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Everything posted by Sk00b

  1. Who the F cares if he spins the ball? Guy deserves to celebrate. Stupid refs
  2. Granted, Russo shot himself in the foot. Still a good stop
  3. Well done! That's huge going into the locker room. These guys should be super pumped. Well played first half other than JM's butter fingers.
  4. Ford is an animal. What the hell kinda block was dollison trying to do there. Should have been TD
  5. Holy smokes... Had to go put my USF shirt on. We took a lead? I'm I hammered drunk or is this legit?
  6. Haha that's one numb the pain. Not a shot guy. Maybe I'll shotgun beers.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if #1 on the football orientation is "DO NOT EVER visit TBP"
  8. What a **** show... but it could be worse. We did win a game.
  9. Maybe they were CCS starters... In all seriousness, It does seem like a lot each week but hard to say because i dont follow any other teams closely.
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