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Everything posted by UCFBeach

  1. LOL...he has been MIA since you guys killed us that Saturday night in Tampa. Gotta figure Publix can't keep his job open for ever and hence the opening for wannabefan83.
  2. And the reason this thread was ever made (by a usf person at that) and why is it on the USF main board?
  3. LOL...and who says you bull fans have no sense of humor~~
  4. Why is this poll even on your main board? Needs to be on State of Florida and then eventually will end up on smack board...
  5. _ei and the rest of you usf fans going to your first bowl game. Congrats and I am so jealous of your hotel cost. I just made my hotel resevations in Hawaii for our bowl game @ 165/night... (ouch) Have a great time and party like crazy!!
  6. exactly the point.. If he was afforded that opportunity, as UCF fans we could not be critical of his decision. I would hope we would have a huge buyout in place and then replace him with another top of the line coach to continue his winning ways.
  7. Would spazza leave his law firm for a more prestige firm and pay him 2 mil a year plus perks?
  8. There are more and more stories coming out about the backdoor deal with gmac and utep. I don't know what is true and fiction, but if this is any indication of how gmac works its deals, then any future invites from them would have to viewed very cautiously. As much as I do like being in CUSA, it also shows (IMO) that we have a very weak commissioner.
  9. Do you think we enjoyed going 0 - 17 and the negative publicity we received for those losses? This year was an amazing turn around and the positive press we have received is called tuning a negative into a positive.
  10. Did you get the lil one "drunk" again? Darn that corona...lol have to give you credit though, not many people I know actually buy season tickets for a child that can otherwise get in free. That is a True Fan!!! Good Luck tomorrow and hopefully both our schools will be bowling.
  11. I do believe there were many threads about GOL's first 2 years that he was not recruiting those sought after "rival star" players. Looks like to me those stars are over rated.
  12. I just wish I could remember all those spazza post telling us UCF people how we had an overpaid and over rated coach...
  13. I thoughly enjoy this site and appreciate the hard work Brad puts into his site.
  14. Can a few of us more civil UCF fans play too? Not that we would ever nominate anyone (cough cough). Are you lisitening "wannabe fan83"?
  15. USF for becoming Bowl Eligible with another good win today. NO matter which school we support and root for, Wins and future bowl games are great for both of our Universities.
  16. One of the VERY FEW times I agree with spazza. Stop the presses--History has been made!!
  17. Been/lived in Kansas for a few short horrible years. Prestige or not...USF is a much better job for him. He does need his salary increased to a competitive range. As for spazza negotiating for him, what would spazza's cut be? 70%???
  18. Pac 10 is an emabarrasement to the bcs system... (just had to jump in on the pac 10 bashing) ;D
  19. We may want to beat the **** out of each other in the sports we play, but nothing wrong with having respect for each other when we have success against other opponets.
  20. "Honestly, it was crowd noise," Houston Coach Art Briles said of the Cougars' final-drive problems. "We changed the play at the line, and crowd noise made it to where some guys were running one play and some guys were running another." We had them for the Houston game and they do make a difference. It was so loud on their last drive you couldn't hear the person standing next to you.
  21. Guess it means spazza is now a cross dresser... ;D
  22. Nice article about USF and Leavitt...You have come a very long way in a very short time.. Congrats~~
  23. might as well send this thread to the USF/UCF board. What started as complimentary and well deserved as gone to hell.. Some things will never change.
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