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So, how many conservatives


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1 hour ago, CousinRicky said:

will be refusing or returning the $1,200 Socialist payments that will be made soon?  I mean, we need small government and we don't want them to get involved in our lives.  Reminds me of this classic conservative.


I will not be cashing one of these checks Cuz so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

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I like the fact @TheAccountant shares with us he is still working (and so am I) and is empathetic.  We're fortunate.

My gripe today, is related to those people in need - especially small business and the folks they employ - that have had their lives turned up side down.  What really chafes me are all the sit at home, write at home, get paid at home journalists and media nuts that suggest this lock down should go on for months, including some of the local yokels in Tampa.  Again, easy for them to say when they sit at home, get fat and write a bad story on the Bulls.  Chiding others for wanting to return to work, while they work.  Shame, shame.  Life has to get on.

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33 minutes ago, CousinRicky said:

One could argue that the payments are a result of their decision.  I often don't get my point across clearly. I really wanted to post that video of Nelson making that idiotic statement and no one mentioned it.

Just watched it, that was really funny, I bet he wishes he could have that one back.  Glen Beck used to live down the street from me in Valrico, about 5-6 houses, I used to love listening and watching him but he went off the deep end, I think he followed me out to DFW.

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6 minutes ago, Brad said:

I like the fact @TheAccountant shares with us he is still working (and so am I) and is empathetic.  We're fortunate.

My gripe today, is related to those people in need - especially small business and the folks they employ - that have had their lives turned up side down.  What really chafes me are all the sit at home, write at home, get paid at home journalists and media nuts that suggest this lock down should go on for months, including some of the local yokels in Tampa.  Again, easy for them to say when they sit at home, get fat and write a bad story on the Bulls.  Chiding others for wanting to return to work, while they work.  Shame, shame.  Life has to get on.

Disclaimer: My opinion - The media and most of the far left only care about making the President look bad. If the economy tanks and we cannot recover, it makes the President look bad. If people have to be locked up in their homes for months on end, it makes the President look bad. If no stimulus bill is passed (because a bunch of unrelated nonsense is included in the bill), it makes the President look bad. The media doesnt care about their readers. The far left senate and house don't care about their constituents. All they care about is making the President look bad to try to hurt his reelection chances, regardless of how many people suffer or are killed in the process. The media is already circulating the idea of not airing his daily pressers, because the ratings are too high and his approval rating of how he has handled this virus are too high. What other reason would there be for them to not want to air the pressers? 


Rant over. 

Edited by TheAccountant
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31 minutes ago, TheAccountant said:

Disclaimer: My opinion - The media and most of the far left only care about making the President look bad. If the economy tanks and we cannot recover, it makes the President look bad. If people have to be locked up in their homes for months on end, it makes the President look bad. If no stimulus bill is passed (because a bunch of unrelated nonsense is included in the bill), it makes the President look bad. The media doesnt care about their readers. The far left senate and house don't care about their constituents. All they care about is making the President look bad to try to hurt his reelection chances, regardless of how many people suffer or are killed in the process. The media is already circulating the idea of not airing his daily pressers, because the ratings are too high and his approval rating of how he has handled this virus are too high. What other reason would there be for them to not want to air the pressers? 


Rant over. 

And one could argue that the President slowed played this initially to keep the economy looking good.  I'm not a Trump fan but I don't blame in this situation. It is a darned if you do and darned if you don't thing.

I am in the middle on this corona thing.  Part of me says that I need to keep my distance and stay healthy. The other thinks that stores/restaurants should be open while practicing safe health standards. We think our daughter's family had this back in November. Our grandson had flu-like symptoms, went for a test which came back negative. It went through the whole house with all of them having differing symptoms. The youngest grandson just got the regular flu last week after having whatever it was back in Nov.  No way to test for antibodies yet to see if they actually did. My wife and I got off a cruise ship in early January and both had "something".  Wasn't quite a cold and wasn't quite the flu.  Who knows?

I didn't get to see my daughter and grandsons yesterday on my birthday.  And I'm thinking How long can I go without seeing them. Thanks to the miracle of technology I saw them on the phone.  But I just don't see myself doing this for more than a couple more weeks and then I'll probably start taking my chances. 

And a question for anyone out there that has some medical background.  If these 95 masks are supposed to be for those that are sick and don't prevent you from getting viruses, why is there a shortage?  Is it a matter of something is better than nothing? I have one at home (from years ago) and was going to wear it to a doctor's appt yesterday. Read the box and said it won't prevent you from becoming sick.  

Just got interrupted by a parade of Pasco School Teachers riding by the house. How cool.  

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31 minutes ago, CousinRicky said:

And one could argue that the President slowed played this initially to keep the economy looking good.  I'm not a Trump fan but I don't blame in this situation. It is a darned if you do and darned if you don't thing.

I am in the middle on this corona thing.  Part of me says that I need to keep my distance and stay healthy. The other thinks that stores/restaurants should be open while practicing safe health standards. We think our daughter's family had this back in November. Our grandson had flu-like symptoms, went for a test which came back negative. It went through the whole house with all of them having differing symptoms. The youngest grandson just got the regular flu last week after having whatever it was back in Nov.  No way to test for antibodies yet to see if they actually did. My wife and I got off a cruise ship in early January and both had "something".  Wasn't quite a cold and wasn't quite the flu.  Who knows?

