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Everything posted by T-Man

  1. Bullnation- T-Man is on the soccer fields from 11:30-3:00 on Saturday, and then he is on the baseball field from 3:00-6:00.... What radio station will be broadcasting the game, and which one of you people will do the 360 thing so I can call if radio thing does not work? Wooly, Bdoug,Bullsmania, and MikeG, I have all of your numbers if any of you are doing 360 thing... Others please shoot me an email so I have a contact to call... Thanks in advance.. T-man
  2. As I watch WVU, Rutgers, Pitt, Cincy, Uconn, and Syr. I can't help thinking how fast we are compared to the Big East teams... At times they do look Big, but I will take speed over muscle any day... UM was faster than us.... PSU may have been a little quicker...
  3. Next year playing at Lville and at WVU will be very tough... This has to be the year we do our best.. two years from now we get them both at home again.. we are very fortunate to play both of the best teams in big east at home this year!
  4. I venture to guess PSU #7 and UM #8, Hell throw in Louisville #19.. And USF 3rd team listed in others receiving votes.... Keep on winning psu, um, lville, and ucf....
  5. Hell they have ucf going to hawaii (collegefootballnews) has hell frozen over?
  6. I owe you one! Thank god I'm not a betting man! Oh well Syracuse to a bowl seems more unlikely with 4 losses now!
  7. Jimbo- want to put a beer on the Syr-Uconn result no points...
  8. 4 Big games this weekend (Yes they are big for our conference!) Syracuse vs. Uconn If Syracuse has any hope to salvage the season they better win this one! Uconn is favored by 6.5 and are playing at home.. Syracuse is 1-3, No way they go 1-4.... Syracuse 31- Uconn 18... WVU vs. Rutgers This is a big game for rutgers.... WVU is favored by 3.5 I think... WVU will win this game and they won't give up many points... WVU 24- Rutgers 6 NC vs. Louisville Louisville is 12.5 favorite... The line is too high... NC as acc and we need to win this game...Would love to see three TD victory for the cards... LVille 33-UNC 24.. Cinn vs. Pitt Welcome to Ugly meets FUGLY... Anyone going to this game should wear air-freshner around their neck... This will be the Bowl game for both teams, loser secures last place in Big East... The line in this game is smelly to rancid... Pitt 38- Cinn 13 Hope Andre is getting plenty of rest this weekend, he may run ball 35 times against pitt... We will show WVU nothing in this game...
  9. If ND does not play USF ... What an insult this would be...
  10. The reason there are no Bowl games on Jan 1st. is simple.... That will be a travel day for us roady bulls! Seriously, 7-4 is good enough for some kind of Bowl, Bulldoug you are still smartin' from 9-2 no bowl season, one benefit of big east is they will get us into a bowl with 7-4 mark.. Lville, Wvu, Us, and uconn or syr. will get spots... My dream is the gator bowl.... Let Nd run table after usc (hopefuly they keep it close) and let them go to bcs bowl which will open gator, that would be sweet.....
  11. USFfan and Bullgrad, You won't run me from the board... I have been here a long time... In that time I have learned not to sweat the small stuff... I, unlike both of you tend to read and comment on each individual post and ignore mistakes.. The beautiful thing about this board is that we can visit and not worry about making mistakes... Another solution rather than "biting your tongue all day" would be to shoot me an email and then I could correct the post... In closing, does one's tongue get swollen when biting it all day?
  12. BullDoug travel back on southwest $49 on Sunday 8am.. You are really sick if you make this one after 5 straight weeks... I'm too tired for this one... saving my money for later in season....
