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Everything posted by JoshuaG

  1. It looks like it's rough, I was going to make it to this game but my nephews birthday ran late. Now going to watch from home. I think we could do for some consistency, and that comes with coaching. Can we not quit so quickly? I'm going to try and come with some enthusiasm next game, we need to fill the stands. i just want some positives, I know it looks bleak :/ Like those two possessions, that was sloppy
  2. Does anyone happen to know how one would go about using USF logos and pictures on a fan page? I am not quite sure what would be required as far as those permissions but I'd consider starting a fan FB page to start with and expand from there. I know we have official pages but they are kind of, lack luster...
  3. Increasing our hype around campus is a necessity and we have to get it going. Winning will bring fans and eventually recruits, but if we can fill the stadium and stands most nights just to show the love and some support that might help us bring in interest off of sheer environment. Oh, and playing for a loud, supportive base might just get our players fire's burning. What player doesn't love making a play that can erupt the crowd. I know its just as demoralizing as a visitor Just some thoughts. Go Bulls! #thestampede
  4. With Holston out for the season, especially with an ACL tear, one can only hope he will be ready come the start of next year. He may be very tentative on that knee for quite some time. everything from driving, step backs, crashing for rebounds, to playing physical defense may change about him. I have the highest of hopes for him, but an ACL is tough, ask D-Rose. From a building perspective I think playing some of those younger guys (Santos and Guerrero) some more minutes would be beneficial to our long term goals. The problem right now is that conflicts with winning now which everyone here wants to see. Playing Perry and Cousins is our biggest lineup and right now our most effective. Yes I know "most effective" is going to get torn up by hecklers and upset fans, I understand the frustration. Peters turns the ball over an abundance but he was hardly the ball handling PG we needed when he was recruited. We don't have one. We may have one next year (Feliz) but not now. Morillo, as I've said in the past, likes to shoot the ball...thats about it. McMurray is trying to score and create offense but he isn't poised enough for the kind of load he is trying to carry and instead settles for bad shots too often. I can hardly blame him sometimes because there has to be movement off the ball to give him an outlet pass if things go wrong and I seldom see that happen. I have faith in next year but knowing that Holston, Andres, Baxter, Geno, Da Silva, and Fitts, will all be basically new additions to this years team, my only conclusion can be that we will have to get on board with a longer rebuild than most people are prepared for.
  5. He is also playing minus two of his new recruits with Luis Santos has only been back for about two games. No one could have seen Holston going down how he did and that really hurt the offense we thought we would have with McMurray, Peters, and Holston. I wish I could say "man, not having a true PG is killing us" but while its true there wasn't a true PG to go out and get for COA. He went and got Andrez Feliz to play point, who he is acquainted with via his work with the Dominican team. Cousins mental fortitude isn't his most outstanding quality, but he is better than he was. Next year, we lose Morillo, Nunez, and Cousins. On the squad we get (or get back) Holston, Da Silva, Geno Thorpe, Feliz, Fitts, Baxter. I hold no expectations of Thorpe or Fitts but I have high hopes for Holston, Feliz, and Baxter. That is a lot of new blood to hit the court and hopefully we can find a shooting stroke somewhere in the group.
  6. Seeing Jaleel shake hands with everyone...he is massive in comparison. 65-62 Bulls VICTORY!
  7. Defense is still slow to react, we have gotten bailed out by bad offense by SST.
  8. Cousins with ANOTHER double double, gets to the line again. 62-57 USF
  9. Cousins making plays again. Defensive rebound, then an offensive board and spins to draw the foul. If he hasn't been sparring with boogie then I don't know what to say.
  10. 59-55 USF 3 from Sav. slow on the closeout and the drive collapsed the defense.
  11. Cousins played very lazy last year. That was a problem. Now, ten pounds lighter than last year, he has some more energy and endurance allowing him to make some plays. Glad to see Santos touch the court, can't wait for him to find his groove. I remain hopeful. Especially for next year.
  12. PERRY WITH AN ADVENTITIOUS SLAM! Followed by a Takeaway and now we are at the line, 63-61 USF We missed the second free throw
  13. Slow on the ball rotations, so Nunez has to take the contested three. 61-60 Albany. We are "slowing it down" and we seem to not be able to create shots like that. Swing the ball quicker guys.
  14. Peters giving us our first lead in quite some time.
  15. 57-56 Albany Jaleel Cousins again, getting us a posession
  16. Go Bulls! We have a little heat going, Jaleel is really present tonight. Peters finding Nunez in the corner for the three. If we can swing the ball, we just need to hit the open shots. Keep pushing Bulls!
  17. At a time we desperately need to find some offense Nunez is finally making an appearance. Cousins showing out tonight. Morillo can't buy a bucket. I like us attacking the rim because our perimeter game is lacking.
  18. Why don't we shoot more mid-range jumpers. We have been terrible beyond the arc. Perry needs to keep his head in the game. 23-20 Albany up
  19. He is playing well right now yes. We shall see how his motor keeps turning. Decent passing, but we need to move the ball quicker. We hesitate too much on the pass.
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