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Everything posted by chapelbull

  1. Go undefeated and you got a shot at NYD. If you can't run the table and win the AAC why would you deserve better than a 3rd tier bowl?
  2. Texas won't be ranked next week. Who cares? We beat Elon 34-14. Beat GT next week and then you can talk. We didn't deserve to be ranked over anybody (other than FAU) P5 schools are going to get the benefit of the doubt. They play in the top conferences. Win your games and you'll be ranked
  3. I thought that we were not using all of our student tickets in the past?
  4. If you need your 3rd string QB, you're probably in trouble.
  5. That's a nice W for the conference. Also nice to see Chip lose
  6. It's freaking college. How big of a difference could the ages be? I get having to put a bunch of true freshman on the field vs. a senior laden team, but come one
  7. Yes, I hope we are up by 50 in the 4th quarter frequently
  8. Yep and that's why we're not ranked and why ESPN isn't talking about us and other G5 schools etc
  9. Slow down big guy. It was Elon we just beat 34-14
  10. Yeah, I wouldn't read into it too too much. But the continued idea of taking the foot off the gas and limping in bothers me more. Bury teams that you should bury. This should have been a 45-0 win or so
  11. That's a lame excuse. They're playing Elon. Get in and prove something
  12. Neither pass was great, but at least somewhat catchable; i.e. in the same vicinity of the receiver
  13. Nice punt Agree, but still a pretty nice ball Not sure, barely been touched not much more than get the back ups in to get some work
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