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Everything posted by jjlovecub

  1. So IF we keep Skip but by some miracle we join the ACC or Big 12 are you all still dropping your tickets? I'm not going to debate the point with you back and forth (do what you want) I just think this philosophy is very short sighted and is a prime example of how much our fan base does not understand the inner workings of college athletics. I HATE the Gators but they are a prime example - they SUCKED for years and years. To this day their athetic department sites the fact that their fan base continually supported them in ticket sales and donations EVEN WHEN THEY WERE BAD as the PRIMARY reason they were evntually able to establish themselves as the power they are now.And that transformation took decades. No - I don't want to wait that long but if our fan base has the wrong phiolosophy we will wait even longer.
  2. Because it would be stupid to come out and say USF has officially applied to the B12 or ACC. Keep in on the DL and stop overreacting to every piece of news. I'm sure the people in charge at USF are doing everything possible behind closed doors, so they don't make any enemies with current institutions we're affiliated with. Really?? I don't think that is stupid that St. John's or Georgetown did it? In fact I think it's smart. It's out there. If they get rejected so what?? The BE isn't kicking them out. They will be just fine.
  3. If St Johns applied - Why don't we apply?? Sorry don't know how this works and why we wouldn't.
  4. It is all "most" are looking for - reassurance to know you are working at it.
  5. I want beer too! Cigar City please. Sorry, deal is only for Loveclub. I will gladly put my money where my mouth is with him if we end up winners in all of this. I will be so happy I will drink the beer with you!
  6. Uggghhh I can't stay away from these threads. I hit refresh every 5 min in fear I will miss something. Dumb cause obviously nothing news will be revealed tonight. Bet I hit refresh till at least midnight though.
  7. And what credentials do we carry, that other CUSA types don't, to be anywhere else? It's still a huge step backwards. I just can't see many people wanting to buy season tickets to watch us play against Marshall, rice, utep etc I can't stomach buying season tickets when before we played WVA, Pitt, Rutgers etc.. Come on, think about it, once we are relegated to what will be viewed as community college status in the nation's eyes and once conferences go to 16, or whatever the magic number is, we wont even get decent opponents into Ray Jay to play us to help sell seats. We'll have no chance to prove ourselves because no one will schedule us and no chance to make a dent perception wise because we won't be a "have". Please, someone tell me I'm wrong. It's over. We need to do everything we can to form something with the best of regionally-based, similar institutions. But things will never be as good as they were for us (ever) again. If we don't get into a big 5 conference we will go from having played teams like FSU, Louisville, wvu, etc at home to playing Miami of Ohio for home games This is exactly what I am saying. No one will care. Our fan base got spoiled with where we were and I fear they will reject where we are going. Expect to see a lot more Gator, Nole and Canes shirts on campus from now on further eroding our pride and momentum. I'm also afraid the size of our new market (crowds) will never justify us having our OCS as long as Ray Jay is around. It is going to be very hard to be a Bulls fan moving forward. I hope you are wrong because you are nothing but doom and gloom
  8. Not much work done today thanks to this thread. Oh and it made me finally break down and get a Twitter account. Hoping someday soon there is a celebration thread going on here.
  9. Is there not somebody or someway to organize a meeting with them to discuss our concerns? In my business, when you have people who support you then you listen to their concerns. I would think it would only be right of Judy and Doug given the drastic issues facing USF athletics to do something like this for those who support the program. Is that crazy talk???
  10. I used to think that, but someone in another thread (can't remember who, sorry) made a good point that if Woolard fired Holtz, that would buy him some time and he'd have at least one more hire to make sure he got the right guy. If he lets Holtz go another year, his fate becomes whatever Holtz's is. I have no idea if it will play out like that, but it seems to make pretty good sense to me. You guys are stretching and grasping. Doug has 3 years to go before retirement. Whatever he does USF isn't going to fire him
  11. This is where a lack of vision by Judy and Doug will iltimately doom the football program. What lack of vision? Someone has ti want you before you can move. And who is to say they are not working furiously behind the scenes to get us out of the BE? Doug himself who said a week ago we are in great position and have no desire to seek out a new conference. Told it to a group of donors. Kind of like how Doug told the donors that we would make a bowl game this year...Getting hard to trust Doug. Point taken. And I do agree Doug wouldn't say we were looking IF we are because then it looks like a failure if we don't leave
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