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Posts posted by BULLheaded

  1. I don't know how many times I've seen posts ******** about the greeks not having any school spirit. People have been complainng that they don't organize for for games and even go as far as to say they should be required to do so.....and now that they actually DO organize for a game everyone is ******** about it.  :o

    Just curious but are the Greeks showing this interest for home games this year, too?

    got me, I was never a greek while in school but I thought it was interesting that they are damned if they do damned if they don't

  2. I don't know how many times I've seen posts ******** about the greeks not having any school spirit. People have been complainng that they don't organize for for games and even go as far as to say they should be required to do so.....and now that they actually DO organize for a game everyone is ******** about it.  :o

  3. BullHeaded...

    You honestly believe Kansas is gonna bring in 40,000 to RJS? or Indiana? or UNC?  

    Those teams are BCS, but they're doo doo BCS. We brought in 33,000 for a Top 10 team (Louisville), I'm sorry but fans aren't going to pack the house for a 5-6 UNC team or 6-5 Kansas. I;m not saying UCF is a better team on the field, but it does draw the fans interest something that this program needs right now.

    40k for kansas no, for Indiana and Michigan State pretty darn close. However 40k or not I think any of those will draw a LOT better than the McNeese or FIU games and wanted to point out that there is a large gray area between the comparison made that scheduling UCF would be necessary when looking at the crowds from our previous two games. I'd be surprised if we had less than 35k at any of those games and if the benefit is just a few extra thousand seats I don't think the game is worth it.

    besides, ucf is a doo doo NON BCS team and do you really think that once the novelty wears off that we'll keep getting 40k fans?

    Now we do have Miami coming in 2009, and that will blow UCF away. For now however, USF needs all the fan support, money, and press they can get and the UCF game does that.[/

    Lose this game a few times and yes, we'll have the extra money from ticket sales for a few thousand a year (remember your not comparing 40k to 0) but I'll guess that you'll lose some fans and local support along the way as we get looked at as a joke of the BCS who can't even beat ucf. Lose this game and the "national exposure" will be to show how little we belong in the BCS since we lost to a team that a "real" BCS team beat 42-0. It will also draw more disrespect to the Big East for housing such a team. So yeah, the money will be nice but the reaction from a loss would not be worth it IMO.

    Even worse would be if a rivalry builds up, if that happens it means nothing more then us settling in at their level.

  4. Great pub from Jen!  I'm liking her more and more each day.........

    No kidding....just want so bad to dislike the FSU in her but shoot she has a sense of humor too

    While running around and tailgating with friends, I endured being called the "dyslexic cowgirl."

    "Sweetie, are you lost?" they asked. "Did you get ready for your Florida State game today in front of a mirror and think you went to USF instead of FSU?"

    Comedians, folks! You know you laughed, too

    and of course I laughed at the way this made it's way in the story:

    People cursing their offensive coordinator

  5. It is incredibly arrogant and ignorant of UCF fans to say the Bulls' reluctance to continue this series is born out of fear.

    People around here don't seem to realize the Bulls don't need to play UCF. It's a meaningless series for the Bulls no matter how much money and local interest it generates.

    Yours truly,


    Jemele Hill

    Orlando Sentinel

    Knights-Bulls rivalry is not a no-brainer

    good quote, absolutely true

    Ya, but the same can be said of Miami, FSU, or Florida with us.

    Also true, however we should be pestering them the same way UCF is pestering us.

    As long ast the game is economically good to us, we should play it. (Look at our 1st two crowds...pitiful for a BCS team that went to a bowl game)

    completely disagree, believe it or not there are SOME things just as important as money. For now being in the Big East gives us a recruiting edge, just enjoy it and let UCF whither away while wishing they could prove anything on the field. We win, who cares (been there done that) we lose and it will hurt bad and somehow I doubt the extra profit from that one lame game will make up for it.....it would certainly give them leverage however.

    BTW, thare are many teams that can be scheduled that will draw crowds better than McNeese St and FIU (see current croup of big 10 schools on the schedule) and these schools don't come with the baggage UCF will.

