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The Sheriff

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Everything posted by The Sheriff

  1. I'll have a place down from ASU in Tempe most likely... You can crash in our penthouse for free... we'll provide the female entertainment prior to the game. Why pay for a hotel if you don't have too! The Sheriff
  2. Phoenix for a USF tailgate the day of the USF-Pitt? I'm going to try to get together with Eric Soncrat to see if we can get a Phoenix alumni chapter started... Go Bulls!
  3. but you can't be serious. That guy thinks we're all a bunch of jackasses on this message board and we don't have a clue how to market anything. I've talked to him before and he just doesn't care what students or die hards think. He cares what our checkbooks think... but our opinions are pushed aside because we decided any joe schmoe could get a marketing degree. I really do feel not getting Hollis is a huge mistake! Our biggest shortfall at USF is marketing... basketball attendance is down (blame Seth if you must) even with a new coach... football attendance has hovered in the same area for three years basically... winning or not winning. Hollis would at least be able to assist Veit in working the shortfalls of marketing out. Veit is a cancer to USF marketing. You give me the same staff he has and their experience and the budget we have, I would run circles around his efforts! Just my opinion! Terry
  4. Eight catches and some change... D-Rube plays but only has one incomplete pass thrown his way... come on DeAndrew, you got half a season to show them the talent you have! Scott is his normal consistent self... what else would be expected. Always has good numbers but never gets any recognition... hopefully he'll eventually get to play on Sundays! The Sheriff
  5. none. Maybe Sarosi and Herron late... our line doesn't get any respect though to slip into the late rounds. What you'll see is people like Elgin Hicks who will make more of an impact as a free agent... I believe that is going to be the case of Derrick Sarosi and Alex Herron. It sucks... they've played with Kenyatta Jones and see what it takes to get to the next level... In practice, when KJ wanted to, he just dominated... I remember sometimes he would get pissed and just *****-slap our d-tackles that came his way showing what a dominant force he was. It was quite an impressive site as well as entertaining. If Derrick and Alex get to that point, I will reverse my comments and say they will get drafted. There is a difference from being a very good lineman, and a dominating lineman... I hope Derrick and Alex take it that next step (they're **** well big enough now!)
  6. Eric... you bring the dogs, I'll bring the beers and broomsticks! Count me in and at least two others. If they don't show, I'll eat their dogs so you don't have to waste any food. Sorry, this wasn't sent officially... but if you're reading this, you can count me in! The Sheriff
  7. What the hell... my parents can't make my graduation, so I figured I'd do a little tailgating to mark the occassion with my BULLS family. Come one, come all, to the Sun Dome parking lot for a little early afternoon brew. Look for the crazy guy with green hair, oversized gold glasses and a silly looking graduation cap. Beers are on me... I don't recommend sticking around for the actual graduation... too long and boring... hell, I'm hoping I sit on the end of the aisle because once I break the seal... I'm screwed! Here's hoping I only need to go twice! Anyways, thanks everyone that has made the last five years great and crazy... even you Chip! Wouldn't change a thing... well... I would've put weed killer on Benny Hill Griffith's Stadium grass in Gainesville with the letters USF before a nationally televised Gaytor game. Would've made my USF experience that much more complete! The Sheriff
  8. How can we drink legally if there are no open containers? We'll just have to drink on the trip to Orlando! ;D I remember going to a game two years ago and getting absolutley wasted! Looking forward to one of those moments again! Matt and Reaper... let's get our drink on! Anyone else going that is in the mood to do some mad heckling? I've already taken the night off and will be leaving from school approximately at 3:15 PM! I have room for one more with plenty of televisions to watch for the ride to Mickey Mouseville... split gas and beer... must not be afraid to be obnoxious! The Sheriff
  9. I ran into Leigh Ann Ellis yesterday for the 1st time (talk about timing)... and bullieve it or not, that girl's photos on the net do her NO (absolutely ZERO) justice. Not only is she tall (it's a plus if you want to have superstar athletes one day!), but her presence carried a certain sexiness that makes her standout. She reminded me of the Arizona pitcher who now throws for Team USA (Jenny Finch I think her name was). They need to get a new team photographer...
  10. I've never been a big Parcells fan... I've always been a die hard Cowboys fan though. Each year the Cowboys take an unknown or an undersized player, and three years down the road, that player is playing above his draft position. See Texas A&M's Dat Nyguen for instance. I trust Jones... he is a shrewd business man. If he doesn't like what is going on, he won't hesitate to make a change. I thought Landry was an icon... but at the same time, Landry was about as productive in the 80's as the Bills were in Super Bowls. Here comes Jones, Landry goes, Johnson comes in, and after two years of disparity, we make a great run. At the same time, JJ leaves, Switzer comes in, and boom, like Gruden, Switzer nabs a Super Bowl ring. Jones has three Super Bowl victories in his tenure with Dallas... how many other owners can claim two? God Bless Jerry Jones and my Dallas Cowboys!
