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Everything posted by windbane

  1. UConn has won national championships and every year has a top 5 team. That's the extreme case of women's basketball. Throw in UTenn, UNC, Duke, etc.
  2. heh, only took you 10 minutes to see the... uh...dark.
  3. It's true. Whether you like it or not, Tampa has a ton of fairweather and bandwagon fans. yep. all we need is a winning program. USF is a bigger school than it was 16 years ago, is in the best basketball conference (or 2nd best, whichever), and now has more school pride because of the football program (which btw, is still gaining popularity but won't hit big time success until we're ranked ala rutgers). btw, cubanbull I believe, go back and look at that cincy thread. the "darksiders" were still there stating that cincy is a TERRIBLE team as well, and that our win showed more about them than us. i'd like to believe that our team will gel throughout this season and pull out some wins to make it to the big east tourney. we shall see. we are currently tied for 13th (with 2 other teams). in case you don't know, that's 1 spot out. 75% of the teams go. ugh.
  4. That's just eerie, in a spiritual way. Hopefully everyone associated with him (family, friends, teammates) can follow his own advice going forward, as tough as that will be.
  5. leavitt has never done a good job recruiting a classic underachiever any coach at usf 10 years should fall out of bed and have the best recruiting class in big east another stupid post. how does USF continually improve with bad recruiting? he recruited stephen nicholas, matt grothe, the entire great team we have coming back here. you want a high star guy count mike ford, carlton hill, andre hall, spires, etc. and i know people keep mentioning these things over and over, but hopefully people finally get this: stars don't mean much. nicholas was a 2-star and grothe was a 3 star. 1 is already going pro and the other was one of the best freshman QBs in the country last season. i don't have time to list all of the examples. i believe selvie was a 2-star. was chris robinson? yes. one of the best freshmen DEs in the big east. mike jenkins was a 3-star and he's going pro. get over the star rankings. we finished 4th in BE and lost to cinncinati usf should have been a top 25 in recruits last 2 years rutgers now out recruits usf most of the best talent in the sport of football is in florida and leavitt has been here for 10 years forget about the great team coming back.leavitt needs to recruit top freshman that can beat out upper classman.if he doesnt another 4th place finish is in usf's future if they are lucky. you ignore my point that the players we have recruited have been underrated by the recruiting websites. we finished 3rd in the big east last year and only finished behind 3 top-12 teams this year. next year we'll be more improved than the other teams, filling our greatest need at RB despite our great loss today in Keeley Dorsey. speaking of that need, why do you ignore a 5-star recruit in mike ford? oh, right, because it doesn't help your point. USF has done a fantastic job recruiting in Florida against not only the big 3 (big 4 after next season, I think we'll be better than miami, heh) but EVERY OTHER SCHOOL that recruits in Florida. the staff has done a great job at finding underrated talent and developing them, including several NFL-caliber players that even stay for their senior year (nicolas, jenkins, and apparently amarri jackson). Chris Robinson was one of the best defensive freshmen in the big east. Selvie was very good himself. Ben Moffitt led our team in tackles. Those 3 guys were TWO STAR recruits. STOP JUDGING OUR TEAM BY RECRUITING RANKINGS. Pittsburgh had the highest recruiting ranking last year and went 6-6. Most people that follow usf football can tell that our team is improving every year and probably fielded our best team ever at the end of this season. So many players return from this YOUNG, TALENTED team in the next several years it's just sick. We are already filling needs for 2008 where we only lose another WR, some DTs, 2 OLs, Moffitt, and CBs. We have replacements lined up for those positions already. We'll also have McKensie AT LEAST for that year. Stop being so negative and look at reality. Every media publication and computer ranking seems to agree that USF is a top-25 to top-35 team and we should have an even better team AT LEAST the next 2 years.
  6. I believe there's a name for that....BANDWAGON FAN. yeah, for women's basketball. i go to men's games. shut up. and btw, you are the one that is going to quit usf all together if they ever recruit someone that is given a second chance.
  7. well, if i had known about the game and that we were almost ranked i would have gone. i suppose that is partly my fault for not following it closely but it takes more for women's basketball to spark my interest. if the men's team was halfway decent i'd go to every game.
  8. Will he start as a RS Fr ?? I remeber Trae started young - maybe even as a true freshman. Can't remember if Jenkins had a RS year or not. yeah, i think Jenkins and Trae played the grand majority of plays last year and we have Murphy as a backup so I think Washington could easily redshirt and have 4 years to start or whatever.
  9. that's hard to narrow down. I like Tyson Butler. Richard Kelly if we incorporate a FB more. Some have said Claude Davis will be really good. Richardson is clocked at 4.40 just like Butler. You know your team is good at recruiting when 2-star guys are potentially exciting. I hope everyone qualifies and we can begin to say during the spring game maybe.
  10. wow, nice beat down of UL. will this be the first time ranked?
