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Posts posted by JupiterBull

  1. Great experience, from arriving in NOLA on Wednesday, to leaving Monday night.  All Tulane fans were cool, except a few frat boys who talked smack outside the bars (I was thinking of the guy who told me they were going to beat us...as Tulane was slowly coming back).

    Great experience & very good Bulls presence at the game, and around town.

  2. 1) The winning team:  Houston (my fear, but I think we can win, if we finally play 60 minutes)
    2) The final score:  37-27
    3) Bulls leading rusher:  Flowers, but hopefully Tice or Johnson
    4) Bulls leading receiver:  MVS.  Flowers will have to throw his more "battle balls" to let him fight smaller corners.
    5) Bulls total offensive yards (closest without going over): 369

    I hope I'm wrong, but I worry at some point, the sloppiness will catch up.  This is the first really good team we're playing & a true test of our squad.  If we win this, we should run the table, setting up a huge match v UCF.

  3. 1 hour ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    Sorry Jupe, completely forgot. My bad. I have not seen you on the board in a while so it slipped my mind. Hey, I tell you what, drinks are on me in Atlanta,  New Years Eve. 

    I went to China a few weeks ago...off the grid for 10 days (left the day after the Temple game, so I only missed ECU).  Now playing catch up at work, before heading to NOLA for the Tulane game on Wednesday.  GO BULLS!

    • Upvote 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, The_USF_Wizard said:

    Hello all, I am the international man of mystery. 

    Thanks for the welcome everyone. Yes it is me. I didn't post yet because I wanted to read all of the threads. Few questions to answer:

    *No, I am not upset/mad people copy the move. Frankly, I find it funny and I think it's great. I just want fans to enjoy their time at the game. 

    *I'm sorry to those who find it annoying, again, I want everyone to enjoy their time at games. We are undefeated and I just want to bring awareness to usf football and fill the seats! 

    *I started this around this time last year. Flowers was called an offensive wizard. We were something on 4th down. Like 4th and 3 and I just randomly did this hand motion (totally not sober, obviously). They made the 1st down and I was caught on camera. It stuck and The rest is history.

    *I do have a usf hat, and another one is being made with a matching cape. I won't post the 2nd hat or cape so I can unveil it at the home game. 

    Again, I just want awareness and fun brought to usf games. It's a great time to be a bull. I want our stadium filled! Feel free to follow my page too! 


    Go Bulls! 


    Appreciate the passion...keep it up.  Energizing our crowd will only serve to energize the team.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 55 minutes ago, TheBullies said:

    I’ve always been puzzled by then “sit down” crowd. Remember when TSA tried to enforce that?

    I stand & yell during EVERY foe 3rd down, but except for last night, I'm usually in the minority. The folks behind me rarely stand up, so I step into the aisle to not block their view.  I've been to a LOT of games...we're the most docile I've ever seen, bar none (ok...UConn is softer, like they're at a picnic).

    I do have ONE pet peeve...people who walk past (or stop in front) of me AS THEY ARE READY TO SNAP.  Be considerate & move between plays, if not between drives. And don't STOP and block our views.  

    The odd thing of the wizard knock off is I saw a woman doing it, and it reminded me of the wizardry my old girlfriend used to use on me when she wanted to get her way (one hand tickling my Elmos, the other playing with my hair).  So, it felt a little awkward, frankly.

  6. 8 hours ago, BDYZR said:

    I might have one at the Hotel St. Marie. If interested let me know ASAP. Not sure if there's still time.

    IF it's still there it would be $224 for two queen beds.

    We're at Place d'Armes, on Ann St, but it's sold out.  Should still be a few places open, but it's going to be crowded.

  7. On 9/16/2017 at 0:22 PM, charsibb said:

    Not sure if it was for Tice or DJ, but he said it was his intentional decision to go for it during the quickie postgame on-field interview. So if he does it for RB's why not for WR's?

    Not sure I'll EVER figure this guy out...

    Running seems easier, I guess.  But, who knows?  MVS has been over 90 twice.  If he stays healthy, he may break Rodney Adams' yardage record.

    And Antoine is making a VERY strong case not to play Barr much anymore (not he's a better blocker, too).

  8. 12 hours ago, charsibb said:

    MVS got 96 and Antoine got 93, why not get both of them over 100 as well?

    CCS admitted in the post-game that they left Tice and DJ in to let them get 100. Why not the receivers?

    I don't think CCS gets the bigger pictures.

    I still don't like him, I need more proof.

    Not ready to give up the #gutless moniker

    Both WR's dropped passes late that would have gotten them over 100.  Strong isn't about padding stats, but these guys got chances (that said, it did seem like he wanted Tice to get 100, so that was cool).

  9. 21 hours ago, raginbull76 said:

    Based upon the play of the first two games, especially Stony Brook, I am worried about this one.  The UConn game was on again, off again!  Preparing for a Big Ten opponent with just three days preparation time is not a good thing.  Something is clearly wrong with our Bulls thus far and I can't put my finger on it, so to speak.  I hope I am wrong, but I see another less than stellar performance by our guys this Friday night.  A grinding Illinois running game helps lead the way to a 33-24 victory for the Illini.  Please, please prove me wrong!

    Use the tie breakers, Ragin

  10. 1) The winning team, Illinois (I'm certainly hoping USF wins, but worry about close we're played 2 terrible teams;  Illinois hasn't the distractions we've suffered, are 2-0, and our Friday nights haven't been great.  That said, if Strong lets Q cook, we should win by a few TDs).
    2) The final score, 34-31
    3) Bulls leading rusher, Tice
    4) Bulls leading receiver, Salomon
    5) Bulls total offensive yards (closest without going over), 369

    Some of this is contrarian, hoping I'm dead wrong, but win the prize.  I'm just worried about the lay off, our O in flux & the first big test v a strong offense.

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  11. 1) The winning team:  USF (but I'm nervous given the past 2 games)
    2) The final score:  27-24
    3) Bulls leading rusher:  Tice
    4) Bulls leading receiver: Salomon
    5) Bulls total offensive yards (closest without going over): 369

    Lots of pessimism this week, earned.  I was encouraged by a Joey Knight Tweet saying OC Gilbert said we haven't seen the full offense yet, but will.  Not sure if that's reacting to the torches & pitchforks, or legit.  We'll see.  With a 10:30 start, these guys better be sure to load up on coffee, as they can't sleep again.

  12. 11 hours ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    Ha...not with that WV coach melt down

    That's the first time I've even seen a 15 yard penalty called on a coach (the equivalent of a tech foul in MBB).  Later in the game, the VT coach got one.  Weird.

    What's worse about Holgorsen is that he was dead wrong on his rant...his guy hit the ball carrier a good 2-3 yards out of bounds.  If you're going to meltdown, have a legit position.

  13. 1 hour ago, FatDaddyBull said:

    Think we're too close to the mess to predict how voters will see us. Remember also we have 2 wins already, not just one. 

    We will probably pass Florida, Texas will drop out. We will be passed by probably 1-2 teams. 

    We'll be passed by the winner of WVU-VT, and maybe Tennessee if they beat GTech tomorrow.  Not sure who else impressed enough to jump.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Mama_Bull said:

    It will be interesting to see how far the line finally drops to at game time.

    In UConn, bad.   But, weather should be fine (assuming Hurricane Irma doesn't impact), and this team should come out MAD.

    I'm hoping Charlie learns what Taggart eventually did...play to your skills set.  Don't try to jam this team into a form it won't fit.

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