  6. I can't believe another thread has started bashing a group of students that actually show up for the games and cheer on the team. As far as the SI article, didn't that Jen girl mention that her articles are supposed to be about the fans (not the teams) for all of the schools she writes about?

    As for leaving the game early, I hate that as well but unfortunately due to a family emergency I was only able to attend the first half. Didn't think I'd make it at all but sqeezed in a half....and made sure to hear the half time show before I left since the band is sounding so good this year  :)

  7. my wife and I instinctively yell "I'm lovin it".....sorry, It just happens lol

    Would be nice to have something like that though. It's loud, it's intense, the fans can chant (not sing but chant, subtle but there is a difference) along with it. It REALLY pisses off the opposing fans and I'll assume the players as well. I remember years ago watching a game with a gators fan and he nearly went into frenzy of anger each time that tune played lol.

    Miami has the same effect with the emperors march, and I think the militaristic chanting of Michigan's fight song is also very similar. The key is to find a piece that is meant to sound intimidating (ie...could be used while marching into battle) and give the fans something to feel like they are marching right along with team.

  8. Just for you Twirly... I'm going to make sure I get a bloody lip from playing this week.  Thats the only step higher in sound for most of our members... busting our chops!  

    SO.... any louder and my lip will vibrate so fast it splits.  It almost happened at the FIU game... but I'll go all out now....

    AWESOME! I can't wait to hear the difference!  ;D

    Don't worry you guys are sounding great this year. The only thing I can think of that is giving the impression of not being loud is the music choice. The Emperor's March that FIU played so much is a chilling and ominous piece and it has an affect that isn't just from volume. The HOT tends to play a more fun style of music that the students dance and sing to, maybe mix in a few pieces that have a more "evil" or "battle march" feel to them and you can keep your lip intact while still getting the affect.

    Also, the half time show.....just GREAT! Best one I've ever heard played by the HOT!

  9. I sit on the opposite side of the bands almost exactly between them. HOT was MUCH louder than the FIU band and at half there was no comparison, HOT was bigger, louder and much tighter sounding then FIU. I enjoyed listening to both but FIU was not in the same class at the HOT.

    Of course my wife was going nuts with the mismatched cargo pants and shoes lol

    haha we were yelling at them couldn't you even picked 1 color pant and 1 color shoe???  It was throwing us all off.... ;D

    lol yep, that sounds exactly like my wife!




    I dont think anyone out there can disagree with smazza there. I cant think of a better way to say it.

    unfortunately I have to agree with this as well. For those saying that the criticism is comming from people who haven't watched football long enough, well the problem is that we have actually been watching this offense too long. RS failed miserably at developing QBs and was rewarded with the OC position (biggest blunder in our program's history IMO) and he is failing miserably at running this offense. For the past 4 years I hope to see THE week that things will click, that my opinion of the offensive coaches will be proved wrong and I will see what Leavitt see's to justify keeping this staff around. Instead it is week after week, year after year of exactly what smazza described.

    Back to Shoops running comment, what the hell are we doing bringing back that awefull handoff/collision from the shotgun that NEVER EVER EVER worked for us? It's a joke, and as long as that is our approach I hope that MG will be the only one running the ball for us.

    Offensive Coordinators only get noticed when the team is losing.  Anyone who knows football understands that there is a need to run up the gut every series to keep a defense honest.  Trick plays don't make for a good OC.  The wins you get when you are bland on offense tells you more.

    Wrong, cordinators get noticed all the time when the teams are winning....generally they end up the next head coach somewhere. How many offers do you thing RS will be getting?

    Do people say the same thing about Pat White??  Don't run the ball Pat.  Gimme a break.  Its the same system people.........

    Your kidding right? Same system? that's a joke. Just because they are the same "intended" system does not mean they are in fact the same system. Comparing the systems you'll find one well coached spread system and one that at best can be called inept. Same system, yeah right.

