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Posts posted by JupiterBull

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bull94 said:

    we definitely should whip them but we aren't going to do it by running an offense like that. the safeties were begging us to go over the top all game. we did once for a 65 yard TD. single covered us all day and we don't use our speed and height on outside as an advantage. our line has never been great. they are good enough to run a spread attack though. last night was power football. we aren't built for that.

    Completely agree.  I'd add that our WR's weren't getting much separation.

  2. 1 minute ago, Bull94 said:

    you guys must have just started watching the Bulls. Remember when Taggart came in and was going to dominate teams on the lines of scrimmage and run power all day long against teams like Stanford did? It doesn't work here. even against stoney brook.

    We are known for speed and athleticism.

    Yeah, I'm new...just 20 years here.  My point is, even BASIC (don't show the next foes) offense should still be able to dominate lesser foes.

    I'm not suggesting the play calling is good or that we should run in between tackles.  Had OC thrown more deep balls, you force those safeties deeper.  Our drag the TEs.  Lots of vanilla stuff to do, but you still have to execute.  The OL and play calling are the biggest issues, IMO.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Bull94 said:

    we aren't built to run power draws successfully all game long even against Stoney Brook. especially when their safeties don't fear deep threat and cheat up to line of scrimmage.

    it was never our strength and we only started to be successful on offense under Taggart when he went away from that style of coaching and started stretching the filed both vertically and horizontally. we could never out muscle teams

    Agree...but even so, we should whip SB.  I was at the game, and there were so many times you could see the safeties within 10-12 yards of the LOS, and I couldn't believe we didn't throw on the them.  Taggart would have play action, pump fake bombed these dudes into the Stone Age.

    We have 2 big TEs, and barely threw to them.  And DJ is a better receiver than runner, and I don't know that we've thrown to him once.  

    And, we had a nice jet sweep run...then never ran it again.

    The play calling & poor line play is frustrating & scary, and better get better quickly, or we're in for a letdown.

  4. 10 hours ago, Brad said:

    The early games, vanilla proxy, has been used so many times over the years as an avenue of hope, but never have I seen one of our teams that seemed to be going the vanilla route, shift gears and go full on Neopolitan  when the conference slate started.  It is what it is I am afraid and at best it might be Rocky Road.

    The trouble withe the "Vanilla Excuse" is that you still have to execute vanilla...our talented team should beat the snot out of Stony Brook, straight up, with vanilla.  It's about execution and whipping the guy across from you.  We are NOT doing that.  Flowers & the RB's are not getting time/space, and that MUST change, or we're staring at 3-4 losses, and a St. Pete Bowl.

  5. My wife and I are driving over from Jupiter, but the couple we typically go with have Labor Day weekend plans.

    I tried some of my local friends, but it seems not many love the 6+ hours of driving over & back....and Labor Day Weekend is a tough sell, especially when the foe is Stony Brook.

    I don't want to make $$ on these tickets, but I'm hoping maybe someone who couldn't or didn't plan to go might see this & come out to see our Bulls play.

    If you can commit to meeting me before the game (near Lot 6D, where the fan stuff usually is), the first to commit gets the tickets.  My only request is that if you commit, you come to the came...I really hate to waste these tickets, especially if a member here would come is the tix were free.

    Message me here, and if you don't hear back (I leave Jupiter at 11 AM), then please email me at jupiterbull@comcast.net.

    Go Bulls!!!

  6. 18 hours ago, charsibb said:


    USF Co-ed Cheer Team - very personable and approachable, excellent ambassadors for the school. Feisty too! Photo at bottom

    San Jose fans - very welcoming, met a bunch of folks and all were knowledgeable and friendly. Would definitely go back

    Stadium - for those of you who "need" your chairbacks, THIS is what college football is supposed to be. Not billion-dollar stadiums with cupholders. Shade would have been nice, but sunscreen worked in a pinch.

    Alumni Association Happy Hour and Tailgate - these folks worked their butts off for us - many thanks!

    We won. Winning is better than losing, but not by much when we don't cover the spread.

    Sunset - was just awesome to watch the sun go down behind the mountains.

    Inside run offense and overall run defense. DJ and Tice will be an amazing tandem this year, Hoping we see more 2-back sets and explosive plays. Run defense got gashed a couple of times, but by and large, did their job very well.


    CCS didn't play #30, the only USF player from California. His family drove from Pasadena - over 8 hours each way - to see their boy play USF ball, and CCS never even put him in for a single play. That's just plain wrong. I talked to him a bit after the game, commiserated with the family, and thanked him for choosing to become a Bull. Hopefully he sees the field soon, but to keep him off the field in his only trip to his home state is unfathomable

    CCS not knowing his players' stats. DJ ended with 99 and Tice with 94 yards. WTF? When they're that close, you put them in and let them both get over 100 yards.

    Blocking schemes on the outside. Runners on sweeps were left hanging out to dry without lead blockers. WR screens without proper blocking. If we block like this in-conference, we will not make the CCG

    Special teams. folks appeared to be running around not knowing their assignments. I suspect this will be a special are of focus this week. If it doesn't get better, the season gets shorter. As in no CCG, maybe no bowl.

