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Everything posted by FIGHTNBULLS

  1. Wow ! you guys worry so much. I just don't see Knights puttin that much on us. USF 31-17 400 yrds Peyton
  2. Agree, all home teams have calls go their ways. We need instant review in NCAA---all conferences.
  3. Bad decision on Coach L's part for even starting Denson in such a venue. Bet he would admit it. Start PJ and quite possibly the score would have been diff. Both teams played sloppy. Liked the calls which did result in 2 TD's. PSU was prepared for Andre. Overall good test for the BULLS. Time to recoup and prepare for FAMU. GO BULLS !
  4. We upset PSU and instantly will be recognized in not onlyBIG EAST, but in every conf, as a force to be reckoned with. This BULLFAN thinks we're in. Yeah man ! gogettem Andre. USF 17 PSU 13
  5. COACH Leavitt's gameplan is too much for JOEPA. PSU defense non-jelled, allowing Andre to score 2 TD's and we kick FG at games end for another 3 pts. USF D holds PSU to 1 TD and 2 FG's. BULLS WIN 17-13 Happy Valley---unHappy Valley Bulls make national statement---ESPN has field day.
  6. Come on E.T. quit stealin my answers. Echoing E.T. , Andre has a great day--- 100+ and successful passing over the middle. GO BULLS ! USF 17 PSU 13
  7. PSUBLUE, get a life nailbutt. You think we're gonna lay over and die----ain't happening here. Face it, your afraid of a poor showing by your offense and the possibility of a BIG EAST new entrant upsetting you----at home. Your shakin that a young program like USF just might upset you in front of 80,000 + fans. Don't expect 100,000 with the losing records the past few yrs. Maybe vs a BIG 10 power like OSU. Then again, why would 100,000 fans wanna see their team get shutout---at home. So until Saturday night rolls around------this USF fan has his sights and $$$$$ on an upset. GO BULLS ! USF 17 PSU 13 ........................... yeah man !
  8. PSU will find out what it's like going up against a top NCAA RB---ANDRE HALL. I'm here to say Andre has 100+ yrds vs your fragmented, suspension prone defense. If our QB has any kind of  day at all, it'll be UPSET CITY. And. a very unHAPPY VALLEY.  :'( GO BULLS ! USF 17  PSU 13
  9. too bad the band isn't going, maybe they could show them what a band looks like. wonder if PSU's band is in disarray like their FB team ? GO BULLS ! upset PSU. USF 17 PSU 13
  10. where the hell is your spirit ? get a life. Don"t you believe in possibilities ? Andre is the man who can propell us. All we need is a few completed passes and we're there. D will hold. Get a grip fans. USF 17 PSU 13 GO BULLS !
  11. PSU/Joepa controlls all. Not only do they not allow noisemakers, they are so restrictive on eveything. Talk about hometown advantage. Still USF 17 PSU 13 GO BULLS !
  12. OK, I take it you've never heard of Andre Hall or Florida speed. Guess we'll find out. USF 17 PSU 13 GO BULLS !
  13. Will look like a blade of grass in mid-winter. Anyone ever see a happy blade of grass ? USF 17 PSU 13 GO BULLS !
  14. Got to agree with my Uncle a while back, anticipation leading up to an event is every bit as exciting as the event itself, be it a Holiday or sports event. Here's to the BULLS upset of PSU. Love it. GO BULLS !
  15. I would be greatly surprised if 80k fans show. I've heard about non-conf teams playing in PSU. Seems PSU #s been dwindling over the years much largely due to their poor perf and record. Also this is not perceived to be a big game in their eyes. I could be wrong. One thing for sure though, I fully expect an upset by the Bulls. Andre get 100 + and our D holds their lethargic O. USF 17 PSU 13 GO BULLS !
  16. Exactly Ping, ain't gonna happen with no O. Their best case scenario would be holding us to 10 pts. Maybe. Whatever. They are weak at QB,ST, and FG kicking. I see BULLS scoring at least 13, more like 17. USF 17 PSU 13 GO BULLS !
  17. Really think we have shot at upset in HV next week. Hence, FAMU-UCF a no brainer. We concentrate then on Ville. Mentally, we must think upset vs PSU & Cards. After PSU win, Cards & Canes won't take BULLS lightly. Trust me. Respect on the way. GO BULLS !
  18. Just in time for BULLS to invade Happy Valley, along with Katrina.
  19. Interesting Jopa concerned about the BULLS when asked by a reporter. See below. Sounds like he is really concerned about us. BTW this also confirms my stance on a BULLS upset of PSU on previous posts. BULLS 17  PSU 13 How competitive do you think that South Florida will be? That is a tough call. They have 18 kids back from their starters. They have a lot of junior college kids who you really don't know who you are going to play against until you see them. They are all going to play so you are going to run like the dickens. You make a couple mistakes and "boom." I think they are going to be very competitive. They are in the Big East now and are upgrading the program and the whole bit. Cincinnati and South Florida are both in the Big East now. They have aspirations and programs to put together. For me to tell you about South Florida, I have looked at a lot of tapes of South Florida last year and they have done a lot of different things, are well coached and have some awfully good skilled people. I think they had the same record as us (4-7). I think that is what their record was last year. They lost to some good football teams so I think they are going to be very competitive. I think we are going to have our hands full.
  20. More adverse publicity for PSU fuels their doom in two weeks vs BULLS.  PSU's defense will undoubtedly be out of sync. Question is, enough for our offense to take advantage. Still optomistic Andre puts up 100 +. If our QB can show up, I us stealing one. USF 16   PSU 13 GO BULLS !
  21. Personally, I think we got a good shot at an upset in Penn State.  Remember, their offense is terrible. They lost their QB due to grad. Will be starting anew there. Their touted D only avg at best. If Andre Hall has + 100 yrds allowing some passing where we get on the board with 14 pts  or more, WE WIN !
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