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Everything posted by SkypointBull

  1. Our schedule will come out soon. I heard we are close to landing an attractive 1A team for a home game next year. Also our schedule will be pretty much set in the future to take us through 2013. We are also working on getting UF to have one of those road games at Ray Jay.
  2. Doug and RMC go back to So Ill together. He will want results and I know the donor base is getting stronger. So hopefully in the future we will have the funds to go after what ever coach we want.
  3. Terry I love your fire. I hate Seth because he effen stared at my wife's chest directly every time we had a meeting or dinner with him. I restrained my self on several occasions from popping his bald head off. Plus he treated alot of people I know like ****. So will never give that guy respect. Now on RMC. He is not my favorite. And its not a hidden fact with anybody at USF. But I will give him this year for before completely bashing him. If we finish with 7 healthy guys again, I can't see how his job is safe. But Doug and RMC go way back so who knows.
  4. Amen to that! Everyone wants to focus on everything negative for Sat. I personally want to cheer the bulls on to victory.
  5. Yeah we still have to show WVU what is up on Sat. We won't need the win for the bowl game. We need UConn to lose. Don't take me wrong I care if we win or lose. I hate shelling out between 1500 and 2000 every away game so me and my wife can cheer them on in person. And I really hate watching us piss away a great opportunity. But I have to be realistic the day after. We still have a bowl game to play for. Not the game we all hoped for but its still a better bowl than most can hope for. I know the team will rally and play for the seniors on sat. Personally I want Terrance Royals to go out with a win. That kid bleeds green and gold. Cee on the other hand, don't worry about my spelling. I am sure I will be fine making the kind of money I make the rest of my life on my limited grammar and spelling skills. I can still fill out a deposit slip for a bank deposit.
  6. Just because you donate does not give you a stake in the highering process. I donate because I love my school. All of the school. These donations go to the all of the aspects of helping student athletes. There will be good times and bad times for our teams. We still have a shot to go to a bowl in Charlotte. Was I happy with the play calling yesterday no. Alot of us in Woolard's suite weren't happy and he knew about it.
  7. He is allowed his opinion. But you should have looked in every players eyes after the game. And if you are really bold, show up to the coaches show and let him know how you feel. I beleive a man should always say what is on his mind and if given an opportunity its better to say your peice face to face. I looked into every players eyes after they came to the bus last night. They were devastated. We as fans think this is the end of the world, but in fact we are just fans. This is their team and their opportunity they lost.
  8. That is such a classy post. I am suprised you have time to post while you are kissing Seth's ass! It is basketball season.
  9. Very cool! Bulls fans always get taken care of. We had a Bull fan buying tulips on his way home. Since he had his Bull shirt on we gave a second bunch half off. A Gator fan was in the shop and wanted to know if he could get the same deal. We told him he could have the same deal if he didn't have that UF shirt on. He quickly took it off and said Go Bulls! You got to love how quickly UF switches out.
  10. $320 on Delta Song direct from TPA to BDL. Last week that same flight was 570.
  11. I would love to be there but I will still be in Hartford. You got to love the USF excitement!
  12. Great man, lets make some noise for our boys.
  13. I just got my flight booked today for UConn. After deciding not to go, I had to explain to family and friends where I needed to be. So who is going to be there freezing their ass with me?
  14. Hey I appreciate the kind words and business. Make sure if you call with orders from the message board, Let us know. That way I can hook you guys up! Plus if UCF loses, I would love to send them a condolence arrangement. Maybe in a Green and Gold theme.
  15. I love that the UConn coach is thinking about rivalries instead of thinking the game plan this weekend!
  16. Of course there is going to be talk about WVU. Its part of becoming a big program. People are actually interested and excited in the Bulls. We need to take care of UConn first. The cold will not be a huge factor after the kick off. These kids know what they have on the line. As long as we don't turn the ball over we should pull this one off. What the cold will affect is our kicking game. Kicking a football in the cold is like kicking a brick. So if punting and place kicking do a decent job, we should be able to advantage of opportunities.
  17. I forgot his name, but he has been with the team since the beginning. In the first year Leavitt said they used to give him $5 to $10 to film a game or practice.
  18. You would thinks so. If we beat UConn I am going to buy the cheapest item at the bookstore with a 'U' on it or the 'USF' on it and have it put on a skunk hat for me.
  19. They used the old logo because its not trademarked and you can still buy the patches for it at the bookstore. With the new 'U' anything that is made with it has to go thru a painfull process before its made.
  20. If we got to the Atl I will probably have 15 to 25 in my group alone going. If we go to Charlottle we will have have about 10 in my group. Anywhere else we will have at least 8 to 10 going. But no matter what I am there.
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