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Posts posted by Bear

  1. On 11/5/2022 at 7:35 PM, bcgruber said:

    She chose the wrong path for future success at USF.  She thought academics would win out and the rest of the story would follow.  She bet wrong. SPORTS are the way to greenier pastures, but she got rid of the 2 best coaches USF ever had in Stan Heath and Jim Levitt.  This was all on Judy's watch.  But everything thinks she is great...she wasn't

    Judy was a kind person; she really remembered the students that she met. However, I believe that she was over-paid as a University President. And while academics greatly improved; our athletics became a disaster. 


    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Bald Eagle said:

    Same conference unfortunately.  Who would want to pick a team that's been lousy for a while with a proposed 35k stadium?  If we get into a new conference the stadium needs to be bigger so that other team's fans can come watch their team and vacation at the same time.  It should be 55k not 35k. Also, the IPF looks a bit like the one Oregon built in 1997.  They have plans for a new one in 2026 that makes the old one look like a warehouse.  You have to keep up with other schools' facilities.  We are only playing catch up. Just my 2 cents.


    The 170,000-square-foot building, funded with private gifts, is expected to open in 2024


    You do have a point... 


    I would rather see a 40k-50k stadium (in anticipation of a bigger conference). A 35k stadium would have been too small for us during the Big East days. 

  3. On 7/7/2022 at 12:18 PM, Bull Daly said:

    Exactly! And let’s be honest, we don’t know what the conference landscape will look like years from now. I won’t be surprised to see more regional conferences to help with travel.

    Yup! The best thing we can do is place ourselves into a strong position now... 

    At least try (unlike the past decade)

    • Upvote 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, BullShirt said:

    You said "we passed them (UCF) by and rocked them to the core."  Didn't that happen while USF was playing at RayJay?  Thanks for making my point.  We can and did have success without playing on campus.

    You think the UCF "wins followed" because they built a new stadium?  No, I'm sure they wouldn't have won any games if they still played in the Citrus Bowl (which was nowhere near as nice as RayJay - no comparison).  LOTS of schools HAD TO HAVE a remodeled or new stadium and it didn't help their records one bit.  Same with the NFL.  And many didn't see an appreciable increase in attendance and those that did lost it within 3-5 years if their records didn't improve.

    YOu also said "sports are a BUSINESS".  Thanks for pointing that out.  Playing professionally for several years somehow I missed that.  We're talking about COLLEGE sports here, namely football and basketball.  And by the way, outside of about a dozen colleges ALL colleges lose money on their sports programs including USF and UCF so it's really hard to say they are running a business.  If so they'd be out of business  by now because they'd be bankrupt.

    Interesting that you picked "the swamp" for your example.  A school that sells out 'The Swamp" when they have great teams and win championships but loses fans and GIVES AWAY tickets when they aren't dong well.  And just to be up front and honest here, I've been to far more games at the Swamp over the years than USF games. Remember, I'm not a USF Alumni so I don't feel I HAVE to go to USF games.  Plus, I entertain clients at games and a good/great team or game ALWAYS trumps a mediocre or even good game.  Think about that.  THe Swamp is 3 hours away and in the BUSINESS world my clients have indicated they would much rather go to a Florida game than a USF game.  And pretty much none of my clients are Florida Alumni either.  In fact when Florida was dominant a few years back and winning national championships I had clients more interested in going to Gainesville than watching the Bucs play locally.  RayJay tops The Swamp across the board so it's not about the facilities or the location thereof.  It's the trade off between time spent (not money because I pay for everything) vs entertainment received.   WINNING.   I'm not onboard with the OCS because I personally think it's a distraction from the bigger issue.

    Let me ask you this (and be honest).  If USF was playing like UF played a few years back when they were winning or contending for national championships and RayJay was PACKED (which it would be because people are fickle and will jump on the bandwagon when a team is winning) would anyone really be clamoring for an OCS which would definitely be smaller than RayJay?  And I realize that comparing USF in the Big East / AAC is different than comparing UF in the SEC but you decided to use UF as an example so I think it's fair to continue that comparison.

    When USF was winning, is when they should have invested in the football program (IPF, OCS). The program was short-sighted and settled for mediocrity. 

    6 minutes ago, smazza said:

    i was against an ocs forever but it is apparent we need it to compete and to have any chance to get into a real conference

    the ocs clearly helped orlando

    it will be a much better experience for the students. Many freshman that live on campus dont have a car.

    This is correct

  5. 12 hours ago, Cubanbull said:

    USF needs to win, specially in football. That’s the only thing that will help USF move up.

    With the new TV contracts coming soon by BigTen, PAC and Big12. You will see a wide gap created.

    It will be SEC and Big Ten


    Pac, ACC and Big 12 well below the top 2.

    PAC has limited market out west, Big12 losing its two most valuable parts and ACC is tied to a bad contract freezing them until 2036

    Winning? No doubt. However, the program needs to properly invest in their fans. 

    Their media outreach has improved, football facilities are finally in focus. But, they need to keep sight on getting butts in seats (even when we face uninspiring opponents). 

    • Upvote 1
  6. I can not find tickets to the men's basketball game. It is being sold ONLY as the women's and men's double header; and since the women's game already started - there are no tickets for sale. 

    I know USF did NOT sell out (their limited covid seating) for this game.... This is ridiculous... 

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