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Everything posted by Danm1983

  1. Motto: Don't step in the bullsh!t! That's maybe a little too big, makes it look offcenter. Don't want it too huge, UCF's huge Knight logo is way monstrous almost touches both 3 point lines and looks like shizz. And the one rendering I had seen had the key painted with "points" where it filled up to the inner half of the circle that forms the top of the key. The way this one is posted where it's fully rectangular looks much cleaner. Shrink that iconic U by maybe 20% and it will look tits. Clarification: I do not like the way the key is painted in K-Rock da Bull's signature picture (earlier rendering), I prefer the one BG&G did where it's square.
  2. that gives me chub. i wonder if the floor is going to have the key painted green, like in one of the other renderings. i'm torn, the whole wood floor almost looks better, the green was kinda odd and stood out. and i'd almost prefer a huge iconic U at half court instead of the "U"SF, have that full acronym logo smaller at the quarter court areas opposite the "sun dome" markings.
  3. i would just prefer the club area or the bulls club or something. cabana stuff is gay
  4. pretty. those upper windows are sweet. they better candy stripe the roof green/white/gold.
  5. Wonder if he gives Miami a look? He could fill an ATH/WR/RB/Percy Harvin role there, since Lamar Miller is going into the NFL draft as of today. They have Stephen Morris now and who else? I know they got a QB commit in 2011, but dunno if he could come in and get playing time since he has some experience.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBx3v64Jt5w
  7. Personally, I think Holtz has a goal of winning the BE, no matter what teams we have to face along the way. He's seen that we can't get over the hump, and I think that motivates him to try and get this team to win the BE in the next few years. It's totally possible, hopefully this is how he sees it. Unless he gets some grand offer like some state (ND), him leaving without elevating this program would be considered a failure.
  8. I really doubt he leaves the progress he is making here for a team about to get hammered with NCAA penalties, and a crappy recruiting area where you're vying with 3 other in-state schools, a non-AQ that recruits well, and every other ACC and SEC team pillaging the best talent. Would be a stupid move, and you're 2nd fiddle to basketball, even if you win alot. Got a link? How can you be so sure? Why would he need a link, that's his opinion.
  9. Expect a quick conference takeover soon....by one of the worst fanbases in all of college football. FIFY
  10. usf = played the big boys, on national tv. beat the big boys, took our payday as well, and the exposure/recognition, and possibly garnered ourselves a ranking. ucf = handed out a big check to beat up on a glorified community college on a tv station that only central floridians who subscribe to that cable network can even get, and didn't learn much about their team other than that they can defeat severely inferior opponents. ucf didn't look bad i'm watching the replay. but csu makes anybody look good. good luck against the next 3. godfrey will have to throw it, because boston college will not let you run it up their guts, though northwestern showed that a dual threat qb can gash them some (NWs backup at that). FIU looks awfully strong, and you better keep an eye on the louisville game next week. if FIU beats UL, you're going to have your hands full - they can put up points still. and BYU overcame first game jitters and miscues to beat an SEC team.
  11. FWIW, FIU steamrolled North Texas last night (a conference game) like 49-21 or something ridiculous. They were tough last year, and took Rutgers, UNC, and Texas A&M to the wire, and they returned Carroll and a lot of other starters and should be even better. UCF plays FIU on the 17th, after BC, and 6 days before BYU (in which they'll have to fly out either Wed or Thurs early)...upset alert for a classic trap game.
  12. The idea itself isn't horrible, as USF struggles with fans who have allegiances elsewhere as well, but may have attended/graduated USF. The way O'Leary said it was horrible though. If he had told fans to come and check out the product we're putting on the field, and enjoy an exciting offense with a dual threat QB, a powerful running game, and a stout defense, as well as a lively college atmosphere, it might have sounded better. But the way he puts it, is he is begging fans of other programs in the area to come see what they have to offer....if they're not busy. That sounds too desperate. UCF struggles just like USF in that regard, but the problem for UCF is that they did nothing about it, and hadn't even become relevant in their own city until 4-5 years ago to be honest. Before that, athletics was an afterthought.
  13. That is pretty ridiculous. UCF cops are pretty hardcore. Always drove the speed limit, not a MPH over. Windows down (my tint was dark), stereo down or off. Stop at every stop sign for a good 1-2-3 count. They'll measure at night. Dark tint is even darker looking at night. The tool they use just clips over the glass. I'm pro-LEO, but most university police like to generate revenue so they will give everything a good look.
  14. Don't forget to denote that one of the wins was against a probation riddled Alabama team that would have otherwise stomped them.