  13. I Went to ESPN, and followed the contact us ESPN/TV people and filled out a form and sent the following letter... Yes I know they do not get a rat's A** about me or my letter but it did make me feel good! ESPN- Are you kidding me.... "360 internet" ******** is the only option for a Big East game? You have 11 games on 10/15 on Game plan and not one of them is USF-PITT? 13th largest TV market is relegated (sorry about mistake English Gods! When I was firing off the message I did not proof it.) to internet? I would pay $20 dollars for game plan game and so would many others! If your goal is to alienate the Big East fans and screw them over like most media outlets then your mission has been accomplished! I would hope you would rectify this situation, but I know there is another market out there for the mighty ESPN moguls to get a monopoly on so HAVE AT IT!(internet broadcast) My only hope here is that when basketball season starts the number 1 conference in America (Big East) finds someway to screw you over! Boy I just want to hit something! Please feel free to e-mail them...
  14. "The real reality check was the "massive-hustle" and "fan-fare" outside the Orange Bowl that the USF fans endured. Having lived in Miami I knew what USF fans were in for in terms of the "Shock Value" that visiting fans experience just entering the Orange Bowl." What the hell are you talking about? "massive hustle and fanfare" Are you saying this is a good thing about Miami? The only shock value I have in regards to the walk in is the slum like disunity amongst Miami fans... The fans there tailgate 3-5 to a can on every street corner.... After watching so many hurricane devasted areas in the last few weeks on TV, I am wondering if the area around the O-Bowl is related to Andrew damage? Do you have a mayor in Miami? How can he sleep knowing that hole exists? The stadium is rich with tradition, but I haven't seen restrooms and concessions like that since the Alabama game... At least in Alabama their fans were actually apologizing for the Legion field stadium... The "Shock Value outside"? The only shock I can really say I have is that UM is such an awesome team football team yet they play in a 3rd world stadium.... tradition is tradition but with Joe Robbie up the street, I can't see why they conitue to play in O-Bowl.... If you really want to keep the shock, then bus in the general population around O-Bowl and house them around JRobbie on game days... It amazes me that the mayor doesn't help out that area... I am very proud how our stadium and surrounding areas look... Did anyone see the number of police officers outside the stadium as compared to inside? The Tampa Police department secures the surrounding areas of RJS so much that the last thing on my mind is crime when I walk out of the stadium..... If we would have won on Saturday I can honestly say I would have had some fear walking out of the stadium... And unless the Miami PD would have escorted us I am sure there would have been some incidents... Thanks for doing a good Job Tampa PD... And do me a favor don't F up my future posts!
  15. It is October 3rd. and the following is absolutely true for this Bull's fan. 1. We are not on the same level as the BIG 3. 2. We have improved from last year. 3. It is only October and many across the nation have our bulls going to a b**l game. (right now they have us playing k-state in Independence Bowl december 30th, can you say DOABLE road trip? They also have lousville as Big east champ playing in Sugar Bowl in Atlanta... They also have west va. finishing #2 in Big East playing in Charlotte dec 31st.... Hell last week they had us in Arizona, now three drivable road trips? Please pinch me because I must be dreaming!) 4. We are 3-2, how many of you could fathom such a scenario before the season? 5. We are on top of the Big East. So I do not want any negative Bull**** on this board... We could still lose to Wvir, Syra, and (Uconn or Pitt) and still play after the season is over.... If we go 4-2 in last 6 games, I say we are in Shrevport, 5-1 I say we are in Char. NC, If we go 6-0 Atlanta, If we are 3-3 We will be travelling somewhere by plane... All of this sounds REMARKABLE and yes I know we could lose 5 of the next 6 (Cincy is horrible) but I did not see anything in Miami to make me think we could possibly lose that many.... IT IS GOOD TO BE A BULL, AND I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE WHERE WE ARE TODAY!
  16. That place is a HOLE... However where ever my Bulls go I will follow!
  17. FAU AND FIU are horrendous and will never touch UCF.... Money can buy you many things but not equality with any other d1 in florida.
  18. Actually starting from NPR/ Hudson area.... I think I am taking back way st rd 52 across to 98 and down to 60..
  19. lack of parachutes to drop the kids, I have to drive!
  20. Get you a nap when you get there, can't be tired when I arrive!
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