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Posts posted by SpeedBull

  1. 21 minutes ago, Rex Havoc said:

    The floodgates have opened. How can a coach not get his players attention?

    Have you ever coached? Have you ever managed people? Have you ever run a business?

    I can tell you this. The best coach or leader in the world can’t make people perform that DON’T  WANT to perform. 

    This is not his group of players yet. He’s got two years of players. His coaches aren’t producing. He just said it. It’s now on CCS to get the right coaches and players. If/once that happens and we still suck.....that’s when it’s on CCS. 

    Until then the man needs more time to get it right here. There’s no question that he can recruit. That’s the beginning.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Bull94 said:

    we have been very lucky. it certainly isn't the creative call playing. just like Flowers bailed out the play calling last year for the most part. we are out athleteing teams. we are not out coaching them.

    This is one of the biggest reasons I love CCS. I’m beginning to think he may be the best recruiter we’ve ever had, including CJL and CWT.

    We are absolutely stacked! So many freshmen that are making plays. I will take a great recruiter and average coach in college football over an average recruiter and great coach. (I’m not saying CCS is an average coach by the way, I think he’s better than that)

    Talent is absolutely crucial.

  3. 9 hours ago, TRUTH D. Antagonist said:

    I absolutely need one... I literally have about 15-20 USF jerseys going back to the old Adidas replicas with the classic "USF" script on the shoulders, the first ones that came out when UA took over, Colosseum, those weird ones with black paneling they had at Bulls Outfitter, the old one with the green body & yellow shoulders & sleeves, even a piece of **** Wal-Mart jersey & a gold jersey that has elastic sleeves like it was intended to be game or practice worn.

    the only one I still actually wear is the UA SoFlo jersey.

    need to add one of these neon green on black Adidas joints to the collection. very sharp.

    I’ll sell you mine, men’s L

  4. 1 minute ago, El_Toro_86 said:

    I support CCS and I think most here do.  However, he needs to seriously look at the philosophy and coaching on the offensive side of the ball.

    I don’t disagree with this. I wouldn’t mind a more creative and balanced offensive attack. It seems like we are relying too heavily on hitting home run plays....fortunately we have been hitting a bunch this year.

  5. On 10/18/2018 at 9:33 AM, NewEnglandBull said:

    So what do you want to do fire a coach who is winning, bringing in good recruits, graduating players, brings us media hits, etc. How about a little player responsibility sometimes. 

    What the hell people! Did you not learn anything from the hiring of skippy??????

    Unfortunately, so many here have not learned anything. They think a revolving door at head coach will get us to the promised land.

    I am in the camp that fully supports CCS. I hope he’s here for 20 years. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, Thebullsfan said:

    You might just change my mind. Now hear this. I'm not rooting for him to go away but this team isn't playing to level it should. We should win games convincingly not by a hair. My thought process here is that we should win with excellence. 

    Winning with “excellence” would be nice. But lets just win for a while, period. Ugly, pretty, whatever....just win. 

    We need to build the program again. Losing CCS would be the worst possible thing for our program.

    Walk before we run, insert any cliche you want....but winning is contagious. So is losing. 

    I like winning. I actually really enjoyed this ugly win against a 1-4 team. It builds character.

    Losing and constant coaching changes lead to mediocrity at best and complete program failure at worst.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Here’s my opinion:

    BB has the body and arm of a classic prototype, blue chip pocket passer. But his accuracy, pocket presence, and field vision leave a bit to be desired.

    That said....the kid is tough! He is a gamer. He has good legs and should actually run more.

    I don’t think he’s going to develop into a “pure” NFL caliper passer, but he can develop into a consistent winner if developed and coached properly.

    It wasn’t pretty a lot of the time but the kid helped us get a win tonight. He’s earned my respect.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Thebullsfan said:

    I'm not seeing sound football... CCS is responsible for that because he's the head coach. Changes need to be made and the level that we are playing too is not okay. 

    We win games. We win ugly games but we WIN. We have depth. We have youth. 

    I just don’t understand people that want CCS gone. Do you remember the Holtz years? We sucked! We had no heart. We lost close games. We weren’t tough. 

    CCS may not be super vocal, but he is a leader. He’s a recruiter. He is winning games here. For the love of God. People need to wake the F up and take a step into reality. 

    We were on the verge of obscurity in CWTs first 2 years (following in Holtz’s **** storm)....USF football is becoming relevant again for the first time since Leavitt was here. How can you and others not see this?

    CCS is a great recruiter. Do you see the youth and depth on this team? Do you see the FR and SO making plays?

    For the love of God...anybody rooting for CCS to go away can’t possibly understand the history of  USF Football.

    • Upvote 3
  9. 34 minutes ago, Justin C said:

    Call me naive, but I get the feeling that CCS is in it for the long run. He's been to the big programs and had big contracts, but a part of me wants to believe he's in it more than just the money. I truly believe that he is a man that wants to develop young men in to Future Leaders. Again, I could be naive, but I truly I think this is his modus operandi.

    You’re not naive. You have the mentality of a winner. You believe in the program. You have heart.

    All of these whiny ass crybabies that are conceding that CCS is leaving are losers. They have a losing mentality. They have an inferiority complex. They are afraid of success. 

    Props to you for having a set of balls and pride in our program. We need more of us.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 55 minutes ago, Hueyhog20 said:

    Gilbert will be gone after CCS is nabbed up by a P5 program this winter. 

    Piss off. I’m so sick of this ***** ass, whiny, defeatest mentality. CCS isn’t going anywhere. Enjoy the win. Appreciate the toughness of the team. If you are rooting against the Bulls get the F off this board.

    • Downvote 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, JTrue said:

    And you think a guy who once ran for negative yards IN A SEASON is the answer because of his running ability? I was giving you the benefit of the doubt saying it was a troll job.

    I don’t think this guy is trolling and I don’t think he’s completely off base either. I believe it was a legitimate topic of conversation.

    I am not condoning a change at QB, but I’m certainly willing to acknowledge some fairly obvious chinks in BBs armor. 

    Lets not forget BB has bounced around a bit. It’s one thing to get beat out at Alabama. It’s another thing to get beat out at ASU. He’s clearly not played at the level of a 5-Star recruit.

    That all said, here at USF, I think a lot of the less than stellar play can be attributed to subpar play calling and O-Line play.

    No need to make personal attack’s on the OP.

  12. 6 hours ago, Rocky Style said:

    Green on green with gold helmet is the traditional USF way.  Haters be damned.  There should be a NCAA rule that requires other teams to get up to our level because it's so nice up here.

    I agree. We are still a young program that’s developing tradition, but GREEN, GREEN, GOLD at home IS tradition to me!

    We got off track with Skippy and Willie, but it seems the Coach Strong is actually aware and respectful of our tradition to a certain extent. 

    It’s one of the reasons I’m optimistic that CCS plans on being/staying here and becoming part of the fabric of this program. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, NJUSFBULL said:

    I'm not bitter that he left South Florida (if anyone is confused, that's USF, located in Tampa😂) for more money and a better opportunity.  I dislike Slick Willie due to the manner of which he was "all in" at Oregon and "all in" with their players/recruits, then just a few months later, used a recruiting trip to interview at FSU!  Three jobs in 13 months shows me Willie is all about Willie.  It's hard to take anything he says or writes seriously. Ring, ring...:puke:

    He did turn our program around due to his recruiting skills, but in my opinion, he has yet to display any ability to be a good game day coach and is out of his league at FSU.

    ☝️☝️ Very well said!

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