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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. One player with sour grapes and scorched earth allegations on his way out of town, I am not even sure there is much to investigate after nothing else but some ambiguous Twitter statement from a b-c player, where did he sign?
  2. 4 years in, who gives a ****, either he can’t coach, or he can’t recruit or he can’t develop or a combination. End of the day it doesn’t matter why we suck only that we suck.
  3. Touché, I guess that’s why I love to poke fun at the passionate and easily offended groups of people, one of my favorite pastimes.
  4. I am being melodramatic, I use nioxin and really don’t give 2 violation either way, life is and has been very good.
  5. Very well said, we have and continue to suffer as those privileged with thick follicles try to relate. You would not and will never understand the road we travel.
  6. You do make a great point, I noticed in the self serve cafeteria ceiling camera at work that I was not as fully covered as I liked, good coverage in front but things are starting to fall apart from the rear. I..much like you... don’t really care as much about that anymore, I am now on the wrong side of 50 and am much more interested and involved in making sure I stay healthy and live as long as I can before I become dust in the wind.
  7. I only likey when they sign, the only good thing about hoops is you can overhaul in a year, we need an overhaul bad.
  8. The hairdo was a little bit effeminate however very impressive coverage, I am jealous. Nice work Jtrue!
  9. I will save you the suspense Trips, he will not get more playing time there? Can’t believe you even posed the question.
  10. No, Duke didn’t even make the tournament and UNC shouldn’t have, we dodged a bullet avoiding those schools.
  11. ETSU, UNC-W, just seems like we are simply trying to fill out a roster and are asking anyone that is interested. This next season will be interesting or more than likely it won’t.
  12. I had heard that but I guess he is a competitor and wants to play more than sit on the bench and watch a better team win. I doubt he would have seen the floor except in garbage time at one of the blue bloods.
  13. Good observation....every business, sport, country is in a cycle that eventually ends in ruin, the only question is what stage of the cycle are we in and how much time until the end.
  14. Greed ends up destroying anything good, I quit watching baseball in the 90’s and don’t miss it a bit. Stopped watching the NBA about 15 years ago and don’t miss it either. College sports are slowly destroying themselves as well and can easily find something else to do. As long as we have beer I will be fine and come up with ways to keep myself amused. A simple CBA will determine if I cancel more of these sports in the future and the benefits are eroding rapidly.
  15. The whole point is if the kid does not now have to commit to the school for more than the school year than we need to follow there lead and cut bait when we are not satisfied with their performance. I understand the trust in the old system but now that trust is gone.
  16. True therefore do we really have a 1 year reoccurring scholarship on merit then, we have it in theory but not in practice.
  17. The point is then not sure why everyone thinks these guys are jumping off a sinking ship, many are probably getting pushed. Did CJS and CBG lose the locker room or did they simply clean house.
  18. Yes but is it truly enforced the way it should be, I say after each year cut people for performance, this is not done consistently or aggressively as it should be IMO. Did CJS cut most of those guys or would he have cut them had they not entered the portal? I really don’t know, any education would be appreciated.
  19. To do this you would have to eliminate any conference affiliation, not sure how you can have different tiers in the same conference, if you can then what is the point.
  20. I say we open it up and put everyone on 1 year scholarships, if they can bounce then colleges should be able to cut ties as well, every man for himself, and women for herself and whatever you identify as for itself. Got to stay PC in this woke environment
  21. This would never happen because if you are in the bourgeoise class than why would you risk being relegated to the proletariat class and for the record you are championing us voluntarily going down to the class of peasants which is nonsensical in and of itself.
  22. Slowly but surely they are killing the game in the name of providing additional opportunities for these so called student athletes. The irony is that this will have a negative effect on graduation rates as theses guys bounce around, the chances of them finishing school will decrease, but in the grand scheme of things, who cares.
  23. I couldn’t agree more, not sure what we have and probably won’t bother to invest much time in trying to figure it out. If we have a good team I will follow them closely, if we suck eggs than I will watch only out necessity.
  24. Pre paid Florida plan was ass, they changed the terms 7 years after we bought it, pays about 40 percent of the tuition and fees, great plan if you stay in Florida, **** plan if you leave the state.
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