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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. It was Jan 92, awesome experience, not WVU/USF 07 but very memorable
  2. We beat him at the Sundome, 91-92 team, the best college basketball game I have ever been to, we stormed the floor. Had Dickie V autograph our sign, Thursday night game. Had beer trucks before and after the game, think it was homecoming, (pre football). Alexander made the winning shot, I think off the glass. Was absolutely fantastic.
  3. I f Joe said we can have a gathering in our own backyards by July 4th than tailgating is on, however I will wait to see what Fauci has to say, hopefully he will let me see my family this year.
  4. I agree with you, go public or don’t? His half assed explanation leaves more questions than answers, my recommendation to this young man is if he wants people to respect his privacy than stay private, if he doesn’t then give us an explanation that doesn’t sound like it was drafted by an attorney. I want to thank him for his time here and wish him luck in his future endeavors and hope he is able to overcome this incredible stress he was under while playing at USF and that we get this addressed.
  5. I didn’t think I was either but Smazza bought a 10 pack of me for some reason, maybe I am appreciating in value, I will be sure to let the old lady know, she is lucky to have me.
  6. Me sarcastic?, Smazza is in their posting indecipherable rubbish and has the conversational skills of a below average 3rd grader so I may have embellished a tad bit on the overall quality of the discussion.
  7. It is an incredibly intense, educational and invigorating discussion about current events. The participants are intelligent, courteous and provide thought provoking comments to foster a well rounded debate.
  8. Never been that fortunate however one year with the lightning I split season tickets with some friends and we’re 4 rows from the ice in the corner. Bought them for pennies on the dollar from a scout that lived in my neighborhood. A perk was Erin Andrew’s used to do her reporting for the sunshine network right below me, she used to talk to my very young daughter at the time while I undressed her with my eyes, good memories.
  9. It was fine in person unless you bought a cheap obstructed view seat, it was the easiest stadium to get to, train dropped you right at the old garden. The over hangs in Chicago were so bad that you couldn’t see the scoreboard. We used to have to yell down and ask how much time was left. We use to joke that when there was a big play instead of standing up we needed to get everybody to crouch so they could see the scoreboard.
  10. Yes sir, they simply dropped the North and kept the colors and Stars. High def has been a godsend for hockey, really tough to follow the puck back then, now I absolutely love to watch it on TV as well as live.
  11. You have become completely unhinged, either put down the bottle or the phone. I doubt anyone knows and I really don’t even care, the damage is done anyways so fire them and move on, at the very least they are guilty of white privilege.
  12. My first game was 79 Hawks vs Leafs, the old Chicago stadium. The original 6 has been a trivia question numerous times and any hockey fan should commit this to memory. The Blackhawks have always had the best jerseys, hands down.
  13. And not since, losing 3 out of 4 years is not much of a rebuild especially when what we constitute as winning is not even making the NIT in our winning year.
  14. It was 2 years and with free agency it can be done overnight, we won’t be able to but some will. Get whoever you want, there are disgruntled self centered athletes ******** about playing time all over the nation ripe for the pickings.
  15. That is BS, the job pays 7 digits a year which is more than twice what many of these smaller programs pay. If we select the wrong guy than that is on Kelly, not sure why you guys are giving people an out before they start, what a defeatist attitude.
  16. You do carry the water for these guys, Dawson played for us last year and is not an unknown quantity, Moss is highly recruited. We will simply hire someone to not rock the boat and make the liberal administration happy as we continue suck eggs in athletics.
  17. It really was the pot calling the kettle black, nobody has clean hands on that one, literally or figuratively.
  18. A couple of older white guys being investigated for racism, they are already guilty, we are just waiting to hear the sentence, fired or a lifetime ban from coaching.
  19. That is the reason when they do I will check out of this **** show.
  20. The college years had gorgeous girls and being in college at the time I liked that. No idea why most left, when you suck it is much easier to point the finger at someone else and say it is their fault and I believe that is the reason most left, but once again who knows and at this point who cares.
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