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Everything posted by NewEnglandBull

  1. The word is tradition which USF wish it had and few others in the conference currently have.
  2. Direct TV has it in HD. I can't recall the last time I have watched a non HD athletic event on TV LOL, I've never seen one >>IN<< hd. Usually watching the streams Wow you are in for a treat. It was nice, but not as much as I was hoping. Even had a little PiP action going with MNF. Me likey! For a while though, the signal went weak and looked even worse than most of the streams. Guess that'll happen with satellite from time to time. Nice
  3. Hats off to Mclendon tonight in his first start. Played really well.
  4. I like how we are getting a chance at three the old fashion way. Would be nice to make a charity shot.
  5. Hope with Perry coming back in the team will get over the hump here
  6. This is a really different USF team on the floor due to injury and fouls to others. This group is playing better D in my opinion.
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