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Everything posted by bullsmania

  1. I bought mine at FAD and had it autographed! What an awesome way to support a part of USF.
  2. I agree Reap. We were talking about this after the game (while we were stuck in traffic) and how we thought we were supposed to be talented at WR. Although they did redeem themselves as the game progressed, those first 9-10 drops were just hard to swallow. Not expecting perfection, just a few more catches.
  3. I think the offense would have worked a lot better if the receivers do their job and CATCH the ball. I think we will move the ball fine now we know who the starter is and that whole pass and catch idea works a little better.
  4. I agree to a certain degree with you. When the offense or defense makes a good play and they are penalized wrongly then it does have an effect on the game and if it kills a drive or a good gain or whatever, it could change the outcome. Some of the spots were horrible. When does the rule of visiting team officials take over? Or were they BE refs and just favored the historic Lions or the baby Bulls?
  5. Definitely. We got killed on anything to the outside. I agree with our speed we overpursue, but I was wondering why the corners were playing so far on a lot of plays. I think they were too far off for the runs and that hurt us.
  6. I am getting so tired of this question. We are not even 10 years old yet and we are not playing teams with great history. Ask me again in 20 years and if we are still not selling more than 15k season tickets a year, then maybe I will wonder. But let the kids that are growing up with the football program graduate and become alumni and after-school fans please before we start questioning our fan base. A lot of people in this area grew up bleeding different colors and have not changed their allegiance like we have. We are building and growing strong. Please have patience and just enjoy the show.
  7. They looked like the real deal at first then began to show their flaws. We can definitely hang with them if we can contain Bush.
  8. I agree. How the heck do you have 5 TO and still win. Obviously the team getting the TO's is not doing much with the ball when they get it.
  9. It was good to see you again Brandon. Glad you brought a good group with you and had a good time. Keep up the good work and see you later!
  10. I'll see you at the airport Tim! It's here! The invasion of Happy Valley! The 2005 football season! Win or lose, I can't wait to see my Bulls play. Gene.
  11. Maybe Jim, but it used to be at Rocky's (The Claw), then Winner's Grill, then Splittsville I don't remember all the places). I don't think it ever got a great crowd. I think the trouble was because it was so far north in the beginning. Nobody wanted to drive that far from Pinellas or Brandon (was it at Barnacles one year?) and then Splitsville was just a bad location. Maybe it just isn't meant to be a live audience radio show. I know this is about the TV show, sorry about talking about the radio show.
  12. I was wondering if the radio show was even going to be open to the public. With the new time slot, after the Bucs games, and the poor attendance the last few years at the radio show, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a studio show with a call-in audience.
  13. Tim, I will be wearing GREEN to help stamp out the white-out.
  14. Darn, I was hoping you were there so you could tell me which one you were. I bought one of the calendars to support the spirit of USF. I had the cheerleaders and sun dolls autograph it but I guess you didn't. Hope you feel better. :'(
  15. Look at this link! What idiot is selling this? They obviously don't know there A$$ from a hole in the ground! I sent the seller an e-mail so he will hopefully get the message how insulting that is. http://cgi.ebay.com/University-of-South-Florida-Seminoles-Jacket-7-Childs_W0QQitemZ6794536540QQcategoryZ57899QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. I saw Amp Hill there today. He looks to be in great shape. I was so psyched to be at FAD today! 2005 USF Football is here!!! All the players were friendly, eager to meet and greet the fans and it was well attended. It's always fun going to FAD and putting more faces with screen names. I met Reaper and bullwark. And got to see some old faces. Bull nation is a great family! Big East, here we come!!!
  17. I guess they plan on opening with the Miami game. I hope this works out for them.
  18. Are psu78 and psunut talking about the same place? It sounds like one is saying altoona is a good spot and one is saying harrisburg is a good spot. Oh well, we are going to altoona from Baltimore Friday night and we will find something to do!
  19. Ok. Thanks for the tip psu78. We are now staying in Altoon Friday night.
  20. Is one city better than the other to be in Friday night as far as something to do?
  21. not to stray from your point but I think there are closer to 1,000.
  22. We are flying into Baltimore Friday night then driving to Harrisburg and staying there over night. Then getting up early Saturday morning and heading over to State College for an all-day tailgate!
  23. When I talked to Eric yesterday he expects about 50K. They have large groups buying seats that cannot fit anywhere except the third level. Sales are going well.
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