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Everything posted by IHuckItDeep

  1. what are they doing at the south side of the library?
  2. but we havent cause they have never gotten our **** helmet right haha For what it's worth, the short amount of time I saw the helmet it looked correct this time. eh....good enough for me haha
  3. so there still not gonna paint the front? pretty easy fix I would think
  4. but we havent cause they have never gotten our **** helmet right haha
  5. I was floored when I saw the espn 30 for 30 on smu...I was born in 86 and I didn't start following college football until I came to usf....I had no idea what that program had been through...I can only imagine what it must of been like for the players, coaches, fans, etc.
  6. No doubt about this. We went backwards after that season. just giving you a hard time Why?
  7. Are they gonna paint the front of the rec center? Concrete front mesh just doesn't mesh with the rest of the district....it looks unfinished
  8. I doubt we can get UF. I could see FSU happening though I wouldn't want uf or fsu...dont want their fans overrunning or house on opening night....would prefer a big name but from far far away.....how bout a ucla or a mizzou
  9. Can you explain something for me? Why do USF fraternities have such an issue with being called frats? I have friends in a few frats at USF that always correct me when I call it that. However, I have friends in frats at FSU, UF, and Alabama (places where Greek is on a whole other level) and they refer to them as Frats or don't correct me when I call it that. I brought up the USF people taking issue to being called frats and theyve just kind of laughed at it. I've heard the "country a..." stuff so don't go there. I just use it as a short cut sometimes. Like I said, I have plenty of friends in fraternities and sororities at USF, and am really just curious. No hate here. Can you explain something for me? Why do USF fraternities have such an issue with being called frats? I have friends in a few frats at USF that always correct me when I call it that. However, I have friends in frats at FSU, UF, and Alabama (places where Greek is on a whole other level) and they refer to them as Frats or don't correct me when I call it that. I brought up the USF people taking issue to being called frats and theyve just kind of laughed at it. I've heard the "country a..." stuff so don't go there. I just use it as a short cut sometimes. Like I said, I have plenty of friends in fraternities and sororities at USF, and am really just curious. No hate here. I was in a fraternity at USF....it never bothered me when people used the word frat.....the word does have a negative connotation attached to it at USF....thats def the view of the fraternities at USF anyway.....also another reason to yell at pledges when they dont use the "proper" term
  10. I think the worst part is the corral exterior not being touched....if they can fix that then I will be ecstatic.....everything else looks great....But for some reason that really bothers me....more than it should.....guess I feel like if we're gonna do it let's do it right
  11. not a fan of UCF......but kevin smith is a pretty solid pro running back.....cant deny that.....
  12. the juniper popular dorms maybe....or the new ROTC building....there are pay for spaces next to the marshall center
  13. if they build us a brand new arena....of course yes.....but otherwise....NOOOOOOOO!!!
  14. yeh i agree they should make a separate game room....i don't like how its in beefs.....if they make a separate one they can make room for more tables in beefs
  15. this is my favorite thread of all time
  16. so there still gonna have the bull statues right?
  17. i thought all that with the bronze bulls and such was the enhanced version of the plaza. i think they are building it at a watered down version. still nice, just not as nice. either way, hopefully they will get the enhanced version and it will still be WAY better than the old MC. what do u mean watered down version??? the enhanched version has already been approved and is going to get built......
  18. got u beat i was in 4th grade haha.....and I was hoping for a last second shot too and it never came......i never knew cincy was good at basketball....
  19. u are 100% sure of that fishinbull????? beer and wine??? sounds to good to be true
  20. o yeh also Auburn's student union is only 125,000 square feet....even though they only have 24,000 students, thats still really small for such a big university
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