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Everything posted by ctbrown24

  1. Depending on our bowl, (I won't book anything until it's official) I am going with 2 of my friends.
  2. It looked like he hurt his ankle in the first OT. Coach wasn't happy that was the last timeout was used.
  3. Capko made some stupid decisions tonight...again.
  4. He looked like a mess. I guess he thought since he had an afro it was 'cool' to wear his shirt like that.
  5. Yeah, I won't be sitting in that section anymore. Plus, I can't heckle the coach from behind the USF bench. I just wanted to yell "TUCK YOUR SHIRT IN" the whole time... Alas, I was too far. What was with Rocky's wet @ss? He gave my friend a lap dance with that wet @ass. lol I was front row at midcourt and a few people were yelling for the coach to tuck his shirt in.
  6. I think I was sitting next to you when that girl asked you to sit, and you told her it's the student section; you don't sit. Was that you?
  7. That game was too stressful. We should have blown them out of there. Good job by our guys winning with the 24 turnovers they had.
  8. i guess you arent downtown much? kennedy is a MAJOR road.  it is hwy 60 as it runs thru downtown.  bahasa is right inbetween howard and armenia Not much at all. I primarily stay around campus and venture down to Ybor sometimes. I'll try and head down after the basketball game.
  9. Oh alright. Well, while I was waiting, I joined the site.
  10. Whoever is USFBullWriter on their site, great response to them. Shut them up; they haven't responded.
  11. That's funny. WE are out of control? They're just jealous.
  12. I tried watching them but it says the videos no longer exist.
  13. Yes, I would love Rutgers to beat WV. I'd rather Texas than Bham.
  14. Can anybody get some of the highlights up on Youtube?
  15. Haven't seen this link on here, but it was really cool to see some respect from another FL school: http://florida.rivals.com/showmsg.asp?highlight=USF&sid=882&fid=865&tid=83928121&mid=83938889
  16. I want to be there so bad but I won't be back on campus til tomorrow :-?
  17. That was great. I didn't even think he was in for that long and got fouled out before I knew it. The crowd really did get in to his head. I'm going to have the Larson chant in my head as I sleep tonight.
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