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Posts posted by amie_abull

  1. From today's Lakeland Ledger:

    Ponton goes into the North Carolina game listed as the No. 2 back behind Lake Wales' Benjamin Williams, but he is expected to work into the starting roll, although Leavitt won't confirm that.

    "Benjamin has run hard from the beginning and he hasn't slowed down. That's why he's in there," Leavitt said.

    "Ponton hasn't played," Leavitt said. "We'll have to wait and see how he plays, see how it will all work out."


  2. Umm, smazza, if it is the FIRST PLAY of the game, how can it be "game changing momentum"? The game wouldn't have started yet!!!!   ::)

    Williams EARNED the right to start with his play while Ponton was suspended & I BULLIEVE that Jim Leavitt will reward his hard work with a chance to start.

  3. There is no way that USF will be shut out in another bowl game with Matt Grothe behind center for the next 3.5 years. Smazza, get ready for that record to be better than .500 in just a few short weeks ~ soon you'll have to find something new to complain about. ;)

  4. Hello all

    What burns me is the people who get front row tickets and then stand up for the entire game. Thats why me and amie_abull are going for front row season tickets next year.



    Who EVER could you be talking about....?  ;D

    HaHa, Shoop, I think I'll get my front row seat closer to your group. Mike can sit at the end of the row with the guys who don't want to stand & I'll blend right in with you and the other crazies of Sec. 125!!!!!!!!!   8-)

  5. Here's another one  >:(

    My FATHER had a problem with a big black police officer from Tampa who was working outside of the parking lot entrance 7 at the stadium.  

    My dad is frugal and had an extra parking pass to lot 5SB. For the money I pay for that privlege I could care less if he uses my pass when I am not at the games. But he decided to go sell the parking pass and did so up by entrance 7. The person who bought it was searching for change and the car behind them honked their horn. The cop got out of his car ran to my dad SCREAMING, got right up in his face chest bumped him and screamed "what do you think you are doing?" my dad stepped back and said "I was selling an extra parking pass we were not using. " With that the cop chest bumped him again and repeated the question "What do you think you are doing here?" My dad responded "I just told you I was trying to sell an unused parking pass but I can leave its not that big of a deal. With that this guy SLAPPED my fathers hand (he had a beer in his hand and didnt realize he couldnt have it outside of the white fence), so this guy doesnt say, throw that out, doesnt say "sir you cannot have open alcohol out here", he just slapped (yes physicallyo assulted my father) the beer out of his hand and yells "You cant have that here, get out of here". So my dad starts walking away but he figures this guy is going to get him for littering. So he asks the cop if he wants him to pick up the beer, POUR IT OUT, and dispose of it in a trash can. The COP yelled at him to leave it there, and get out of there or he was going to jail!!!!

    Unfortunately my dad did not get this officers name or badge number. Sure the guy cut him a break on the open container but this cop needs to work on his communication skills and STOP PHYSICALLY hitting people. Had my dad hit another citizen like this cop hit him, he would have been arrested.

    I hope someone knows who this cop was. Its rediculous for a cop to assult an individual. Had he said to move on, my dad would have. My father is a retired fire-fighter and former university cop (Yale). He respects law enforcement. THIS WAS UNCALLED FOR.

    I told my dad just to toss the pass if I am not at the next game.

  6. I was VERY disappointed in the booing of Pat. Granted, I did not want to see him in the game as QB, but booing a college kid who honestly tries his best every play is just sad. PJ's best play may not be even close to MG's worst play, but he deserves our respect for the good things he has done for our team. He was very pumped up when taking the field during UConn. You could tell he wanted to do his best.

  7. Oh come on guys...you know you think he looks sexy.  LOL.  I give him props for doing that though.

    I used to sit behind him and his group (which included Shoop) 2 yrs ago.  Man oh man, that section was fun as hell, not saying that my section now isn't fun...but they sure were something to entertain to if they game got boring.

    If the game got that boring I would leave the stadium....and I've never left a game before it ended.

    And you've obviously never sat with Shoop & Co. - they are freaking hilarious!!!!!

    Shoop, isn't that the guy that sat in the front row at all those games on crutches with a broken leg!?!?? That is some serious dedication!

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