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Posts posted by BULLheaded

  1. Restated from greg's thread.....coaching is NOT ONLY ABOUT CALLING PLAYS!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, play calling has been suspect but our offense is a fricking disaster! They make bad decisions, make poor throws (3 going on 4 qb's now) drop practically everything that hits them on the numbers (how many recievers and how many years has this been a problem?) blocking many times completely breaks down and penalties penalties penalties. These kids are not getting developed properly and they are certainly not getting the preparation they need to execute during the games. Adding suspect play calling us only the straw that breaks the camel's back. Unless we fix the issue with coaching the play calling won't matter one way or another......well maybe we can get lucky and pull a WVU and hope that our running attack continues to improve so all we have to do is hand off every play every game and hide the problems.

  2. C'mon, Greg...

    It's becoming a tradition on The Bulls Pen.

    Right up there with...

    "Let's build an on campus stadium...."

    "We should storm the field..."

    "UCF is a joke..."

    " *** will destroy us..."

    and who could forget

    "**** SEC refs..."

    It is a kind of important, Unlike the other things you list the coaching is not just some silly desire or preference. Good coaching = good team, bad coaching = bad team. If we were Miami and could rely on bringing in the greatest talent in the country then things would be different but we aren't and don't so we have a bigger dependence on a coaches ability to get players to play better. We are now paying our coach 1 mill a year and have bumped up the $$'s for assistants, the BE payout was nearly 3mill (ie...we're making money and school is showing the willingness to spend it) so I would find it hard to believe that if Leavitt took the time to find a great staff of offensive coaches that money (at this stage) would be the deciding factor.

    But I guess if it makes people feel better then closing our eyes and pretending there is no problem is the best thing.

  3. Besides a few guys here and there though our offensive recruiting has not been great over the years. The last 2 years we were finally able to bring in some guys with promise, but they're YOUNG you have to give them time to pan out.

    If these were top recruits (I.E. Florida State) then we would have a big problem.

    The coaches are doing fine in developing our players, Andre Hall was MUCH better this year than 2004. He wasn't dancing as much behind the line and was picking his hole and running.

    Patience my friends.

    Same problems different players. Only common thread over the years is the coaching. May not be top tier recruits but good coaching should be able to get more then what we have seen out of them. As we progress the players aren't the only area of talent that should be upgraded, we need better talent on the field AND the sideline.

    Oh and as far as developing...only ONE position has progressed at all and that is the running back position. I seem to recall only one position coach that was upgraded....coincidence?

  4. Will people PLEASE go one freaking thread without jumping on SMITH. He called a good game at the MCC Bowl, believe it or not, we don't have the SKILL players to EXECUTE in the passing game.

    End of subject.

    sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that thinks coaching is more then simply telling players what play to run. There is this little thing called COACHing hence the name COACH which consists of actually teaching and develping players. Our players are ill prepared and a complete mess on the field and have been for years. The play calling isn't great imo but it is the level of actual coaching that makes me feel the entire offensive staff (except Franks) needs to go. I'll support the team no matter what but it would be nice to have something enjoyable to watch. As it is I'll just have to accept that the offense will continue to be a brutally painfull display and hope the D continues to improve.

  5. leavitt's new contract includes a generous bump in the salary pool for his assistants, so if he wanted to bring in a hire from outside, he has more money to work with to do that. if they make any coaching moves at all, it'll be after feb. 1. leavitt is very loyal to his assistants, so i wouldn't expect much if any turnover.


    I agree, IMO if we were going to hear anything we would have heard it already. Considering Leavitt's loyalty I don't see him "using" a coach he plans to fire in order to keep recruits. I think he'd be straight up with them and give them the best chance to find another job. Anyway, I'm already trying to brace myself to deal with another painful year of watching an offensive disaster.....hey, if you don't make changes you won't GET changes.

  6. Right. So like I said. So much for using the extra BOWL money to hire a new O.C.

    Man people on this board will 'argue' about anything.

    no argument, that was why I specified that you mentioned only the bowl revenue. HOWEVER, who ever said only the bowl revenue would be used to hire an OC? Point was football revenue was closer to 3mill so there should be plenty money left to raid for an OC

  7. Yeah I know what you mean about the orthpaedic frequent flyer card...I've been seeing one since I was 9: 3 arm breaks (2 right, 1 left...had surgery on the right one to straighten the bone- the way it was broken, it was actually bent in half), the 2nd surgery was for a dislocated, shattered elbow- needed pins and had to basically "regrow" an elbow...that was in gymnastics.  Third arm break was at my right wrist- was broken for 6 weeks and didn't even know it, continued to cheer on it.  3 ankle sprains of grade 2 and higher (2 kept me out for 6 months and required rehab), broken nose that needed reconstructive surgery, 2 sprained necks from falling on my neck/head tumbling, and a broken toe, and I have tendonitis in both wrists from years of overuse....and to think, all those injuries with the exception of 1 ankle sprain happened before I turned 18!!!

