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Gat-Rat Bull

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Posts posted by Gat-Rat Bull

  1. 39 minutes ago, 350_BULL said:

    Yes you are correct to our dear bulls fans community. But even now looking back I would have to question our success. What really is success? I was there when soft White was picked six by Ben Moffitt in a packed Ray Jay, there when Maikon Bonani kicked a game winner vs Kansas, and there when Daniels started vs FSwho to upset those cocky holes. At that time I would've passionately said that this program is top notch world beater that can take anyone any place and looking back at it it's all fan green and gold goggles.

    The truth is we have no hardware to truly cement our "success" in the history books, yes some small bowl wins and a runner up at the brut sunbowl award (I mention this one bc it still hurts me much to this day as this was one of our biggest failures in the national stage as two former No. 2 teams going head to head only for us to get demolished). But really we never really put that big time bow at the end of a season to claim our success to cash in. We just haven't. I'll say this once as it pains me, the boys from the east did and they did it just about every big stage chance they had in the spot light. Gross.

    And MBB basketball, let's not go there, other than Stan Heath's breath smelling march madness, it has been a while since there has been continued success. WBB is the sport I will say that the proof is in the pudding, I hope we never lose Jose Fernandez he is a great coach. But sad to say that WBB is not going to be enough to carry us to the ACC/B12.

    It's natural to have mixed feelings about the past and the performance of our beloved Bulls. 🤘

    • Go Bulls! 1
  2. This film was recently shot in Tampa. It has a huge connection to USF. It was written and directed by a USF grad (and friend of mine). One of the main producers is also a USF alum.

    I went to the Tampa public screening a couple of months ago. They talked about the lack of incentives to film in Florida but wanted to shoot in Tampa regardless.

    It's a funny movie. Lots of familiar Tampa area locations. Hopefully, it'll get picked up for streaming somewhere later this year.


    The Throwback, a film starring Will Sasso, filmed all over the Tampa area...


    • Upvote 1
  3. The full interview is definitely worth a watch. Coach seems to very much understand the current college football environment.

    He said we need money, facilities, NIL, and players to win. And he's not just looking to win, he's looking to compete as an elite program at the national level. He also said the offense will be fast and that they have a lot of new players on the roster.

    One thing that caught my ear is that he said we are going to need better players for "where we are going." (Maybe this post should be in the realignment rumors thread?) 😉🤘

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Peatearpan said:

    I am somewhat fascinated by AI writing.. I am more concerned with the deepfake/video technology as well as the new emerging AI generated voice audio.

    It might be cool if someone made a deepfake season of USF football games (that we could watch online) where we go undefeated in the Atlantic Coast Conference, go to the playoffs, and win a national championship. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, MaltLiquorBull said:

    That is frightening.  Sounds like something data from Star Trek would say.  Kind of relieved that I am older now.  I will simply be terminated while you youngsters will be plugged into the matrix.

    What's even more frightening is that it only took the AI about 8 seconds to produce that whole thing. Crazy! 

    I told ChatGPT "I'm a USF fan. Go Bulls!"

    It has a very nice response... 😂🤘 "Supporting your favorite college team, like the USF Bulls, is a fantastic way to show your school spirit and enjoy the excitement of collegiate athletics. Best of luck to the USF Bulls in all their future games! Go Bulls!"

  6. I asked ChatGPT: "What if your college football team has lost nearly every game for the past 4 years but had success in previous seasons?"

    Here is what the AI came back with...

    "If your college football team has experienced a prolonged period of losing games after enjoying previous success, it can be a challenging situation for fans.

    Here are a few suggestions for managing your mindset in such circumstances:

    1. Acknowledge the current reality: It's important to accept the current state of your team's performance. Recognize that every team goes through ups and downs, and your team is currently facing a challenging period. Avoid dwelling on past successes or comparing the current situation to previous seasons, as this may create unrealistic expectations and lead to frustration.

    2. Focus on the positives: Look for positive aspects and small victories within the team's performance. This could include individual player development, strong defensive performances, or signs of improvement in specific areas of the game. Celebrating these small successes can help maintain enthusiasm and optimism amidst the overall struggles.

    3. Appreciate the journey: Instead of fixating solely on the win-loss record, try to find joy in the process of being a fan. Embrace the camaraderie, traditions, and the overall experience of supporting your team. Enjoy the excitement of game days, the opportunity to connect with fellow fans, and the memories created through shared experiences.

    4. Support the team unconditionally: Show your unwavering support for the team, even during difficult times. Let the players, coaches, and staff know that you're behind them, offering encouragement and understanding. True loyalty is tested in challenging times, and your support can make a difference in the team's morale and motivation.

    5. Look for signs of progress and change: Keep an eye out for any signs of improvement within the team, both on and off the field. This could include coaching adjustments, recruiting efforts, or the implementation of new strategies. Optimism can arise from recognizing that the necessary steps are being taken to turn things around, even if it takes time.

    6. Maintain realistic expectations: While it's natural to desire a return to previous success, it's essential to set realistic expectations for the team's current situation. Understand that rebuilding and turning around a struggling team may take time and patience. Avoid placing excessive pressure on the players or coaching staff, as this can hinder progress.

    7. Find enjoyment beyond the wins: Look for additional aspects of college football that bring you joy beyond your team's immediate success. Appreciate the athleticism, rivalries, and the overall spectacle of the game itself. Broadening your perspective can help you maintain enthusiasm for the sport, even during a difficult stretch for your team.

    Remember, being a fan means supporting your team through thick and thin. While it can be challenging to endure a prolonged period of losses, maintaining a positive mindset, appreciating the journey, and supporting your team unconditionally can help you navigate through these challenging times." - [Source: ChatGPT]


    I Couldn't have said it better myself... Literally. I could have never come up with all of that. I wonder how many sports articles online are actually written by AI now? 🤔

    • Crying 1
  7. I'm a Brito fan. She brings tons of flare and hustle while also scoring, rebounding, and passing great. It's entertaining and, more importantly, helps inspire the rest of the team play harder. Don't forget how young she was last season.

    I for one can't wait to see some more USF women's hoops next season. I trust in Jose and staff that the newcomers will only help keep the Bulls train rolling full stream. 🤘

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