  11. wow. wonder what the record is. and I wonder if they include 1-aa years into it.
  12. no problem Whether we get recruits or not, hopefully the kicking is more consistent and we can find a punt return replacement.
  13. There are thousands upon thousands of people who have been murdered or victimized due to poor judgement of the part of the black robe club. Hopefully it never happens it never happens to any of your friends or family members. Rewarding criminals with scholarships just because they have the talent to play football, basketball, or toss a frisbee...is in my opinion wrong....and I will not support a school that does. I don't have a problem, I have integrity, something which you obviously lack and can't comprehend. Coaches have made mistakes as well. Does that mean every coach's judgement should be questioned? You have condemned Stirrups. You have condemned the American Judicial System and the opinion of every Judge. You apparently also condemn at least Coach Hatten and Coach Leavitt. You probably condemn parole officers as well. You condemn me. Is there anyone else you'd like to throw in there? Anyone else you want to feel superior in judgement to?
  14. Where's the other stuff? Surely this can't be all he's done for all the righteous indignation that you guys have been spouting about this .... nope, that's it. he's on probation and under careful watch I'm sure while he's enrolled at pearl river CC.
  15. are you kidding? bringing up example after example doesn't prove much. and that's just 1 guy. there are plenty of cases that are done correctly. what is your problem? seriously. so you also don't trust hatten's or leavitt's judgement. great. just trust your own. oh wait, except you don't know him.
  16. Reality check...we were 1-2 against those 3 last year. The last time I checked pretty close does not count in football. Would you say FIU and UCF came pretty close to beating us last year? heh. I was estimating the performances. We got dominated by UL, we dominated WVU until late, and we played nearly even with Rutgers. Almost recovered that onside kick, too. Half a yard off. FIU and UCF came very close to beating us, although FIU closer because UCF would not have gone for 2. You'll notice that by the end of the year we were better than WVU and then won a bowl game. I'd say if we replayed those teams it would not be so close. Also, those 2 games were Grothe's 1st 2 starts. We also had some suspensions if you'll recall. Finally, as others have pointed out, 1-2 against top-10 teams isn't so bad. Rutgers loses some people, UL loses their RBs and at least 1 of their top WRs, MANY of their top defensive players, and has a different coach. WVU might be better next year but we beat them and have them at home. Our team will be better.
  17. hum...Scout lists Michael Groody as a punter prospect.
  18. not trying to start another debate here, but stirrups being here in 08 would help losses of DTs. I think we have at least 1 replacement for CB in murphy (I just remember him playing well, not sure about others) and we are getting some recruits in this year there. I think it's great that there are only a few positions to worry about in 2008 now, and 2007 looks rock solid now that we'll have some RB depth and with jenkins staying (although, like I said, I like Murphy so far).
  19. yeah i'd like a rating on him, not that they are accurate anyway. curious what position he will end up playing.
  20. thank you for reminding me of that article. so it was 2 individuals, then. well, that is worse, certainly (to me). I'm sure those individuals have been reimbursed or their cameras returned to them. Does not change the fact that I trust the judge's, hatten's, and leavitt's judgement a lot more than yours. Also, knight light, why are you so active on this board? are you thank uninterested in your own team or do they just not communicate enough with you?
  21. he stole a few cameras. that doesn't make him the devil. everyone that burns dvds is a felon too. ever download music and/or movies? hum... 1. He's a THIEF... a dumb one to boot. 2. He did poorly in HS...he couldn't qualify for admission to USF. It sends the wrong message to reward someone like him a college scholarship when there are youngmen who have keep there noses clean and worked hard to do well in HS. 1. you should also reward people that atone for their mistakes. stealing a few cameras was stupid, but that doesn't say much about his character to me. Mean breaking/entering into cars that are NOT YOURS and committing SIX Felonies at a place you and your MOTHER WORK AT...doesn't say much about his character???? Wow!!!! Where the heck are YOU from??? If committing felonies at a place that even your MOTHER works at doesn't SHOUT OUT LOW/ZERO Character of a person for you...I have no idea what would for you. I'm from somewhere that forgives people: The United States. The "six" felonies are from 1 bad decision in his life. I am saying that the one act, a very wrong one, does not indicate he is going to do it again. I do not know why he did it. I do not know him as a person. I will not judge someone based on the biggest mistake (that I know of, because again, I don't know him) he has made in his life. I will not condemn him forever. If the judge saw fit to put him on probation instead of sending him to jail, then he does not belong in jail. If the coach at Pearl River saw that he was contrite and believes in him, then he deserves a second chance. Finally, if Jim Leavitt hears from Hatten that everything went well in the time he was at Pearl River and offers him a scholarship here, then great. I trust Jim Leavitt's judgement as well. So, you can go against the judgement of a court Judge, Hatten, and possibly Leavitt if you want, but I'll stand by them because I believe Leavitt to be a stand-up, classy guy.
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