    GEESH! You don't happen to be related to a guy named Evel do you?

  8. Well Courtney sure never goves up does he?  I'm saying it now Hill is not the future at QB.  Hopefully Matt Or GG can provide us with a steadying prescence in the pocket because CH has NONE.

    I'll say it now...as long as Rod Smith has his hands on developing QB there will NEVER be a QB of the future. Maybe we can get lucky and find the future Mike Vick that can just run fast enough that nothing else matters.

  9. Not sure it's as much "change" as it is "loyalty".

    Unfortunately he will never get rid of anyone that was here early on and working out of trailers for minimal or no cash.

    Admirable quality personally but terrible mistake as a million dollar coach trying to break into the highest level of football. If he refuses to replace coches who were paid nothing working out of trailers then he will continue to get the quality of a coach that is what you get when paying nothing and working out of trailers. As long as we keep the same level of coaches why bother trying to recruit higher level players?

  10. E.T., sorry we couldn't meet up. Was a fun few days in Charlotte.

    I asked Leavitt about changes to his staff, and he's very loyal about his assistants. He pointed out that Rod Smith is the same coach who coached Marquel Blackwell, and nobody was complaining about QB play then. I'd be surprised if he makes a move, but Leavitt's a tough one to anticipate.


    this is the most depressing thing I've heard all weekend. If this is true then it's obvious Leavitt can't make the hard decisions necessary to run a top notch program. Blackwell has been gone three seasons now and we've had nothing but the same problems with every QB since then, not to mention MB played against far lesser competition. IMO there is nothing positive at all about smith and actually aside from Franks we ought to pull a Miami and can the entire bunch of offensive coaches. Oh well, if nothing is done this off season then I guess I'll have to start siding with smazza.

  11. I was differentiating between "season ticket holder" (account) and "season ticket" (15K seats sold).  Basically there's 3,500 names on the mailing list for season ticket holders with accounts holding from 1 to x number of seats.

    It may be that a corporate account holding 20-seats could spring for, say a block of 100 seats, just for the bowl...though  I doubt it.

    This is the sort of thing that folks are interested in. I know a certain amount of tix will be sold and not used , but still it's fun to guesstimate about how many butts will be in seats.

    Hopefully...for those who have never done it before...this will inspire them to make a few road trips next fall.

    yep, I understood that. I was basically saying though that while some hold a large block like you mention others may be a group of individuals pooling their funds to get better seats at higher donation levels. For example out of 5 ticket holders, maybe 3 are corporations each getting 20 seats however the other 2 may be groups of 4 pooling thier funds to get 8 tickets each. So in effect your actually looking at the 3 corporate holders, the 2 "official" individual holders and the 6 "unofficial" ticket holders which gives an unofficial total of 11 instead of the official total of 5. Doesn't really make much difference but just pointing out that the 3,500 number used could be understated when estimating how many "season ticket holders" would be interested in bowl tickets.

  12. I agree wooly, although I have a problem with the attitude at the Oracle. It is really bothersome that the school paper somehow has this disconnect with the rest of the university. Maybe it's a buisiness (seems kinda stretching it though) but it is part of the university and ALL aspects of the university should be working together and doing everything humanly possible to benefit each other. After all, the better the athletic program, or the better the paper, or classes or performing arts or whatever then the better the perception of the university as a whole...and guess what? That means the better respected that little sheet of paper you hang on your wall will be. For any part of the university to put themselves above the rest, well that does a dis-service to every USF student and alumn.

  13. and CEE, corporate america is mostly what funds our little program and all of the BCS and college football in itself.  So before we say screw you, maybe we should find some "thugs" to pay for the sport we all enjoy, since that is all you think our players relate too.

    It is also the entire point to college. IE...you here for one reason, to learn to work in the corporate world in some capacity or another. If that is so bothersome then quit school and go work construction.

  14. We only have 3,500 season ticket holder accounts (using +/- 15K seats).

    that number might actually be a bit understated. While it is true there is only 3,500 "official" season ticket holders, I'm sure quite a few of those 15,000 season tickets are held by groups all pitching in with only 1 name on the official books. The "unofficial" number of ticket holders may be quite a bit higher.

  15. Besides, if the Oracle really cared, they could print up whatever advertisements they want on their own.

    I don't read the Oracle but if the students who do read it don't even know when the games are then what the heck kind job is the oracle doing? I can go to any city paper and I don't need to find paid advertisements to find out about the local teams. I mean really why should the SCHOOL athletics have to pay to advertise in the SCHOOL paper? I can see advertising for various events they are charging for like the bowl packages but how can the oracle not be spreading the news around to the students.....isn't that what a school paper is suppose to be doing in the first place? Sorry I just don't get that at all.

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