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Posts posted by BULLheaded

  1. Jim, I agree with so many of your points.....up to actually starting PJ. True, PJ played pretty well the other night, and I REALLY wanted him to succeed as our QB given his character and heart however it's pretty obvious he is never going to be the consistent qb we need. If he is the starter this year I believe he'll have a few great games, and of course he'll have alot of really bad games. But to boil it all down, if Grothe is the qb of the future then let's get him in now and not waste a year of experience. I think this is especially important during the tuneup games.

    Besides I'm more concerned that Smith will screw this kid up more than getting into games so early will. Somehow I can't help but think that PJ (and Banks) would have been at least a decent qb with the proper guidance, unfortunately it's too late to fix that now for PJ and hopefully Smith has learned enough over the past few years not to screw up a 3rd qb.

  2. fireworks were great, especially since I had no idea it was going to happen.

    as far as the McD's I'm lovin it, personally I think its fine, not only does it mean money our way BUT every time I hear that jungle on tv or the radio Bulls football pops in my head. I'm sure I'm not the only one so I have no problem with that type of subliminal message.

  3. I was floored by the student turnout especially considering we were playing a AA team.

    Also have to admit the HOT was awesome! Frankly I never noticed much improvement last year like everyone else but wow they were louder, more active and I think even mixed in a few new pieces during the game. This was really the first time I left the game actually talking about how great the band did. Good job to both the students and HOT!

  4. "they say if you cant score a single point in a bowl game, you dont deserve to be there.. well..."

    I suppose you would be happy then had we gone for the 3 to prevent the FIRST SHUTOUT EVER in the history of the program, instead of trying to punch it in the end zone and make it a game?    ::)

    I wanted to make it a game and try to tie it also for a WIN in OT.

    Some people do NOT understand support of a team.

    I was okay with going for the touchdown with 4 mins left... but down by two touchdowns... 4th down at the NC State 15 yard line... less than 20 seconds left in the game. Yeah, I wanted him to kick the field goal and avoid the shut out.

    There was NO WAY to "make a game" of it that late in the game.  USF turned it over on downs with 9 seconds left.  Let's suppose Julmiste was able to make a TD throw.  USF would have to recover the on-side kick and would have 4-5 seconds left for a single play from around the 50 yard line.

    No, I firmly believe Leavitt should have avoided the shutout on the last 4th down that late in the game.

    Coaches, like all of us, make mistakes.  There's no reason why I can't say I think he made one in this case.  Supporting the team does not mean to say that coaches can do no wrong.

    You just said why we don't kick the field goal.  If we have one play from the 50 to tie the game it's better than giving up on the game.  Every coach in Football would have gone for the small chance that you have to win the game.  I agree with Leavit 100% in that situation.

    It also sends a bad signal to future teams that the coach gave up on your team. That is unacceptable no matter how little time is left, the coach should ALWAYS be trying to beat the odds no matter how great they are. Going for 3 for some strategic reason makes it fine but throwing in the towel simply to get 3 points for a meaningless streak (and yes this streak is a bogus one since some of these games were blowouts that we ended up scoring on scab players) would not only be disrespectfull to the players, coaches and fans but it would taint the very stat you want to protect.

  5. Explain my support for Mac?  Simple, he's the coach of a team of student athletes at an educational establishment that I hold very dear.  Those of you not supporting him are not supporting USF.  Period.

    I've been reading all of these BB threads with some amusement mainly because I really could care less about basketball. But (sorry Mike) I had to pipe in and disagree with this statement. There are many ways to support USF but if you believe that someone is damaging the program it certainly wouldn't be supporting the school to support that person. Agree or disagree with their view on Mac is fine but if people feel this way then you certainly can't expect them to support him. Besides supporting someone for no reason other then they happen to be in a position AT your school is a recipe for disaster IMO.

    Ok, now I'll let you all go on with your bickering  ;D

  6. Unless you have the cash to pay the $900K tab to cancel Mac's contract, you should start supporting your coach.  If you want him gone, put the cash up.  Otherwise, your comments are unnecessary, a waste of cyberspace, and completely useless.

    If you've got something to say, say it with your pocketbook...

    not to make a judgement on what we should do but didn't this all start because some wealthy alumni were offering to do just that? If that is the case then I'd say the money aspect of this decision doesn't apply.

  7. Add tailgate hitch cap with Iconic U

    I have one of these that I got at sports fanattic

    Mutt, I've been trying to find a rocky driver cover as well, if you find one let me know!

    I did find at ace golf range a set of iconic U head covers that looked nice and a golf towel that was a different from the ones I normally see that also looked really nice. I was actually shocked to see USF gear right along with gators and noles at the driving range shop.

  8. Its Lay off the stupid pills huh?

    You could give PJ and Denson Mike Holmgren for all I care.  He sucks.  He is awful.  