    Man I'm so pissed watching this same ineptitude with no apparent fix anywhere in sight. All I can think of is Clint Eastwood's line in Heartbreak Ridge when he called the excersize a "clusterf--k" Our offense is just one big "clusterf--k"

  11. King James has built a moat around USF football, which is growing less lovable by the minute.

    This comment does concern me, whether we like it or not we need the media to cover the team so the people in the area can get interested. It's not like we are in a situation that the area is demanding to know about USF Football (yet) so if the media gets put off then it's only our program that will suffer.

    I agree with Wooly, I've never understood Leavitt's reasoning behind all this. He may not owe us any information (although I don't entirely agree with that) but it is certainly prudent to give as much of it as he can to keep people interested. Yeah, always winning is a great way too but is it realitic to expect that we will always be winning? IMO we need more substance than just a W/L record.

  12. guess nobody gives a **** about this game like you thought. So much for this big "rivalry" LMAO. Just like I figured, once the novelty wore off the game would just be another against a crappy team that nobody cares about. Practically a home game and people would still rather watch us play a 1AA team. Can't wait till this series is done with and we can fill the schedule with a real team.

    This is just big, big talk.  God, I hope USF wins with talk like this.  The novelty will have certainly not worn off if the Bulls lose.  It is entirely possible.

    If Montana State can beat Colorado anything is possible.  ;)

    not saying to take them lightly, however I still think that the interest in this game is out of novelty instead of any real rivalry. IMO they are not and wont be at the level of competition that excites most fans. If this becomes a rivalry then it only means that we are failing to acheive our goals. Anyway, my point was about fan interest not about our chance in winning or losing.

  13. Here's the problem(s):

    #1- like it or not ucf has played football longer and they are well aware of how to travel and purchase tix the proper way..THROUGH THE TIX OFFICE!

    #2- The game last year was in the hearts and minds of ucfers for 10 years, and in the average usf fan for at most a year.

    #3- When we get over to the Citrus bowl there will be plenty of USF fans: ticketmaster, scalping, friends from ucf, and the fact that many usf alumni live and work in Orlando we will be well represented. (ucf 35,000 and USF 12-15,000)

    15,000?  ;D

    Some USF fans didn't think your crowd last week was even close to 15,000 at home!


    To a road game for USF?


    Time to take your pills.


    guess nobody gives a **** about this game like you thought. So much for this big "rivalry" LMAO. Just like I figured, once the novelty wore off the game would just be another against a crappy team that nobody cares about. Practically a home game and people would still rather watch us play a 1AA team. Can't wait till this series is done with and we can fill the schedule with a real team.

  14. I think this season sets up perfectly for breaking in a new QB. Each week we take one more step up in the level of competition. 1AA to low tier non BCS 1A to upper tier non BCS to lower tier BCS all leading into the tougher competition. How much more perfect can it get for our situation?

    This will also allow the coaches to evaluate our QB situation at each step along the way so if Grothe isn't advancing quick enough changes can be made before we hit the next stage.

    As far as the rod smith threads, well if a 3rd qb ends up with the same fundamental problems as the last two he got a hold of then I think it will be warranted. Hopefully MG has enough natural ability to play well in spite of the coaching weakness.

  15. Wait a min...wasn't Jenn a normal fan at the game and was extremely lucky to get caught on camera?  It's not like she wanted the camera on her, she was being a normal student sitting in the student section cheering.  She did like a lot of girls would have done.  She took the opportunity and ran with it and made cash.  I don't know about posing for Playboy or whatever, but she saw the chance to run and get 15 min of fame and she did.

    I have no problem whatsoever with what she did. However, as you mentioned she took the opportunity to get some fame and some cash. However, to say that our cheeleaders are exactly the same aside from a covered belly is absurd and disrespectful. Again, I'm not condeming this Jen girl but I think it is night and day in both their actions and their intents.

  16. You compared one of our cheerleaders to an FSU fan...that should be enough to get you banned in itself.

    We definetly take the cake for the most dellusional fans. We would be lucky if we had the same fans as FSU. Are you telling me FSU wouldn't of sold out McNeese St.? Exactly. We should be trying to get the type of intense fans that FSU/UF/UM instead of dissing them. The fact that the majority of alum have no pride in any of the teams, football or basketball or whatever is sickening.

