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Everything posted by SRQ

  1. Resign looks better on the resume you send out to the left coast where they think USF is San Fran.
  2. Lets get the softball stadium fully funded before we come back to this subject. :-X
  3. Give it to U-Tampa coach if he wants it, will come "cheap" and has $$ ties.
  4. I hope Lessinger is a better jugde of talent than those voting for the All Hillsborough county team or this program is continuing its plunge into medocrity.
  5. Any chance we might redshirt one or two of the youngsters?
  6. "If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning; I'd hammer in the evening, all.....
  7. Great report and encouraging becsuse you're not a blind homer.
  8. I just hope that the athletics money goes for the softball stadium!!!
  9. Its a good question. Are the schools and years scheduled listed anywhere?
  10. They could , but there is no history to say they would .  Are you saying they have Zero Dollars towards a softball stadium at this point?
  11. (Scroll down 3/4 of the way) College football games we can't live without Miami-Florida, BYU-ND, Texas-Ark., others should always be on schedule COMMENTARY By Tom Dienhart For the love of Steve Spurrier ... er, I mean, God: Please, somebody, make these games annual affairs! BYU vs. Notre Dame This is for all of those crazies who think THEIR God really cares about what team wins a football game. Those people really exist. Honest. You may be one of them. If so, get a freaking clue. Clemson vs. Georgia Great history. Close proximity. Lots of hate. What's not to love? Texas vs. Arkansas The rivalry time slowly is forgetting. "Wooooo, Pig!!! Sooooie!" "Hook 'em Horns!" Remember that? (the teams recently announced they play again in 2008 and 2009). Notre Dame vs. Penn State This is like Ali-Frazier. It never gets old watching two classic heavyweights throw haymakers. At least it'll happen this year. Arkansas vs. Oklahoma or Oklahoma State It's a short drive between these schools. And, you know what they say: familiarity breeds contempt. Pitt vs. Penn State I think you all know how I feel about this. It's time to put egos aside (that's you, Penn State) and just play the **** game . . . on a home-and-home basis. Nebraska vs. Oklahoma The Big 12 is a sign of progress? Not in my book when an annual rivalry like this gets trashed because a league wants to split into divisions and have what typically is a yawner of a Big 12 title game. West Virginia vs. Marshall This is the living embodiment of the Hatfields vs. the McCoys. Missouri vs. Illinois The meetings are becoming more frequent. Why not just make it annual like the basketball game in St. Louis? If not, why doesn't Missouri start up an annual series with Iowa or Arkansas? Makes too much sense. This IS Missouri. Southern Miss vs. Ole Miss or Mississippi State A classic case of two SEC schools that want NO part of getting their pants pulled down by an in-state little brother who's more than capable of doing it. You know it. I know it. Ole Miss and Mississippi State know it. West Virginia vs. Ohio State These states have more in common than you think. And is there a better time in history to start an annual series than now? Florida State vs. Auburn This almost happened a few years ago when Terry Bowden was on the Plains. The schools are classic powers that aren't that far apart. LSU vs. Florida State would be a great I-10 matchup. South Florida vs. Miami/Florida/Florida State OK, which of the Sunshine State's holy trinity is less chicken? That's what I thought. Indiana vs. Kentucky This was wrongly taken from us. And bring back the **** Bourbon Barrel! I'm sick of this political correctness crap. Miami vs. Florida We've gotten a few peeks over the years of what this game is like. Sorta like being given a piece of Joe's Stone crab and having the rest taken from you. Fresno State vs. Stanford It's a story about schools from the opposite sides of the track. Those always are great, just like that movie ... "The Outsiders." I think you know which school is the "Socs" and which is the "Greasers."
  12. Hey AbbaDad, I'm getting my first grandchild in Sept., too. Congratulations and PTL!
  13. Hmmm....., now where have we seen proof of that on this board?
  14. Come on SC, let the boys know there ain't much to do in Columbia 'cept the Burger Doodle and USC. They didn't have a single paved street just 100 years back.
  15. 1. Greenberg was the quintesential promoter, Mac never will be and if he wins it won't matter. 2. This may be more important than wins & losses. NO important defections for the next couple years. 3. Leaving one open for next year better option in my opinion. 4. Not the coach's responsibility if he is winning. 5. Qualify for the tourney, no suspect OOC losses, 14-15 wins overall. He's definitely on the clock.
  16. Eric, Your participation here is appreciated and glad you have a little fire. It just seems to some of us that now would have been a great time to feed off of the softball team's success (and prospects) to show a mock-up and and announce a fund raising goal.
  17. Eric, I know $3 mil is big bling to USF, but if you could get a single $1 mil donor that was offered as a matching-gift sort of thing, I think we small fry would pull together pretty quickly for this very deserving program. Then your athletic department would only have to pitch in the remaining mil and USF would be a wothy super-regional host site.
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