  15. really? a girl with fake ass eyebrows. puke. (would still smash) from my time as a student on both campuses. both schools have hot girls, but ucf has way more. walking to class back in the day was filled with lots of scenery. mmm, scenery.
  16. first time they win 11 games. first bowl win against an AQ team. though they are trending upwards. practice bubble is nice, but stadium "impressive"... that's subjective. it's impressive that they have a stadium, and it's not horrible, but it's not awe inspiring. they need to fill it more. 2nd largest university in the country, even when i was there - they should have a million alumni by now...and i know alot of them live in the area...so why not show up? (i ask the same of usf fans too though) kool aid.
  17. I'm sure some hometown boosters and fans have likely been in touch with Smith or at least via online or something. But you can't put that on UL or the coaching staff. Boosters are their own breed, and some of them are the worst types that will do anything to get a player to come there, even though they know it's a crapshoot if the recruit actually pans out. As for the coaches, the coach is a businessman when he recruits. Will Stein isn't Sam Bradford. Strong knows this. Stein himself knows this. But he's the tenured guy right now with some game experience. Smith says he has a legit commit over a year ago when Strong came in. Bridgewater visits, and commits. Smith should still have committed. Either of them could likely beat out Will Stein, and if Smith gets beat out by Bridgewater so be it. Either be a backup, or switch positions. I'm not lying much of this on UCF. Smith may be good enough to play 2-3 years, or he may not be. He made the decision to skirt UL in hopes of playing sooner at UCF, but if he's not willing to wait 2-3 years to start at either place, he's just naive like most 18 year old recruits are when they go from being the star to a pine rider for a year or two - the competition is upped. UCF has a 3-4 year starter in the making, and a very competent backup. They could probably let Smith go without too much issue like others have said, but I can see that an LOI is an LOI. Ultimately, this falls on Smith. He's realizing he made a mistake, but the chips have fallen and he needs to play the hand he was dealt. Even if he grew up a UL fan and was going to play there, nothing is guaranteed, and Bridgewater's arrival proved that. ALWAYS have a backup plan. Apparently, Smith's backup plan wasn't very good, as walking into UCF was even more difficult since Godfrey is much more established, regardless of what someone may have told him about Godfrey moving positions. In the end, I see UCF keeping him, and he'll learn to be a good backup, or he'll have to transfer and sit out a year. I think he should suck it up, compete, and maybe win the backup job. All it takes is one play/injury and he'll be on the main stage.
  18. Different needs too. If a school like us loads up on offensive and defensive linemen, and another school is stocking up on skill players (I know UCF needs receivers, not sure what else), the skill players/athletes usually rank higher than linemen. Compare sizes of the linemen of each schools' recruits, and compare WR - DB/LB and RB sizes and there may be differences there. And I don't care if they "out recruit" us. That's subjective. Clemson out recruits 95% of the teams in Division I, and what exactly do they have to show for it?
  19. that link posted shows me the new replies to threads lately. if you don't want to read it, look for the topic that begins with "mind numbing", and ignore it. /thread
  20. don't sweat it goose, knowing anything about ucf on this board is considered treason, and doing anything other than trolling the ucf board is unacceptable. facts and logical discussion are for the birds. i was called a ucf sympathizer/fan/spy/etc too once, because i happened to actually attend ucf before coming to usf, so i still happen to follow them and wish them the best. regardless, i sadly think that usf fans will be mimicking that video next week. i see a competitive game and i surely hope we don't bonehead ourselves bc i will surely be 'that guy' inside my head if we do that.
  21. That Cincinnati win doesn't count. They weren't an AQ team yet, they entered the same time we did right?
  22. Stadium actually looked full after a while as people seemed to trickle in late. I would think you'd want to be on time for an important game. Visitors (north) end zone had alot of empty areas, likely those tickets were given to SMU and they obviously didn't fill them. Dunno how the ticket setup goes, but you can't blame UCF if they gave a big allotment to SMU and had no access to get SMU's leftover tickets. Good win for them though. They have a stout defense. I hope they can beat UGA/KY/TN in the Liberty Bowl.
  23. We all know what happened last time you guys got a ranking. Don't blow it again. So the ranking is implying you are a better team than the rest of us. Possibly. You're good this year. But don't get cocky. You guys were ranked ahead of us for nearly 20 years...when we didn't have a football team yet.
  24. Before the Cincinnati game, I would have said USF and UCF playing 10 times would be about 7 or 8 wins for UCF. Looking at it now, I say UCF could win 5 (half). Both teams are probably pretty evenly matched, and a game this year would be pretty decent.
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