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Bull Dozer

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Everything posted by Bull Dozer

  1. I wonder if that douche will have a heartfelt tale about the come back UF mounted against UT or a rant about all thats wrong with college football since USF won.  Seriously that guy needs a swift kick to the man marbles. ÂÂ
  2. I love how the FHP guy looks like hes grilling Jim in that pic
  3. You do way too much here as it is no need to apologize. Keep up the good work!
  4. From the article Leavitt said he will now lower his media profile. "I've been the most open guy in America," Leavitt said. ;D and looks like we will know nothing anymore and our media relationship will only get worse
  5. You might be right.  I was impressed with Peters...tough runner.  If we can find a way to beat USM next Tuesday night (on ESPN2 by the way), I will feel much better about this game today. I have to say it's better to lose a well fought game vs. a blow out embarassment like last year.  The difference?  This year I didn't puke. Good luck next week. ;D Also ill take a tough runner over a guy who likes to dance around in the backfield every play.  Ill take a tough 3-4yds a carry rather than -3 -4 1 and 12 in the running game.  It allows your offense to be put in a lot more consistnant and better position.  However it is hard to argue this to the casual fan that will argue for anyone that will give them a highlight reel run every other game/every 2 games.  Ill just take a good runningback over a bad runningback, regaurdless of how they play. Just because a RB doesnt play 3 yards and a cloud of dust doesnt mean hes getting negative yards on half the plays. Every player is different. Would you prefer a guy who gets 2 yards per play no matter what, or reggie bush? The whole power rb vs speed rb thing to me is a lot like "defense wins championships." Which is so false. Good teams win championships, just like good runningbacks get yards. So the Ravens have a superbowl championship becaues of Trent Dilfer, and Texas one soley on Vince young last year not the ability to shut down the machine that was/is the USC Offense? Pass that stuff homie
  6. if you are associated with Notre Dame in any way shape or form the national media doesnt have a problem with slobbing your memeber. Hence them being ranked #2 and having no defense, thank god Michigan layed the wood to them today so i wont have to hear about them for another week or two.
  7. Did you catch any of the Miami game.. just kidding. ;D They do look out of sorts there this year. Heres to hoping we win alot more then we lose this year so we can steal some recruits away since we are on the rise and they are on the decline.
  8. You have my respect as most would try to make up excuses rather then own up. You should stay, but if you want to go i wont stop you.
  9. You might be right.  I was impressed with Peters...tough runner.  If we can find a way to beat USM next Tuesday night (on ESPN2 by the way), I will feel much better about this game today. I have to say it's better to lose a well fought game vs. a blow out embarassment like last year.  The difference? This year I didn't puke. Good luck next week. ;D Also ill take a tough runner over a guy who likes to dance around in the backfield every play. Ill take a tough 3-4yds a carry rather than -3 -4 1 and 12 in the running game. It allows your offense to be put in a lot more consistnant and better position. However it is hard to argue this to the casual fan that will argue for anyone that will give them a highlight reel run every other game/every 2 games.
  10. yup! And also the announcers confused the two schools a few times through out the game. Also amen to the whole "this game needs to be played" out look, and im a proponent of this game. You dont bring stuff like that up during a game periood! Thats for the 2 schools to work out.
  11. yup we need to blitz and be more aggressive, we have athletic and active linebackers that we dont use enough. We Blitzed very rarely on running downs which is not the thing to do with a quick and undersized defense. If you have quick and undersized athletes you need to give them a running start over bigger stronger opponents.
  12. I really like this as a nickname for our team this year  Sounds more debonaire than "Skunks." ;D
  13. Way to be a man about it, i can only hope the rest of the UCFers that posted here can do the same. Also we did alot to lose this game too, you guys just couldnt take advantage.
  14. He doesn't need a nickname how about he just proves himself on the field some more and he can just have MB status to us!
  15. I really like this as a nickname for our team this year
  16. Add this in with me saying Moffitt will be spending the majority of the day on his back, and subtract my comments about their run defense (more so because of our RB situation) and seriously how much more right can i be
  17. With the way they ran the ball most of the game its pretty much a sure thing this will be the first thing out of most of their mouths.
  18. O' Leary really needs to get control of his program OMFG!!!!!!
  19. Am i the only one here, and no its not because they both wear the #8.  Both are good scramblers but not of the Vick/Cunningham calibure, both spread the ball around offensivley, Grothe is very very poised and calm under pressure much like Young, Young is listed at 6' 2" but is actually closer to 6' /6' 1", and both have a very good football IQ.  So am i alone on this? Edit: And no im not saying Grothe will be as good as Young in college or even the pros (if he makes it) im just saying he is the same style of QB
  20. This will be a rivalry, expect a bianchi (sp?) column about this even if we win
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