    You don't get that do you? We haven't done **** on the national stage, and until we do were going to be nothing but a BCS version of UCF.

    As for my comments on the Cheerleaders, how bout you go ask the students who run down to give them high fives and cheer, "Boobies! I love Boobies!"

    You all talk about how were all "Bull Brothers" then the second someone disagrees with you "Ban them! Ban the infidels" Grow up, i'm entitled to my opinion, so is anyone else. I'm sorry if I don't piss gold and **** green like you do, but i'm a realists and thats the real life.

    first off if you are any indication of our fan base than you are absolutely correct. Seems OUR fans only want to ***** at our various pep squads and call our cheeleaders bimbos.

    secondly, if our FANS our giving high fives and making boobie comments than that is the fans deal and has nothing to do with what the cheeleaders are doing. See my post above about us guys perception vs the cheeleaders intent.

    And lastly, I know exactly what we have done on the "national" stage and calling you out for being disresptfull to our cheeleaders and other pep squads has nothing at all to do with it. Now since your so **** taken with fsu why don't you take yourself up to tallehassee and you won't have to deal with our petty team and our dilutional fans.

  17. Julmiste has already proven he can not get it done. Grothe is better. More accurate, more touch, more elusive, more exciting. The players know it, I know it, and anyone who watched the game know it.    

    actually to be fair I'd say he is potentially more accurate, elusive and exciting. However, that potential is what we need to develop.

  18. I have no idea who she is, but all she did was defend herself from someone attacking the cheerleaders and what they do.  Your responses have shown your "ignorance" towards the topic.  But hey, I can agree with you that the wave is overused at critical times in a football game when we should be paying attention to the actual game.

    She agreed with ME!!!! Read her post, she says shes not one of the 99.99999% that don't know anything about football. Thats not reading between the lines, unless she goes ad edits it it's there for you too see.

    Shoop posts to stop the thread.

    You compared one of our cheerleaders to an FSU fan...that should be enough to get you banned in itself. As to your comments about Stirgus and cheerleaders being the same aside from a covered belly button, well that is just plain absurd. While it may be true that we guys will oogle over both similarly, the difference is that stirgus purposely uses her uhh.. assets...to get noteriety. Our cheeleaders are quite attractive that's for sure but I haven't noticed them out there trying to use that aspect of themselves to gain attention. So since you like recapping...Jen Stirgus wears next to nothing while pouring beer over herself and poses for playboy to get attention for HERSELF, cheerleaders use acrobatics and cheers to get attention for the TEAM. Aside from both being attractive females, where is the similarity? Or are you basically saying that any attractive woman in front of a crowd is just a stripper in one form or another?

  19. ... if Grothe is the qb of the future then let's get him in now and not waste a year of experience ...

    See also: Leaf, Ryan.

    I know, that was the NFL and this is college... but the comparison is fair.  Take a kid who may or may not be ready for I-A, BCS level competiton and throw him to the wolves.  Sure, he was GREAT in high school, and he looked good against I-AA McNeese state... but is he really ready for prime time??

    Could it be that the fans' demand for a change in the QB position is masking the reality that MG has played zero games against BCS-level competition, while PJ has played two seasons worth ??

    I LOVE the fact that MG will be our QB for three more years... but I want to make sure he plays when he's ready.  If we demand he be thrown into the deep end, and he suffers, it could be a blow to his confidence... which could affect the future of the team.

    Only time will tell.

    this will always be the case until he actually IS playing in a game. Unlike Leaf, Grothe actually has one year on this team working on the system and practicing with the players. I also think for every leaf example there is a leak example. I think you have to evaluate that on an individual basis and can't just say that playing early will screw a kid up. IMO we should put him in and if it is an issue we can always fall back on PJ, much better than just assuming it will be a problem and not do anything to improve a position that has been so obviously costing us games the past 4 years.

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