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Cow Pie

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Posts posted by Cow Pie


    Joey Knight â€@TBTimes_Bulls3m

    It's official. Miami-USF will kick off at noon on Sept. 28 at RayJay. Will be shown on ABC, ESPN or ESPNU @USFFootball

    South Carolina @ UCF just got announced for Noon on one of those 3 networks, as well. Ok St @ WVU is also slated for the same time on one of the 3.



    ESPNU here we come... UCF will get ABC, and WVU will get ESPN... this is my stone cold lead pipe lock of the week.

  2. How low and long do we have to go before we have No fans at the games?  20,000  was the actual butts in seats according to  Sports authority.    


    USF's broken promises to donors and season ticket holders with POOR play on the field and Horrible decision making by the AD is compounding the problem.


    Our mess is much bigger than Skippy and the current mess Coach T inherited.  We run our AD office like a JV high school booster program made up of volunteer parents and teachers.  Time to cut Doug before the next wave or realignment comes ( its coming folks don't kid your self)  and it might be the last one.  


    What will USF PROMISE next year to get butts in the seats(only to not keep those promises)? 

    Doug ur the Top man the chit stops with you. 


    Coach T your the coach so "Do something and make these players play with heart and pride"  or bench them and go with the future ( freshmen).    


    I agree with all of this... we need to dump Doug and bring in a quality SEC AD who can get this program running right.


    Doug is one of the highest paid AD's in all of college sports so why can't we fire him, and then bring in a SEC guy to get this crap done right? We apparetly have the $$ to blow, so why not blow it on some top of the line talent?

  3. It's true we have now lost to the 2 worst teams on our schedule.  1-11 if we are lucky


    Who is weaker then McNeese State or FAU that is left on our schedule? No way we can beat anybody left on our schedule.


    Also these losses are not growing pains... Taggarts bus has taken to feats that even Holtz could not have hit. I can be patient with a fluke loss to McNeese, and a decent loss to Michighan State, but this loss and how we played shows me that this team is confused and out of gas... in my view its a coaching issue.


    Perhaps Taggart is trying to figure things out... idk...


    "Fortunately for the Owls — who enter Saturday as 13-point underdogs — this is likely the week they pull off the upset and pick up their first win of the 2013 campaign."





    Of course they've only managed one touchdown this season...



    Football preview: FAU will sneak out of Tampa with upset win over USF



    Who is the idiot that put us up 13 points on FAU?


    If anything we are the undergogs

  5. Hate to jump on the bandwagon so fast, but I wanna see #2 out there more than anyone else. It's only been a few drives but I can see the potential.


    Am I jumping the gun on this?? Or do you guys think we should give Eveld the ball back...


    Who cares who starts this season... this season is done... 0-12 here we come.

  6. Not sure why Sean Price deserves 4 helmet stickers. 


    Anyway, yes, a little more creativity on the stickers. 


    Maybe they give these out for other non-football related accomplishments like...


    - Remembering to put the toliet seat down

    - Cleaning up Rocky's stall

    - Flossing

    - Doing a courtesy flush


  7. This is my 15,000th post.  I am walking in the shadow of great posters before me; Triple B, Bulliever, ET, and the immortal smazza.  As I ponder what it means to have 15,000 posts, I realize that this takes up way too much of my time.


    Congrats on your acheivement... gives me something to shoot for.

  8. This is the season... which is pathetic to say the least...


    Depending on who well we do against FAU will dictate the rest of our season... if we beat them by a large margin then we will likely finish with a just below .500 record. If we can get our crap in line against FAU then I can see us beating UConn, Memphis, SMU, and UCF.


    If its a close game then we will struggle and give last year a run for its money as the worst season in school history. If we strugle then we will likely struggle to beat other equally matched teams like UConn, Memphis, SMU, and UCF.


    If we lose, well ladies and gents... this season is over. Just one long training camp for next season.


    We have always had issues on the o-line... I don't know why we can't draft good ones.

    Also agree with the wideouts... no excuse for all of the dropped passes. I could had done better.

    I think it has to do with the type of offense mostly seen in FL, which is geared toward smaller faster o line. At least I thought I read that somewhere. And also its a lot harder to find athletic big men for the line. Its funny though. My dad and uncle were all conference tackles in high school in Florida in the 30s and 40s and were considered big at 165 and 185lbs.



    In any event this is something that has to be fixed... hell Tag and Judy need to drive the O-Line down to CiCi's and force feed them. We need them bigger and more imobile.



    Dang, another OCS thread, just what we needed.

    In case you were not sure, USF does not equal UF.

    To think moving to an OCS would help us is crazy. We had 22k at a home game in RJS so taking on $150M in debt to support 22k attendees is an idiodic move. Just saying.

    Wish these stupid OCS threads would die. And this one wasn't even from one of the trolls from the east.

    I have to tell you that MANY kids base part of their decision on where to go to college on what the "experience" is like on campus. The excitement level during the football season appears much greater at more traditional schools (FSU, UF, UGA, Ole Miss, Auburn, etc) that have an OCS than at USF. During the week there are events at the stadium, you can "hear" it all over campus, etc. I've taken both my kids on visits to these schools and that was their comment. Sure, there are TONS of other reasons but having a few drinks before the game and walking over to the stadium is pretty cool.

    Just trying to show a little different perspective on the benefit of an OCS as a tool to attract students.

    The schools you mention have 50 - 100 years of football tradition. Those campuses have a lot more than USF and it isn't just an OCS, when looking at tradition. We are a young university with an even younger football program. Not apples to apples.

    Furthermore, we have over 45k students and are top 13ish for total enrollment in US. We are not having any problem attracting students. And students don't pay for OCS, donors and athletics revenue does. Don't see any of the reasons stated which truly apply to our situation.



    A fair amount of student fees go into the construction of stadiums. They would pay of a small % of it.





    I'm not sure about the financing for something of this magnitude, but using simple amortization, financing $150 million, for 30 years, at 4% interest would require $8.6 million a year in debt payments.

    We wouldn't need to finance anything... last season USF brought in $600 million in donations, which adds to the billion or so they have in the bank.

    We have the $$.

    Those donations were for a variety of areas. Don't you think that if we had $200 - $300 million available to us for a stadium, we wouldn't jump on it? If we didn't have to finance any of it, then yes, you're correct, it would be better than what we currently have.

    Well we can borrow the money from ourselves... USF has done this before. I know they have and was told that they do it from time to time on special projects, as long as they can pay it back. They borrow the funds from themselves to pay for a capital project and then repay it over X amount of fiscal years.

    That X in your equation is about 50 years, at best. Not happening.



    We collected $600 million in one year... we can do it again, especially with sponsorships and such.



    Again, have you considered the debt, upkeep, salaries, etc. that we'd have to pay for? $1 million, six or seven times a year may not cover it.

    I don't think that this would be the case... what is difference between the upkeep, salaries, debt, and such with the Sun Dome we now have and a new 35K-40K seat football stadium?

    Also right now we don't even get $2.5 million a year from our deal with the Buc's... other teams bring in that amount EACH GAME.

    Also keep in mind that we would get a 100% of the revenue from an OCS vs. ththe ittle bit we get now.

    The teams making the 2.5m per game are putting 90k+ fans in the stadium EVERY Saturday and have thousands more that flood the campus just to be there on gameday. Meanwhile, we put 22k in the stands last weekend.....



    I'm going off our average game attendance vs. that embarassment we had last weekend.

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