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John Lewis

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John Lewis last won the day on November 14 2023

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Toro Magnifico (14/14)

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  1. Assuming that Cal/Stanford is in the #10 market, but yes, that is a pretty big reach to say 7 out of 10.
  2. If you’re talking about this season, or even the foreseeable future, that would not happen. Our OOC schedule is miles ahead of theirs and our league is better.
  3. Nice to come on this thread on a Friday morning and see that @Bull Matrix has found the bottom of the barrel X rumors of the day.
  4. Very sad situation. The TBT article that Joey Knight posted yesterday stated that the felon began shooting and both the Battie brothers returned fire. Senseless.
  5. Why would ESPN want to pay more for those 2 programs when they have them locked up for another 10+ years?
  6. Renewing accounts have already started their payment plans. New season ticket members will have their pricing soon and seating is likely to begin next month.
  7. Renewing season ticket members did not see a price increase.
  8. Team finished in 9th place. Melanie Green shoots -3 on the day and finishes at -4 for the tournament.
  9. With the way realignment has gone in the past decade I wouldn't think that anything is unlikely at this point.
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