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Everything posted by Bullshiznitz

  1. Denson is more likely a solution for next year than Grothe IMO. Denson has a full year to sit, learn and watch and as stated before, was as good if not better than Grothe back in high school. Either way, it will be good to know that PJ will have some serious competition next year with Denson, Grothe and possibly Hill in camp.
  2. I wont disagree with that, but Gaithright really doesnt fit in the Rays future plans. Not with Crawford, Baldelli (as long as he comes back fine) and Young is the Rays outfield of the future. Sosa would be a nice fill in until Young arrives.
  3. Not only does Bonds have 7, but he's been robbed twice (Pendelton and Kent). He would be tied with Gretzky if he hadnt pissed off so many sportswriters.  Give him an asterisk all you want, he doesnt care, nor will fans 15 years from now.
  4. According to fox sports they are: http://msn.foxsports.com/story/3147942 If all they give up is Gaithright, it'll be a good trade for the Rays. Im not really a Sosa fan at all, but he would bring some interest to the Trop as well as that power bat the Rays need in their lineup.  I am somewhat concerned that this same article mentions the Rays are shopping Huff. There is absolutely no reason for the Rays to trade Huff. He is their most well-rounded offensive weapon, is young, and signed for a few more years at a reasonable price.  I said it last offseason when a similar rumor was around, but if the Rays trade Huff, I will never attend another game at the Trop.
  5. Just another reason on a long list as to why to hate the NBA > The most unfan-friendly boring professional sport there is.
  6. 1. Who is Barry Bonds? Asked by a good friend of mine. She obviously doesnt watch the news very closely, because appreciate him or hate him, how can not freakin know who Bonds is. 2. Blue/Green 3. Yes, just as any big name coach in the Southeast hurts our recruiting in some way. 4. Dr. Pepper, then Pepsi. Coke Sucks! 5. Live in St. Pete, going to Palm Harbor for breakfast, then north Tampa for Dinner.
  7. Second now only to the "Great One" himself in MVP's.  Gretzky's got 9, Bonds at 7 and counting. No one else in history has one more than 3 in MLB.  In the last 15 years, Bonds has 7 MVP's, everybody else in the NL..8 MVP's.  He could even it out next year.  Bonds is the Greatest Ever And as the saying goes....if you aint cheatin, you aint  trying  ;D
  8. Where theres smoke, theres fire......and there is a whole shiznitz load of smoke coming out of Buckeye country.  I see a "U" like probation period coming to OSU.
  9. That may be true, but for some reason almost all rumors only mention a handfull of teams: Texas, UF, USC and USF. The odd thing with USF continually being mentioned is that at no point has there been rumors of CJL leaving or being bought out.
  10. To beat a dead horse.....give up the freakin 6 home game requirement already. Sign a home game with FAMU or FAU or FIU or whoever and then go after a big away game for next year. Theres a lot of BCS teams in need of another home game next year (NC ST, Virginia, Nebraska, K State, etc...). Get next year done, and then start worrying about setting up some 1 and 1's for future schedules.
  11. The thing that makes no sense when they talk about Utah playing a weaker schedule, they have no choice. You know Sec #1 has to play tougher teams week in and week out, yada yada yada. Well guess what, Utah cant play BCS teams every week. Im sure they would jump at the oppurtunity to join the PAC10 or the Big10 and play those caliber teams, but they havent been offered. They can only play the hand they were delt. And they have played that hand better than almost every team in the country.
  12. From looking at some future schedules, it appears Marshall needs a one and one for 05 and 06. The have two away already booked for 06, so they will be looking for a home game then, so I would image they might be willing to travel on 05. On a side note, in 2006, Texas Tech opens up with FIU, Sam Houston St. and Indiana St. How can their fans stomach that opening schedule at home?
  13. Could be an even more interesting offseason if Sosa and Randy get traded, which is what ESPN is alluding to. Although both would also fall in that overpaid past-his-prime category.
  14. A long and interesting list of names. Should be interesting with the Yanks attempting to bid for everyone this offseason. I hope that Lamar keeps his head out of his rear end and makes some useful signings that make us DRAY fans forget the awful "Hit Show" years. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=1911763
  15. Dungy built the Bucs? I always have to laugh at this one. Gruden is always slighted for "winning with Dungy's team". One, Dungy couldnt win with "Dungys team". Gruden did. And two, it wasnt really Dungy's team. For starters, Lynch, Sapp and Brooks were all drafted under Sam Wyche, not Dungy. Not to mention that Gruden added McCardell, Joe J, Dilger and Pittman to the offense in '02. It was hardly "Dungys Team".
  16. Evil Empire I verse Evil Empire II. Can the rest of us baseball fans just veto this series as it proves nothing more than whats wrong with baseball. Go Cards!
  17. Ah, I get it now. "Guest" is kannigit fan. Its all clearer now. The rankings are for football recruiting beastie.
  18. ****, take a deep breath there and calm down. I wasnt crowing about this at all and nor do I think that the rankings are all that meaningful. Just as WB said, with this being an off week thought the rankings were something interesting.
  19. Dont know if this has been posted before, but Rivals finally has its team rankings up for 2005 and USF is currently #35 with 4 total commitments (all 3 star recruits).  Currently ahead of FSU who is at #41  ;D.  http://rivals100.rivals.com/teamrank.asp?SID=880&Sport=1
  20. Be aware, hell might be about to freeze over. Both Army and East Carolina won today.  If UCF wins tonight, Im hunkering down and praying.  ;D
  21. Yeah, thats real credible. Another player accused in the Balco scandal trying to pin the responsibility on another player accused in the Balco scandal. What if it was Bonds accusing Sheffield, you would still find a way to pin it on Bonds.
  22. It is baby steps, but its finally progress. Something new to DRays fans. This offseason is huge for the Rays in that they better spend some money or lose even more fans. They've been telling us to wait for the kids, wait for the kids. Well the kids are finally here so spend so money to build around the kids and make this team competitive.  The Rays currently have a team salary of $30 million with about $7 million coming from the Cardinals for Tino.  If they would just up that to about $45, they could build a contender. And that amount isnt out of range for Namoli. The now infamous "Hit Show" team had a team salary of $60 million. There will be a lot of big name free agents this offseason (Mike Lowell, A. Beltre, Pedro, D. Lowe, M. Ordonez, Delgado, etc...) so the Rays could make a steal on some of the midlevel names and pitchers.  Pitchers would be the obvious need and with Pedro, Lowe, Millwood, Milton, Odalis Perez, Benson, Radke, Matt Morris, Woody Williams, Russ Ortiz and Matt Clement  all free agents, the Rays should attempt to grab atleast one.  I think Kazmir, Brazelton and Waechter will all make up a good staff, but having a legit number 1 will allow the kids to continue to develop without heaping all the pressure on them.  I personally would love to see the Rays go after either Milton or Perez (although from what I hear, Radke could be a definite possibility). I just hope it doesnt end up being rejects like an Aaron Sele or the recently signed Todd Ritchie.
  23. OSU is currently the most overrated team in the nation. Same as last year. Glad to see their luck finally run out.
  24. The background is reversed, thats why it looks like a W. I believe that is actually Nicholls State, with the N reversed.
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