    Its like asking a driver to turn a great lap in a ****** car, with awful tires.  Yeah, maybe another driver could turn a better lap, but the lap will still suck.

    Smith is not the problem.  The problem is the QB.  You can not coach touch.  You can only coach up so much inability.

    Its like you guys sit around on this board and pity PJ.  The guy is the worst QB i have ever seen.  I remember countless games where he went 8 or 10 for 23 with 3 ints and no TDs.

    A OC is totally hamstrung if he has a QB who cannot complete 12 passes a game.  In fact if PJ could just not throw interceptions we would have been way better off.

    How do you keep defenses honest when you can't throw the ball.  We have a reciever that is freak 6-6 and he still overthrows him.  Our offense sucked before smith came.  It would suck after smith was gone if Denson or PJ is the QB.

    You act like this is just something new.  Our offense has sucked for the last 3 years.  All becuase our QB play is pitiful.

    GIve me a break.  Coach up talent. Under your theory we could put you guys in there and the coach should be able to make you good.  Its you who is on the stupid pills.

    PJ wasn't even a passer in high school.  Do you think there was a reason for that?  Because he sucked at passing the ball.  He ran a wing-t offense in high school.  Wake up.

    Why don't you have the same standards for that bum MAC who has totally destroyed our average basketball program.

    I disagree, put PJ or Denson with a decent QB coach and they will be a heck of a lot better then what we've seen. Not saying they would be a star but I do believe they would be usable.

    No, it isn't like giving a ****** car to a driver...it's like giving a ****** car to a mechanic and asking him to make it less ******. A decent mechanic should be able to get most cars (even ****** ones) to make it around the track. And that is pretty much the crux of the issue, do you believe the coach is simply a driver of the car or does the coach also have a part in building the car. I think the last part is very important and lacking under Smith.

    Nope I don't pity PJ, however I think he isn't the ONLY problem on offense. Fact is you need BOTH a coach that can develop players and players that have talent. Lack either one and you will not achieve your potential. Also, it is obvious we are doing the best we can trying to improve the talent level but I am floored that we obviously could give a rats ass about the other piece and frankly that should be the easiest area to fix. Why do you think it has to be one or the other?

    Do I think I can go out there? Hell no, but to put it in a way maybe you can relate (assuming you are or were a student) Gotta have brains to succeed in the classroom right? However, no matter how smart you are a good teacher can always make you better and a crappy teacher will force you to rely on only your own ability and add NOTHING to your success. I have also seen teachers take those of....less then high inteligence...and help them to excel. We should be looking for that great teacher that can suppliment any talent....and help make up for any lack therof. If you think Smith is the guy then I'll just agree to disagree with you.

  9. It's pretty obvious that people think coaching consists of nothing more then calling plays on game day and relying on pure talent. To heck with expecting a coach to be able to improve the abilities of the players we have.

    Keeping Smith around means that we are banking our entire success on the ability to bring in only the best players since we have decided that we don't expect coaches to develop anyone. IE.....player either already can play at the top level or he will never be able to play worth a ****.

  10. I was only trying to point out that Rod Smith may not be the entire problem with our offense... that some of the playcalling rests with Leavitt.  So, if you say Rod Smith should go because he can't call plays -- then maybe we need to pause and reflect on that before saying it again.

    Your right Rod is not the only problem with our offense. Aside from Franks I really have a hard time figuring out what isn't wrong with our offense. However, Rod and much of the offensive staff obviously is ONE of the problems and IMO a very severe problem. So the thing that just frustrates the hell out of me is why aren't we fixing that problem? We are certainly doing our best to recruit better players but we just close our eyes on the coaching issues and act like they will somehow miraculously disappear.

    There is a saying...if it aint broke then don't fix it. Well I would say that implies the reverse that if it IS broke then FIX IT.....AND THIS IS BROKE!!

  11. no change will equate to no change.

    offense has been a disaster for a while now

    last year stuck with the status quo and after hobbie left we hired for the sole purpose of keeping the status quo. We don't make changes now (which I don't think we will) just be ready for the same thing next year. C-Hill may end up a decent qb but we've already seen that the coaches couldn't even develep him to the point of holding on to the **** ball.....yeah yeah I know, I'm sure that is something that should take years of experience to learn, can't expect something so fundamental to be learned in only one season of practice  ::)

  12. first I may be wrong but I don't believe that Rod developed Blackwell, I think he came in towards the end of MBs time here. Second, blackwell was good because he was able to run around like crazy buying time and hiding our offensive problems back then. So IMO we have two hopes, one is to hope for more talent that can hide our poor coaching the other is to hope for coaching that can make the talent we bring in better.....shoot I'd like to see a third and get coaches that can improve the players AND bring in players capable of making the coaches shine. Why should we settle if we don't have to and coaching is an area that I don't believe we have to.

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