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Capital H

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Posts posted by Capital H

  1. 2 hours ago, Ricky the Bull said:

    Projectinss have him not making the roster or practice squad.  I hope he gets picked up by another team, if so. 

    Before last night he had like 8 carries for 18 yards.

    He is on the outside looking in. :(


    EDIT: Not sure if he would be one of the 10 practice squad players either. From what I understand the minimum on that is $7.6k a week, times 17 weeks = $129k...still a great living for the average American.

  2. I give Taggart a lot of credit. He has leveraged a sub par playing career and a relationship with the Harbaughs into a top 10 coaching position.

    His career record is 47-50, he has never won a bowl game, and the best his team has finished is second in its division.

    He has personality, can really sell himself and seems to be a decent recruiter. But has there ever been a hire at a major program like this that had achieved so little?

    • Upvote 1
  3. 56 minutes ago, Bausfkid said:

    It's hard to argue they are not the best team in the state based on last year's result.  If FAU beats them then they beat them.  Doesn't mean anything for the AAC title.

    No its not.

    This isn't the NFL this is college football.

    The drop off from Frost to the guy they got can't be understated. Frost is a generational coach IMO. Herpes was an OC who ran up the score against a bunch of 4-8 teams. They scored 3 points against Purdue, people forget that.

    And thats before you get to the talent they lost on the field. The WR who is playing in the NFL, the one armed wonder on defense, a CB who was picked in the first round. Honestly with the right breaks I can see them as a 1 loss team, but I can also see them dropping 3-4 games. And if Milton or Killins get hurt I think they are a 6-6 team.

  4. 1 hour ago, BrassBulls12 said:

    That's true, until you do what Tiger did on 17. Its not like Koepka was trying to miss the fairway. 

    I agree, I'm just speculating on the future. I dont think the answer is longer courses, I think its bigger penalties for missing.

    Koepka isnt trying to miss, but he knows the advantage of 30-40 yards outweighs a rough approach, or a scramble. As tech improves and guys get stronger, I'm not sure its great for golf to see three and a half football field drives if they end up on the cart path half the time. May just be me 😕

  5. On 8/12/2018 at 8:47 PM, BrassBulls12 said:

    I watched most of the final round. I had a thread going in the golf club. Tiger just couldn’t drive. His recovery shots were insane though 

    The man who won (and doing it pretty regularly now) says fairways don't matter, if you carry 310+ a wedge out of the rough is better than a 7 or 8 out of the fairway.

    I tend to believe his results, driving accuracy of 56% or 163rd on tour, 5th best scoring average.

    If the trend continues they may have to "Kopeka Proof" the courses.

  6. On 7/6/2018 at 11:49 AM, BullyPulpit said:

    Granted it is a small sample size, but he only had one fumble (which wasn't a turnover) in 105 NFL carries (regular and preseason) last year. By comparison, Frank Gore had 3 fumbles on 263 carries. 

    He had a few additional plays that I think the stats bailed him out on.  That first game there was a bad exchange that didnt go against him.

    He also dropped a pitch that the Titans recovered, which didnt go against him.



  7. 19 hours ago, JTrue said:

    They may not be losing subscribers but they are losing viewership around anything that isn't a live sporting event.

    Regardless of which way they lean, I don't even bother with Sportcenter anymore because I don't even get the lame highlight package we used to. Anecdotally this story is repeated thousands of times on any sports platform, ranging from Barstool to Youtube. Advertisers hear this and do not want to pay for time slots that have no one watching. 

  8. 38 minutes ago, Bourbon Bull said:

    Not sure they would put forth the same effort/budget on USF v Elon.

    Yeah and to be honest I don't love NBC production on anything. The game on Golf channel didn't show the first lightning goal, they cut to commercial after an icing call instead of doing the split screen commercial.

  9. On 3/30/2018 at 6:36 PM, NewEnglandBull said:

    According to CFN: https://collegefootballnews.com/2018/03/2018-2019-spring-bowl-projections-college-football-playoff-picks

    Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl

    Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, FL
    American Athletic vs. Conference USA
    Projection: USF vs. Florida Atlantic

    Of course they don’t have ucf in any bowl and have Navy in two separate bowl games :lmao:

    I can see UCF missing a bowl game with how up and down they get.

    I guess Navy could make the playoffs and thus play in 2 "bowl" games,  but I doubt thats what they meant.

  10. Its about a 30% gap right now. So $50k canada money would be $38k usd....def not great and would make a difference. A few years ago it was pretty close (maybe even inverted?), but dollar has strengthened in that market. I think when I went to Niagara in 2013 it was 1:1 or I was actually losing a penny or two...probably picked the worst time to visit Canada ever.

  11. 9 minutes ago, NewEnglandBull said:

    Most have to have another job in the off season. Most estimates peg the average CFL salary around $80,000. The minimum for a rookie is $50,000.

    If that is the average than they are well above the median salary. The only reason they would need a second job is if they are trying to live a baller life style off of $80k.

    • Upvote 1
  12. On 2/3/2018 at 10:36 AM, charsibb said:

    As soon as someone sues, I guess.

    F1 is not doing this because the love women, they're doing it because they FEAR them. When identity politics makes "women" as a class more important than "woman" as an individual, and uses PCism as a weapon, we all lose - men AND women.

    You have to wonder - is exploitation still bad if the "victims" are WILLINGLY exploited? For rich, western liberals to pressure companies to take away "exploitation" jobs from poor people in other countries seems to me to be the height of hypocrisy (thinking now of the brouhaha over Nike's sweatshops and other such incidents)

    Riz posted a great video in the 'cow the other day, an interview of Jordan Peterson by a Canadian TV station. Watch it, then watch some of the analysis vids people have posted of it. Very enlightening.



    Moving to the 'cow in 3.. 2.. 1..



    Yeah Peterson is the man. Two years ago he said all of this nonsense would happen in Canada and people called him a loon. 

    He can get too reliant on the Bible and is more of a pure Capitalist than I prefer but he brings a reasoned and intelligent discussion to just about every topic. 

  13. 23 hours ago, Bull Dozer said:

    Probably never because they're actually competition Squads as well as game day spirit squads and not just there to look pretty. They aren't even comparable to grid girls..... 

    I'm sorry where is the scoreboard for what the cheerleaders do at football games? 29 years of football and I must have been missing an integral part of the game.






  14. 2 hours ago, PingBull said:

    "XFL" and "Family Friendly" don't mesh

    I was curious how the reception would be in todays PC, CTE culture. I personally thought he was going to go full WWE with it but they are really playing it a different way.

    While the press conference was woefully uninformative and lame, the branding can absolutely work. The extreme will just focus on the football instead of the gimmicks. I personally hope they tack all of the innovative ideas people have thrown out to make the game better, and create a product that is viable. This would give more opportunity for fringe players to make a buck, push the NFL to do better, and create an entertainment platform in the sports lull between the Super Bowl and the NHL playoffs.

  15. 9 hours ago, The Great 8 said:

    Do people really think this will be remotely successful?


    Vince is just financing it not making up the rules. They are planning it for 2 years before they play, not 2 months. There is a very conservative base of people who have fled the NFL for many reasons and he is looking to capitilize on this market. 


    I still think it should be an U25 league and he should go after top prospects from the NCAA.

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