I didn't get to see my daughter and grandsons yesterday on my birthday.  And I'm thinking How long can I go without seeing them. Thanks to the miracle of technology I saw them on the phone.  But I just don't see myself doing this for more than a couple more weeks and then I'll probably start taking my chances. 

And a question for anyone out there that has some medical background.  If these 95 masks are supposed to be for those that are sick and don't prevent you from getting viruses, why is there a shortage?  Is it a matter of something is better than nothing? I have one at home (from years ago) and was going to wear it to a doctor's appt yesterday. Read the box and said it won't prevent you from becoming sick.  

Just got interrupted by a parade of Pasco School Teachers riding by the house. How cool.  

Happy Birthday Cuz, another year older and another year wiser.

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2 minutes ago, Friscobull said:

Happy Birthday Cuz, another year older and another year wiser.

Thanks M.  Older for sure.  Wiser?  Some would question that.

Edit: And as proof of my losing it, I had meant to start this in the Mad Cow.  Mods, feel free to move it.

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46 minutes ago, CousinRicky said:

And one could argue that the President slowed played this initially to keep the economy looking good.  I'm not a Trump fan but I don't blame in this situation. It is a darned if you do and darned if you don't thing.

I am in the middle on this corona thing.  Part of me says that I need to keep my distance and stay healthy. The other thinks that stores/restaurants should be open while practicing safe health standards. We think our daughter's family had this back in November. Our grandson had flu-like symptoms, went for a test which came back negative. It went through the whole house with all of them having differing symptoms. The youngest grandson just got the regular flu last week after having whatever it was back in Nov.  No way to test for antibodies yet to see if they actually did. My wife and I got off a cruise ship in early January and both had "something".  Wasn't quite a cold and wasn't quite the flu.  Who knows?

I didn't get to see my daughter and grandsons yesterday on my birthday.  And I'm thinking How long can I go without seeing them. Thanks to the miracle of technology I saw them on the phone.  But I just don't see myself doing this for more than a couple more weeks and then I'll probably start taking my chances. 

And a question for anyone out there that has some medical background.  If these 95 masks are supposed to be for those that are sick and don't prevent you from getting viruses, why is there a shortage?  Is it a matter of something is better than nothing? I have one at home (from years ago) and was going to wear it to a doctor's appt yesterday. Read the box and said it won't prevent you from becoming sick.  

Just got interrupted by a parade of Pasco School Teachers riding by the house. How cool.  

I don't think he has been perfect in his handling of Covid-19, but I also think he has done a good job. No other President has ever had to deal with a situation like this (that I know of). So it is really hard to compare his performance. Compared to other countries' responses though, I feel he is at the top. One thing I will say though, is that Trump closed travel to China back in January, a move that the leading Democratic Presidential candidate opposed. Trump restricted travel to and from Europe earlier this month and Joe Biden tweeted this: 


So people that make the argument that Trump has handled this poorly should consider how many additional cases and deaths the country could have if our borders were wide open and travel to/from China and Europe, both epicenters of this virus, was not restricted. It's easy to criticize someone when you're not in their position and don't have the responsibility that the other person has. 

Anyways, happy birthday @CousinRicky! Hope you stay safe and get to see your family soon!

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30 minutes ago, TheAccountant said:

No other President has ever had to deal with a situation like this (that I know of).

Not quite as bad as COVID-19, but there is a past case for comparison.  Not to rile the hostiles, but didn't more than 1,000 Americans die of swine flu before Obama considered a national emergency?  I'm sure someone will correct this.

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12 minutes ago, Brad said:

Not quite as bad as COVID-19, but there is a past case for comparison.  Not to rile the hostiles, but didn't more than 1,000 Americans died of swine flu before he considered a national emergency?  I'm sure someone will correct this.

Swine flu would be a great comparison, however, the media's different reaction to the two viruses makes it an invalid comparison. Per the CDC website:


From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus

According to that quote, the virus affected and killed more people in America than the Coronavirus has worldwide (thus far). During the Swine flu pandemic, the media downplayed the virus. I saw a report a couple weeks ago that compared the media mentions of swine flu to the media mentions of coronavirus, but couldn't find it again just now when I looked. So I will provide another article supporting my claim (Link). Essentially the report I saw claimed that the media mentioned swine flu a few million times (I believe it was around 4 million). It claimed that the media has mentioned the Coronavirus over 1.1 billion times. The argument could be made that the media is more easily accessed now than during the swine flu, but that is a pretty stark difference even after taking that into consideration. The key difference between the media's reaction to the viruses is that they had a president they liked during the Swine flu, and didn't want to hurt his reelection chances, and have a president they don't like during the current corona virus. 

At the height of the Swine Flu, the CDC recommended that US schools be shut down, people should work from home, and that people should quarantine. The media (and Americans) mostly ignored this. By the time the CDC made the same recommendations for the Coronavirus, grocery store shelves were already empty, businesses and schools were already closed, and America was in full panic mode because of the narrative being pushed by the media. 

Sorry for hijacking the thread, this whole not being around other people thing is killing me :blink:

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