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Posts posted by amie_abull

  1. Unfortunately it's on the D-Line...another place we can hardly afford an injury...come to think of it, about the only place we could afford a season ending injury is our punting/kicking corps...

    Shame on me.


    Brad, you better take that back quick!!!!! We've had all the bad karma we can take for the first 1/2 of the season!!!!  

  2. other things you forgot to mention in the article:

    - gold and silver teeth

    OMG, I thought I was the only one who noticed that!!!! Those were some scary lookin' RU fans - I felt like I was in the hood.  If those guys were examples of the dentistry practiced in NJ, I think we can lay off the WVU fans about that for a while!  ;D  ;D  ;D

    haha, where do you sit?

    Just bought season tix with the Big East Blitz promotion - Sec 125, Row C. You'll recognize me & my husband Mike from the student section.

  3. other things you forgot to mention in the article:

    - gold and silver teeth

    OMG, I thought I was the only one who noticed that!!!! Those were some scary lookin' RU fans - I felt like I was in the hood.  If those guys were examples of the dentistry practiced in NJ, I think we can lay off the WVU fans about that for a while!  ;D  ;D  ;D

  4. Not gonna touch that last smazza comment.  ;D  ;D  :o  :o

    Seriously, CRBULL brings up some great points. I do appreciate your views on the board, smazza, and I share some of your concerns. But it does get tiresome to read the same 3 word negative posts from you over and over and over, ad nauseum.

    By now anyone who has read this board for more than 1 day knows exactly how you feel about Matt Grothe, Jim Leavitt, our W-L record, the 3 suspended players, our recruiting efforts, and the capability and deficiencies of ALL our coaching staff ~ you don't need to reiterate your views repeatedly in every single thread!!!!  You do bring valuable insight (and humor  ;)) to the board. It would just be a more enjoyable fan experience (for me at least) if you could temper all the doom & gloom with some positives once in a while.  Thanks & GO BULLS!!!!!!!

  5. In all honesty, we probably beat Uconn, Cuse, and N.C (although that's not a gimmie being on the road.)  Who else do yuou see us beating?

    That reminds me - who the heck scheduled PITT for homecoming?!??? Have we sworn off making that a gimmie game ever since the Army fiasco?

  6. Guys, there are 32 bowl games this year.  That means that 64 of 119 teams will be playing in bowls.  The bowl sponsors will be lucky if there are 64 teams that end up 6-6 or better.  I thought this was discussed on here before that the BE will not allow it's teams to decline an invitation to any bowl.  Therefore, if we are 6-6, we are definitely going to a bowl by our choice or not.

    Not trying to stir the pot here, but what if we are offered the International Bowl? I love my footBULLS, but Toronto in January would be a severe test of my loyalty.  ;)  If we get invited to a bowl that we are unlikely to make a good showing at, is it better to take the game or bow out?

  7. If you buy medication to cure a problem and the medication isn't helping you don't keep using it despite what it cost you. You have the doctor the prescribe something else, then you buy it and use it. There aren't any refunds but you do what it takes to cure the problem before it kills you.

    So who do you propose that we "buy" as a replacement? And don't say Bronson - he's already gone, history, finito, done. Benzer is our kicker, and we can either choose to berate him or choose to support him. You don't think the kid feels bad about missing FG's?!??  Of course he does. But moaning about an ex-player who is NOT an option is not going to help the situation. Remember how hard we all were on Santiago when he first started? He got better with time, and Benzer will too.  JMHO.   8-)

  8. I wish I never started this thread

    this board has become unbearable

    why? I thought it was a good thread and has had some good points on all sides. Responses haven't been completely slanted one way or another and nobody (aside from the usual poster) has been outrageously negataive. I understand if you wanted to just have a bunch of perfectly positive posts but if an actual discussion about the topic was the purpose I think it has been a good one.


    Agree with the agreement :)  I think this is one of the best threads we have had in a long time that seriously examines the pluses and minuses of USF's current situation. I don't know as much about football as all of you do, but I learn a lot from threads like this one.

  9. ****, you BULLS boys are crabby this week!!!

    Don't take it personally, jellyman & RU mba 01, USF fans are still licking our wounds after last week's loss at Kansas. I am hardly qualified to give you good facts about the team/talent, but hopefully someone will show up soon to engage in some real discussion.

    In the meantime, thanks for stopping by, and good luck tearing up the BE, after we beat you this week!  ;)  ;)

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