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Everything posted by Herman_Momart

  1. If George Mason can do it, we can can do it? No Reason: They have a good coach, we do not.
  2. Bottom line, huggins wanted a challenge. He wanted to take the worst team in the Big East and make them great. We didnt let him do that. So he will take the worst team int he Big 12 and make them great. While we will sit and watch OJ Mayo dominate in a year and we stay medicore. What are we doing about Jones and Buckley? And how can we "drop it". Is that how your look at passed oppurtunities, just throw a blind eye towards it. Great life strategy.
  3. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ What you talking about Willis? Little resemblance to Gary Coleman
  4. Aruebman? Oh yea that is hilarious. Im dying right now. The only idiot that would get any satisfaction from that is ___ Eats it. The guy who cannot wait for any of us to post, so he can reply with something to stir the pot and then complain that we post so much. Now that is hilarious.
  5. Never said anything close to Chambers being a thug. Dont know where you got that. BullDoug never said any of those guys couldnt be role models. Dont know where you got that? The Jim Rome stat was true, doesnt look good for your university no matter what angle you want to put it. My point was similar to S Bien's, there is bad apples in every bunch, we had our fair share. S. Bien and his story about Moffit sounds like you are sniffing someones jock. As for him living his life like this jock sniffing, website poster. Your right, I grew up in an city WAY different from Bushnell. You do not know the first thing about me. S. Bien you website posting, tamp tribune posting, bullseye.com posting, etc etc, etc loser. Some people do need to get lives. Lets start with S. Bien.
  6. Yea. If you dont have money your not allowed to criticize. What an idiotic statement. Seriously. Mike your better than that to keep regurgitating that ignorant statement. Your way smarter than that.
  7. They were talking about they had a lot of deaths of family members and friends for Va Tech this year. Said some crazy number of funerals they attended as a team this year. That "Close loss in a Big Game " look did open many many wounds.
  8. Plently of people. Calhoun must have read "The art of War" Keep your enemies close. We now respect Calhoun. We will go into next season with promise. We will lose Calhoun has a team he does not have to worry about. Guy is a genius
  9. Look at our track record we never win we support the coach we are underachievers outside world looks at us (not just me) like fools i will post like smazz more often
  10. Too funny, cant wait for reuben to get off work. You guys have a serious hard on for us and its said. You are letting us win. Glorious. Is this getting personal?
  11. The AD said that, the school and the fans do not thats why we dont go to the games. Point me
  12. Sorry trip I didnt mean to insult you with an overlook in my wording.
  13. First of all Velcro, Im sure you know my real name isnt Herman it is Jeff. Nice to meet you too. I know that you know we are three different people, I messed up and typed herm instead of reub. It is very obvious we are different. Get over it. Second of all, I am not a huge Huggins fan and never will be. Do I like him better than Mac? You better believe it. I just want a change in the BE> Bullzfan you stick up for the coach of this university, while I stick up for the university and its name. When they say on sportscenter, no conference wins or 1st conference win it gives us a bad reputation. Good repuations get you good recruits.. So you protect the terrible coach and I will protect this great university.
  14. I only talk about Mac in Mac threads and when someone else brings it up on another thread. If it is Ari and you guys respond and then I do, you are just as guilty as I am. Lets stop pointing fingers and calling me the bad guy, its getting old.
  15. LOL ;D Is there another USF Bulls site where everyone isnt so sensitive to people who have ideas other than yours? I will gladly converse with people that arent so one-sided. While you are throwing people in the penalty box you will obviously have to throw in myself, Ari, Reuben, Jewbull, hawaii bull, flsportsfan, lord sherriff, smazza and many more. Than you guys can have your utopia of underachievers.
  16. The kid voss has shown a somewhat interest in the Bulls. Also has interest in Alabama, Auburn, LSU, Michigan, Mississippi State and North Carolina State. Not bad company. Hopefully we can snake him. Tell him to come to the big city lights of Tampa.
  17. So sorry Big brother. I know you are watching me. Mac is good. Mac is great. His 7 conference wins were awesome. Mac is a great recruiter. Mac has a lot of injuries and has guys that leave the team, that is the only reason we are no good. Mac is the mac! Better?
  18. I actually work for a living, sorry I couldnt get back to you in ample time. But as for him having a clean record before coming here, I never said he didnt. My point was that the only time i ever heard usf football on a "national" talk show it was Jim Rome and how we father about 50 children as a team. Doesnt do much for the student athlete vision we are so strongly trying to uphold here at the harvard of hillsborough. As for Joe saying I throw the thug mentality on the team. I dont do that, its players do that. I understand they are young and it happens at every university and Im not complaining about it. It is just that everyone on this board swears by the "student" athlete. Well, usf get athletes first then students. Kids who want to be a student first, and are gifted and lucky enough to be able to play NCAA sports do not go to USF. They go to Duke, if there not gifted enough for Duke they go to Georgetown. We get athletes not scholars and role models.
  19. So noone can express their opinion if it does not conform with the majority of this site. Dont be so sensitive, this is a friggin message board. You guys are lucky this university isnt in New york city, Chicago, Philly, LA, etc. The boo birds would all be out all day.
  20. SOooooo sorry. Mac is great. Mac is good. Mac is the best. Mac will win. Mac will get big recruits. This is a message board isnt it? You should check out IUs, ASUs, Syracuses, and numerous other boards. The same thing goes on there except their moderators do not take sides. You should learn from that "Bully". hermie
  21. You hold the monopoly opinion of USF students and fans who want to get Huggs and fire Mac, just not on this site. No need to apologize, but people will tell you to go away if you do not conform to their opinions, accept terrible performances and have sup par expectations. Its what this university and AD has already done to these guys. It feels like Im on an episode of Lost or lsitening to Big Brother.
  22. USF football has never been known as saints.  From fights, to drunk drivers to guys beating up their girlfriends.  Jim Rome put out a stat like 2-3 years ago that our football team fathered something like 50 children.  I dont know if you guys ever seen Boys in the Hood but recruiters usually do not like stuff like that because its keeps their focus off of football.  But if CJL does it he is the man, and no cares about recruiting the "student athlete."
  23. Get over yourself. Talking about yourself in the third person these days? Or should I say in the one/third person
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