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Everything posted by Friscobull

  1. What can I say, I attended USF well before our preeminence rating.
  2. What Raider says. We don’t need to win but we need to be respectable with flashes of success showing we are no longer straight ass. Those 3 he mentioned we’re unwatchable and a flat out embarrassment to anyone that follows our team.
  3. In addition, why didn’t you go with Budyzr? Was that taken, it would have been easier for all of us to decipher.
  4. Only reason I knew is I met him with the BDYZR jersey in Atlanta and I told him I always got him mixed up with Bulldozer (RIP). He explained it to me and it stuck.
  5. Yep, went completely over my head, my bad, carry on.
  6. At that time we would be in the middle of another trash MBB season as well, we would all be calling for his head.
  7. Still wearing a mask? Are you worried about monkey pox? Nice looking cold one, however doesn’t look like a bdyzr?
  8. Don’t fret, I am sure Gatorbull will provide a dialogue shortly that will convince us all that we are playoff bound.
  9. We won’t start over, he will come back but his seat will be hot from the few remaining fans. I think we can win 6, but we shall see, if we get rolled out of the gate it will be a long year.
  10. The ganja helps him stay either level or euphoric. Cali and Gator probably aren’t brothers but they are brutha’s so maybe it is the same guy, but they have a much different approach IMO.
  11. Nope, just in the doghouse, old lady has him sleeping on the couch due to a bad streak at the casinos.
  12. He did, he was preposterous and obnoxious at times which I always found appealing. Maybe he got hit by a truck or someone stuffed him in a trunk. He always talked about how he was a big tough guy, I guess I am glad I never found out, I couldn’t help but go after him, he was an easy mark.
  13. That is a shame, he had so many nameless connections providing us a glimpse behind the scenes, the information he provided was priceless. On a serious note, did anyone ever meet him, did he actually exist or was he simply a troll?
  14. Brian, I have CousinRicky’s address when he gets out of line, he is local and gets a little loose with his criticism when the Bourbon is flowing. Welcome and good luck!
  15. I used to go shirtless, funny how I used to look for a reason to take off my shirt, now I look for an excuse to put one on. The old Sombrero was 18 inches a seat. You couldn’t help but mix it up with others due to this and the heat, coupled with smoking and 32 oz beers. I miss the good ole days, everyone did not have a camera so you were free to let your hair down and be a little bit mischievous.
  16. Thanks for the sneak peek on your projection, we were all getting restless on which way you were going, this will now allow us to sleep, thanks NEB
  17. You have been pretty accurate the past few years, I am not sure how we stop anyone, D line is thin, LB’s ok and D backs are ordinary at best. I guess I am hoping GB gets them going, special teams score and the D feeds off their success. It is a game of momentum, hopefully we get the Mo, play a little over our heads and get a couple of turnovers to slow them down. We need some Lady Luck , hope you are wrong but we need a lot of things to happen favorably for us to be victorious.
  18. Inexplicable, nothing else to say but what in the hell are we doing.
  19. It doesn’t even sound like CBG believes what he is saying, he has put together another hodge-podge of talentless stiffs and has no idea how to develop into a respectable unit. He will put together a single digit win total of boring basketball this year and laugh all the way to the bank, he is a bum.
  20. Hill scares me as well, they have talked him up so much in camp but my recollections of him were the same as yours. Maybe we get some pressure on their QB taking some stress off the secondary is my only hope. My breakout and dud are the same as yours. Defense is so emotionally charged that I hope they set the tone early and keep us in the game against BYU, I believe this game is winnable, unlike the NC State or Wisconsin game.
  21. It will be hot, people hiding in the club A/C showing empty seats. Let’s just hope we ball out, the fans will take care of itself if we win.
  22. You are now a legacy with your daughter and being local you are fully vested. We appreciate your insight and love for all things USF, not just football (and some hoops). I am on record we win 6 plus, what is your prognostic?
  23. Yep, he would only win 7 of the next 26 before being canned, god what I would do for us to return to that level of play
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