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Everything posted by USF-ZZZ

  1. We are getting more respect this year. Looks like 1/3 of those guys gave us credit or thought we could win. I didn't even see that from the BE teams last year.
  2. He still needs a waiver doesn't he? Did I miss something?
  3. Not much of an accomplishment beating out FIU & UCF for recruits, in fact we should be beating schools from everyone conference that is ranked below the Big East as an overall football conference. Are you saying that recruits should look at BCS conference power ratings to determine where they should go to school? If you are I think that is nonsense for a number of reasons. What if their all time favorite school is in the ACC, Big 12 etc? What if the depth chart is not favorable in the higher rated school/conference? What if the higher rated school conference is much farther away?...plays the wrong scheme?...etc. I think it is safe to say a lot goes into the decisions made byt these kids and I think they don't give a rat's ass how the conference is ranked.
  4. Why not build on The Claw golf course...huge waste of land.
  5. Hey don't forget how well he coached up Denson
  6. There will be plenty of rooms available in Columbus, GA. if that's where you are looking.
  7. That is the second time I have read that he likes USF
  8. It was canceled BY USF from what I hear. Lecorn was overrated, there was little interest in Small and Allen won't qualify.
  9. I am not sure what anyone is upset about. This is standard pre-game stuff that goes on all the time and is pretty funny stuff. Rutgers and WVU did this last week and it was truly classic stuff. Stop yer whining.
  10. Maybe Central Michigan asked him to get out of Dodge
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