in donations, which adds to the billion or so they have in the bank.


    We have the $$.



    Those donations were for a variety of areas.  Don't you think that if we had $200 - $300 million available to us for a stadium, we wouldn't jump on it?  If we didn't have to finance any of it, then yes, you're correct, it would be better than what we currently have.



    Well we can borrow the money from ourselves... USF has done this before. I know they have and was told that they do it from time to time on special projects, as long as they can pay it back. They borrow the funds from themselves to pay for a capital project and then repay it over X amount of fiscal years.


    I'm not sure about the financing for something of this magnitude, but using simple amortization, financing $150 million, for 30 years, at 4% interest would require $8.6 million a year in debt payments.


    That means for 7 home games, $1.2 million would go to debt alone; $1.4 million if we only have 6 home games.



    That is assuming that we don't have the money in hand already.


    I believe we do.

  3. I'm not sure about the financing for something of this magnitude, but using simple amortization, financing $150 million, for 30 years, at 4% interest would require $8.6 million a year in debt payments.


    We wouldn't need to finance anything... last season USF brought in $600 million in donations, which adds to the billion or so they have in the bank.


    We have the $$.

  4. Again, have you considered the debt, upkeep, salaries, etc. that we'd have to pay for?  $1 million, six or seven times a year may not cover it.


    I don't think that this would be the case... what is difference between the upkeep, salaries, debt, and such with the Sun Dome we now have and a new 35K-40K seat football stadium?


    Also right now we don't even get $2.5 million a year from our deal with the Buc's... other teams bring in that amount EACH GAME.


    Also keep in mind that we would get a 100% of the revenue from an OCS vs. the little bit we get now.




    Since you brought up UF, how much debt do you think they have on the Swamp?  How much debt would we have with our own OCS?  I assure you it would be a hell of a lot more than UF.


    They probablly pay a fraction in upkeep of the Swamp, as we do in rental fees and lost revenue to the TSA to play in Rutgers Stadium.


    Also we are leasing space at Ray Jay vs buying something outright, paying it off, and owning it.



    Sure, all we need is $200 M to $300 M and we can build an OCS and own it outright.  I we can earn an extra $2M per year by owning our own stadium, it'll only take us 100+ years worth of profits for it to pay for itself!




    Your math is off, he said that make about 2 million per GAME, not per season.


    6 sometimes 7 home games a year is an additional 12 to 14 million a year.


    I also think the point of the OP was that we probably don't even make 2 million a year from Ray Jay revenue.



    Ding, Ding, Ding ^^^


    We have someone with a reading comprehension level higher then 1st grade...



    Since you brought up UF, how much debt do you think they have on the Swamp?  How much debt would we have with our own OCS?  I assure you it would be a hell of a lot more than UF.


    They probablly pay a fraction in upkeep of the Swamp, as we do in rental fees and lost revenue to the TSA to play in Rutgers Stadium.


    Also we are leasing space at Ray Jay vs buying something outright, paying it off, and owning it.



    Sure, all we need is $200 M to $300 M and we can build an OCS and own it outright.  I we can earn an extra $2M per year by owning our own stadium, it'll only take us 100+ years worth of profits for it to pay for itself!



    USF has that kind of $$




    This $600 million is in addition to the millions they already had.


    Also if the Gators can bring in $2.5 million a game in total revenue (ticket sales, parking, concessions, etc.) against a cup cake team, then there should be no reason why we could'nt bring in about a million a game at our current level. If we get good and starting winning again, or if we play a big named team then we should get $2 million a game.


    You all forget that we get 100% of the money from parking, vendors, concessions, etc. vs. the scraps that Papa Glazier tosses our way now.


    This is not that far fetched.

  7. Since you brought up UF, how much debt do you think they have on the Swamp?  How much debt would we have with our own OCS?  I assure you it would be a hell of a lot more than UF.


    They probablly pay a fraction in upkeep of the Swamp, as we do in rental fees and lost revenue to the TSA to play in Rutgers Stadium.


    Also we are leasing space at Ray Jay vs buying something outright, paying it off, and owning it.

  8. I'm not sure, but let me know when you find out, mmkay?  Such a pressing question and I'm sure the answer is quite esoteric.  I commend you for asking the tough questions about a topic that hasn't been broached lately.  


    I agree its not pressing, but lets cut the turd here... UF gets $2.5 million a game in revenue when they play a cup cake... I bet we don't get $2.5 million a season playing at RayJay.

  9. Question... How much revenue does a Minnesota, Purdue, or Indiana make each game day when they play a home game?


    Does anyone know? I tried searching the net and could not find didly.


    I used these colleges because I consider them to be about even with us in average performance.


    The reason why I ask is because the Gators bring in $2.5 Million when they play a cupcake team like Wofford, Georgia Southern, or Charleston Southern at home.



    I can only imagine how much they make on game day when LSU or UGA comes to town.


    In any event I doubt that we are netting anywhere close to $1 million a game, let alone $2.5 million when we play a cup cake at RayJay.

  10. I hate to get political, but if any of those 8 people were armed with a gun, and trained on how to use it, then this creep would not have been able to **** those girls.


    Hell if any of those 25 were armed then this would not have occured either. All I'm saying is that this would not happen in my neck of the woods. Criminals prey on those who are unarmed.


    I hope the police take this guy out... he is the lowest of the low.

    • Downvote 3




    ... do we just start throwing seniors and juniors off the team, or bench them for their performances and begin starting freshman and focusing on next season?

    For me its if we lose to FAU.

    I think that would be an overreaction. I think CWT will make examples of a couple of slackers but they will not want to give the impression all is lost. Its not.

    We will struggle year but we should hope for steady improvements.

    O'leary lost every game his first year. Lets hope we don't have to experience that. That would really test the fan base.


    Fan Base?! We got 22k to a home opener with a new coach...with $8 tickets and 10k of that was students who were there to get drunk primarily. Fan base!? Fan Base!? Don't talk to me about fan base!? lol



    It was nuked into oblivion last year.  


    Which shows exactly how fragile this fan base is. A 3-9 year shouldn't nuke any kind of fanbase into oblivion ...



    Nut no... shell shock yes...


    This sums up how I feel right now as a Bulls fan mentally...



  12. It's Thursday.  Game day in just a little under 48 hours.  The wonderment of our beatdown last weekend should be subsiding at this point, and if it hasn't (Bubba, I'm looking at you) I hope it does soon.  Maybe not watching this weekend's game might be a good idea for some mental rest.  


    I ain't gonna lie... its been tough... this has summed up my week since Black Saturday...



    I blame my USF classes and work for keeping me sober this week... if not for them I'd be in a beer induced coma and too **** drunk to be on here ********.


    Its a lot more fun if you imagine smazza looks like this when saying these cryptic messages.




    Whoa .... that's how I already pictured him!



    I like to picture Smazza with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with HOT backing him up and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk!




    As Saul from Breaking Bad...



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