    Dropped passes. Looked like Wilcox got into my sunscreen. Ugh!


    SJSU attendance. Wow, just wow. Half the fans who did come left before halftime. Brennan's got a tough job to bring back the fans. Their attendance is far worse than ours, but the ones who were there were great.

    1st quarter performance. CCS clearly didn't get the players ready to play. Nuff said

    Gutless coaching. Not going for extra scores at the end of the half and end of the game should qualify as a criminal offense against this team. As I ranted in the other thread, we still have a chance (smaller now, since we didn't cover the spread, and looked so terrible) to make the playoffs. Obviously, that chance goes to zero following the first loss, but it is non-zero as long as we're undefeated. But style points MATTER when you're G5, far more than they do for the P5. This team has a real chance to be something special, but at least twice during the game, CCS made a conscious decision to make them less than they can be. It's not enough to win, we must win BIG.





    A few counterpoints:

    Though I wanted both to break 100 yards rushing, Strong isn't likely focused on indy stats, but did want others to get game experience & keep the starters healthy.

    I agree that not tossing a bomb before the half was silly.  Almost no risk, and with our gaggle of tall receivers, we have a decent chance.  As to the end of the game, Coach Strong isn't going to risk injury or score a last second TD up 20.  It's not the right thing to do, IMO (arguing with myself, it would give a chance to give Kean & WRs a jump ball).  Recall the game in Tally 2 years ago.  We were down > 2 scores, with under a minute.  Yes, it'd be good to score to make it closer, but not critical.  Taggart calls a deep post to Dillon who gets absolutely BLOWN UP by the safety...and misses several games.  Just not worth the risk.  And, Taggart trying to score a garbage TD v ECU was classless (and Strong will have to hope they don't get a chance to return the favor.

    Does suck that JUCO transfer Farrar didn't play.  He's supposed to be really good, but maybe not quite up to speed?

    You can't talk drops with Barr.  You and I would have caught those.  He may be working himself out of playing time, as we do have hands on the team.  I do hope we see more Dillon soon...he's a MAN.

    • Upvote 1
  7. On 8/27/2017 at 11:55 AM, Blackice12 said:

    The Good

    USF won the first game of the year on the road after an ugly offense 1st quarter.

    A lot of players played. Unlike 10 years ago when USF had minimal depth there were a lot of players who played on defense and on offense.

    Flowers passing techniques  improved.

    Defense is aggressive considering Senate did not play most of the game.


    The Bad

    Running game in general. Offensive line not making holes for the run game. Most of the best runs were outside of the tackle. The LBs were tackling the RB on the back side. Struggled punching it in on short distances.

    2 kickoffs out of bounds


    The Ugly

    Spotting San Jose 16 points. Yet the team never panicked. 

    Lots to team from the is game

    The running game wasn't great, but I can't but 315 rushing yards (which includes sack yards) is BAD category, ever.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 1) The winning team:  going out on a limb here...USF
    2) The final score: 55-10 (only because Strong won't run up the score on these poor dudes, and the back ups will play a LOT)
    3) Bulls leading rusher:  Sands, in garbage time, while the starters rest
    4) Bulls leading receiver:  Salomon (a few big plays before he leaves)
    5) Bulls total offensive yards (closest without going over):  569.  We don't try to run up the score, but the 2nd or 3rd stringers keep playing & gashing

  9. 1 hour ago, charsibb said:

    Thanks Python!

    Been driving practically all day, and still only made it as far as Santa Barbara. Traffic from here to Ventura is bumper to bumper - it'll take 2 hours to go the last 30 miles, so I pulled off into a Starbucks to see if the game vid was up yet. Oh yeah!

    Will watch this before ranting about how badly we played yesterday - maybe I'll feel better about Coach after watching the replay, but while watching in the stadium, I was already calling for his head. Was not a happy camper, but hopefully I'll feel better after watching the video...



    time zone, new coaches, over confident?  Don't know, but this talent settled down, and smoked the Spartans. Hopefully they learn that can't be slow starters, as that won't fly v Houston, Temple or even the trolls from Orlando.

  10. 3 hours ago, Gismo said:

    2bullz also missed by only two points. 

    ah, sorry...I missed that post.  To me, 2 Bullz wins, because neither correctly guessed tie breaker #3 and both correctly guessed tie breaker #4.

    2bullz guessed the higher yardage #, 531, without going over (548 actual).  That's the winner.  Anyone concur or disagree.

  11. 3 hours ago, Gismo said:

    Tice had more rushing yards than Flowers, so does the tie breaker go to 2Bullz? 


    Or does it go to 79 Bull for getting the spread?

    Rules...79 Bull wins for only missing the score by 2 points.  No other tie breakers needed, from what I see, as no one was better than 2.


    The winner will be decided with the first and second prediction items. I am looking for the person that comes closest to the actual score, not simply the margin of victory. If more than one person is correct, or equally close, we'll go to item three. Closest wins. If still tied, we go to item four - if still tied, item 5. After that, whoever gives the best reasoning, and pre-game analysis wins.*

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