  11. What's disappointing is that some of us really do care about how softball does... I've spent the whole season score and stat watching (wondering still why Stanford is ranked so far above us after we dismantled them in Arizona), waiting to see each week which one of our girls gets the CUSA player of the week. I finally make a game and it leaves a great distaste in my mouth. Watson's friends may be on here defending her... that's what friends are for... but I don't see any logic in telling your own fan he's out of line if his language is in check and he's heckling for good reason. Anyone who didn't see Houston's players get rattled were obviously not paying much attention to the game. When coach asked security for me not to use the names of the Coogs players for fear of round 2 from the UAB game, I obliged and called them by their numbers. It just got kinda of old watching the coach worry about one fan trying to will his team to victory talking to security between innings rather than giving the umpires hell for missed calls that obviously had an effect on the game. I guess that is my rant for the day. Do I want our team to end up in the CWS? Yes! Am I pissed about Watson's comment... yes, but at the same time, she's a Bull and I feel we're on the same page even though the last two days I've been pissed. I'll grow up and apologize for singling her out on here if and when we run into each other. I'm sure she wants to win as much as I want our girls to dominate. I always knew being competitive was my biggest attrribute as well as my biggest flaw. Sometimes it gets me into immature confrontations like this. Sorry Sarah... if there is a next time for me at a softball game, I'll say it in person. I will still go after the opposing team though. Next year when I'm living in Arizona, when we travel to play in another Wildcat invitational, bring your earplugs... I'll be live and direct all over them Wildcat players! The Sheriff
  12. It's people like you Phantom and your other alias BGBull44 that make our following so pathetic. Stop crying about being the little kid picked on in grade school. Grow up and have some balls. If the girls thought I was so horrible, they can tell me in person... I'm visible enough to be seen on campus. You little guest posters or posters that re-register under a different user name to protect your identity are pathetic. I will not beat you up... I could care less if I met you. You are what is wrong with USF athletics. You are the guy wearing the other Florida's schools gear when you are away from USF, afraid to stand up to others that question your love for the Bulls! Have some balls. Maybe you didn't like what I said out there... but that is the difference between being competitive and sticking your head between your legs. Blame your mom and dad for your troubles... don't hate someone else's spirit!
  13. I'll take a student-athlete poll on whether or not I am a pain in the ass... I don't think it would be as lopsided as you think... but hey... am I really worried either? Last I checked, I had a pulse and red blood... I guess that takes away the whole fake impression. Why would I not have info on some people that are drinking buddies? To be a buddy, there must be two way communication. DeAndrew Rubin must say yes, I would like to go out with ya. Or Hugh Smith would not call. Or Ronnie Banks wouldn't want to relax on the beach on the weekend. Why hate. I don't claim to play football currently for USF anymore, but I was good enough to play at one point in the history of USF. Just because someone seized the opportunity, don't be jealous. I don't cry about Bill Gates being filthy rich because he was in the right place at the right time. Maybe you shouldn't either. If the women in general had said shut up, I would have left then. No, it was one player and one coach that were whining. That is not a majority unless she had said the team requests you stop heckling. I think you should stop posting... wait that is one person, not the whole board. If you doubt my credibility... fine. I'm a pretty straight forward guy and will leave it at that. I post what I feel, that is what a message board is about. I post with my identy known... what do I have to hide. When MikeG posts his off the mark rebuttal on this topic, I acknowledge I totally think he is out in left field, but he has the balls to take a stand and say it is from himself. I will try not to lose too much sleep worrying about your wellfare bgbull44. Anyways, I got there at 6-0 and was trying to spark some life in the team. It worked for two innings, but some bad calls and someone not coming through in the clutch did us in. Not the heckling. Oh well...
  14. At that point in the 6th, we were down 6-1... and I had toned down a ton from when I got there in the 3rd and was letting the Coogs have it. We don't average seven runs a game for nothing... that game was do able until we got screwed on the force out at first were the girl dropped the ball yet the umps stuck it to us. Instead of bases loaded, we have one out and runners at 2nd and 3rd. It's hard to imagine our girls being out of a game, down by five with two innings to play with the bats we have. If the team really felt like that, it will not bother my conscious to miss games then when I can make it to Tampa. I don't cheer for quitters, and if a majority felt they were out of the game, tell me the minority so I can focus my attention on them as they represent what a full game is about! What people fail to forget is this is a Division IA sport... one notch below the best of the best level in every sport (Olympic softball being the best). If heckling is a problem for these girls, maybe they should resign to the library where they can have a little more quiet time. My apologies to missing LeAnne's game on Sunday. I would have loved to go crazy for her.
  15. It sounds stupid... but as soon as I read about Hollis, I wondered if there was a chance I could pull a job working with Hollis to increase the attendance of fans. I would love to goto work everyday promoting USF... at the same time, I don't want to have to do promotions at the game. I want to enjoy the game as a dedicated fan. The hard work is getting them into the seats, let someone else worry about what to do while they're at the game for entertainment! I hope Hollis gets the job. www.HireHollis.com
  16. Reminds me of FSU and Lavernious Coles. When Monday night football did the Redskins game this year, Coles named his high school as his alma mata, not FSU... Can't wait to hear what Clarett says when he plays in the League. The kid is **** good. You can watch the National Championship alone and see his playmaking ability alone one that game for OSU. Does anyone remember the strip in that game he had. Might be one of the best heads up play by an offensive player in a game that I've seen in my lifetime on that prime time stage. Clarett all but made people forget about Lydell Ross when he got to OSU... Ross was a great back coming out of Tampa.
  17. How about they might fall 5 1/2 behind the O's... my O's were meant for the top! I'm going to Baltimore after I graduate for five days... anybody want any O's memorabilia for when I come back... I'm trying to catch the whole White Sox series!
  18. I see I'm not the only one who has a distaste for Shaud... I wanted to jump out of the stands at that moment and beat his ass... I guess it's just better to see him left out of the draft while JR gets in.
  19. I have a new hero to pull for on the softball field next season. Let's go Kim Riker!! I know you can come through for us! Let USF fans enjoy their heckling... beat out Sarah Watson!
  20. Trade AI to Phoenix so I can get season tickets to see him shine!
  21. Shaud Williams can flash his Bulls sign all season long now while he wacthes the NFL on Sundays with the rest of us! Karma is great!
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